
安徽导游词 2023-03-05 网络整理 晴天




  Hefei sea world is located in the bustling road of hefei economic and technological development zone, anhui province is the first large Marine park. Hefei han polar ocean world co., LTD, is a sea sea world by han group and hefei economic and technological development zone and the sea by group cooperation is a large Marine biological engineering, covering a total area of 32 acres.

  The first phase of construction has aquarium, domestication and sea lions performance, HongShiHuan penguin pavilion and a whale domestication and pool. Completed the first phase - sea world, hefei sea world plans to continue to invest a lot of money to prepare construction phase ii project - the dolphin performance hall, construction is scheduled to begin in the past two years; And then will build three phase - the polar museum.

  The construction of hefei han polar ocean world fills the blank of related areas within the territory of China and the modern tourism industry in anhui province, the collection of Marine popular science education, Marine biology research, domestication and exhibition, entertainment as one. In order to improve the environmental protection consciousness of tourists at the same time, take the multiple species and habitat of nature of press close to the display, for the domestic aquarium initiative.

  Hefei han polar ocean world in water as the main line, to show you a different waters between different species

  Wonderful, show the wonderful life and harmonious way of life. Your journey will be over streams, lakes, forests and rivers until the vast ocean, close to all kinds of representative animals and their habitats, so as to realize the harmony of life nature.

  Hefei han polar ocean world has domestic leading to large whales demonstration here you directly through the glass to watch the whales swimming in the water of grace. Staff will every day in the water with whales communicate and play regularly, and for better research and observation. If lucky, you will be invited to participate in activities, close contact with these amazing sea creatures.

  Hefei han polar ocean world introduced from Japan, penguins, whales Argentina capybara, amazon lizards (Brazil), sharks, penguins, snapping turtle and rare birds macaw, etc. Aquarium will accommodate hundreds of species, more than 6000 Marine fish, including sharks. And call it "town hall" the treasure is a false killer whale from the Pacific and a whale, "worth" in 1 million yuan of above.


  Enter a gate, they saw many fish in a big fish tank swimming happily, as if to welcome us. Then we again on the second floor, there are many fish tank, just on the second floor there is a Chinese sturgeon fish tank, saw a I also found a sea turtle! Then, we went to see seals, at the end of the destination, we took a few photos again go to feed the seals, my mother bought two sets of feed the fish to find the administrator of the device (including a bamboo pole, front tied a big clip, clip clip on a fish), I put the device in the seal on the glass enclosure on the side of pool, a seal immediately jumped up and to eat; For the second time the food to the fence, a seal jumped up and want to go to eat food, I put the pole flops, it didn't eat, then another seal jumped up and ate the fish's "the Wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel!" Then, I have my face on the shark tank and sharks to an intimate contact, frighten my heart pounding. Finally I went to see the lovely sand eels, want me to say this sand eels like long bean sprouts in the sea, the body color white like bean sprouts, like bean sprouts finely short, as long as it a danger immediately into the hide in the sand.

  Saury aquarium fish is like a knife, like a ribbon eel, and like the fox, fox fish... Is various, colourful, opened my eyes, have chance to try again next time.


  One came to the aquarium, tall building gave me a sense of mystery, we can't wait to go in. Into the aquarium, I saw a big glass tank, water tank in the colorful rare fish seemed to welcome us to visit.

  We walked along the tour route, visited many sea animals along the way: the terrible sharks, simple and honest as turtles, portrait paper soft electric ray, and I have never seen a hermit crab... Very good.

  One of the most interesting thing in Marine gym is feeding the seal. I bought a copy of the seals are like to eat fish, clip on a stick, hanging in the seal above the pool. A group of seals found there is food, have to swim.

  A greedy little seals and empty, want to eat fish, I hastened to handle a lift, it closed on empty air. It not voluntarily and at several times, all failed, it shouted "sigh". Satisfiedly smiled, didn't I think of it while I do not pay attention to, jumped suddenly, I caught off-guard, the fish was got by it. It licks contentedly mouth and swam away. Looked at seals that lovely and funny, we couldn't help laughing.

  In addition, we also visited the coral fish, whale pavilion pavilion, penguins naval architect theatre and many other things, I also bought some souvenirs!

  How time flies, one afternoon passed quickly. Visit the aquarium has taught me a lot of knowledge, understand a lot of fish, really benefited a lot!


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