
安全演讲稿 2024-05-13 网络整理 晴天



关于安全的英文演讲 篇【1】

  teenagers are in the growth period both physically and mentally.

  they are aspecial group, having a perception of security from scratch, from less to more, fromthe superficial to the profound process.

  currently, some deaths and injuries appeared successively due to the ideological,psychological and behavioral bias of students.

  according to statistics, in chinasprimary and secondary schools, nearly 50 students die every day because of accidents,food poisoning, drowning, suicide, etc.. there are more than 20 kinds of securityrisks in schools related to teenagers’ study and daily life . t

  hese universaltragedies make people sigh with regret, stuck with fears and take a toll on our concernon safety.

关于安全的英文演讲 篇【2】

  Change want me to be safe to I want to be safe

  I have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the United States to conduct on-the-spot guidance. The representative of the United States has stood strong when he entered job location. He said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, I wear a helmet for my own safety.” After reading this story, I could not help applauding for his safety awareness.

  I want to be safe, so I will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault.

  I want to be safe, so I will always remind my partners achieving three-no harm in the operations, because whoever comes out of the accident, we do have a kind of pain from his injury.

  I want to be safe, so I work hard to strengthen my work skills, as it is the only way I will know what kind of work practice hiding security problems, I will learn to prepare and avoid accidents.

  Of course, we emphasize and promote I want to be safedoes not negate“want me to be safe, but should pay attention to coordination and unity of both. If we only pay attention to I want to be safe, and fail to pay attention to want me to be safe , it is wrong, and the basis of production safety will not be solid, too.

关于安全的英文演讲 篇【3】

  First of all, let's think about it, when we reached the intersection, if notice is for safety traffic lights on guard? When we take the train, automobile, ever heard "for your safety, please do not stick out your hands and head out of the window" cordial attention? Remember, when I was a child, since I just remember, is well-meaning parents taught me "both do something, be sure to pay attention to safety". Remember, when we walked into the campus, the teacher taught us the first thing is to pay attention to safety; Remember, since I read on the road, department stores, often can see in front of the building "please pay attention to safety", "safety first", "safe production" brand. Security is really important? Yes!

  Safe in my heart, this is a word that everyone should know, if you don't speak security in mind, the more dangerous it is very close to us. Remember once, after school, I was just heading home, after a corner, suddenly, a bike knocked down by a car on the side of the road. Things have in the past for a long time, but until today, I still forget the painful appearance, I more is to be safe in my heart.

  As a primary school student, I often heard my mother tell me about all kinds of stories, is one of the stories about pupils safe. A pupil called huanhuan, she looks very lovely, is the apple of her parents' eye. One day, she was home from school, near the walking home, suddenly see mother's shadow across the road, she was very happy and shouted, "mother, mother" and like a cute little butterflies fly to mom. She was completely didn't pay attention to safety, however, also didn't notice that is driving a car, only heard a loud scream, the little huanhuan was hit by a speeding car. At that time, the red once her sun that white skirt, red face suddenly pale, good scary...

  Students, after listening to these two stories, whether do you also recognize the importance of safe in my heart? In fact, is not only the traffic safety, there are still many places need to pay attention to safety, just as my mother said, everything should pay attention to safety. After class, for example, when we are down the stairs, for example, a break when we play together. Security is everywhere, all the things, as long as someone's behavior, will keep in mind that safe in my heart.

  Dear classmates, the world is colorful, life is good, let's wish, wish our each teacher each student get to school every day in peace, happy to go home, wish our campus to be safe, healthy and infinite vitality of harmonious campus.


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