
毕业赠言 2021-06-23 网络整理 晴天



  1, ideals are the sails of life, perseverance is the paddle of life, and the cause of achievement is two. The lofty ideal is like the sun in one's heart, it can illuminate every step of life.

  2, as long as the heart is still beating, blood is still hot, we must look up and become a real person, capital person.

  3, your youth is as hot as the sun, even if it meets frost and snow, it can melt into sweet spring, moisten the earth and irrigate the countryside.

  4, it is fate that brings us together. Friendship connects us closely.

  5, we gather together from all corners of the world; we are happy, sad, smiling, and tears. In these six years, we have also tested our friendship, and you will always cherish it in my heart! Graduation message.

  6, everything that has passed will become a kind of yearning. Teacher, I miss the middle school age and miss your alma mater and miss you.

  7, use the wisdom to describe the sketchpad of life, write the journey of life with sweat, and sweat with sweat. I believe your tomorrow will not be brilliant, but it will be filled with no regrets.

  8, open your arms quickly, friends. This is the golden day of the years and the bright future of life.

  9, if I can fight the blue sky, that is your wings to fly me; if I am the warrior of the wave, that is the force that you give me the tide; if I am the torch that is not extinguished, that is the light of your youth!

  10, one thousand and five hundred days and nights so end, four years of years, so many arguments, so many laughs, so many annoyance, so many proud, really after the door after the "bang" a sound, left to the past?

  11, we have to separate, say goodbye in a soft voice, and feel grateful in my heart. Thank you for giving me that deep friendship.

  12, the edge of acquaintances, unforgettable, sincere friendship, over the long way, on the long way of friendship, only ask how to cherish and have, I will never forget the days with you.

  13, the colourful nature is full of beauty, the beauty of many polymorphic things, the beauty of time and space, waiting for the beautiful eyes to catch, to find!

  14, we once enjoyed the beautiful flowers together; we had fantasized about the beautiful season together. My good friend, don't forget the days when we walked together. We have had calmness like water, heated debate and silent competition. We cling to our shoulders, clasp our hands, share a common ideal and send forth a common aspiration. Whether it is gained or lost, everything will remain in the deepest part of my memory.

  15, no matter what the future holds, I will pray to heaven that angels have never left you.

  16, after six years of schooling and six years of schoolmates, I have a deep impression on each other. Now, we are going to say goodbye to each other. At the moment of parting, I deeply bless: "nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who care." As long as there is a pay, there will be a harvest.

  17, the soul of the child is the ineminable and tender, let us be a happy person, be good at discovering what they think and think, walk smoothly into their inner world, accompany with their children, and lead them to realize one dream after another.

  18, drink to the bar of this cup. It's the manna of life! It will bring victory into the future, and it will stay on our lips and leave endless aftertaste.

  19, let's take off our legs and sweat and step on the thuder. Outside the school, some of the flowers are surrounded by the journey!

  20, laughing together, singing together, being nervous together, preparing for war, become fragmented stars, dotted with my blank youth album. Will not forget, the moment of bloom, sparkling your group of lovely elf figure.

  21, aspire, diligence, pursuit, innvation, these are wonderful notes. By combining them harmoniously, we can compose a song of youth.

  22, although we haven't been together long enough, our friendship is as deep as the sea. I don't know whether our friendship will exist in the future, but I will cherish it.

  23, the pure friendship you gave me is unforgettable. I wish you every success.

  24, bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.

  25, the beautiful ideal of the rosy clouds, summon us, my window, breaking up, do not have to ask the day meeting, we like a drop of water, all will be active in the sea of the motherland!

  26, what you left to me is a beautiful memory. You are remembrance of the innocence and friendship of youth. When I remember the good wine I wanted to buy, I drank myself first.

  27, we are going to enter a new life, the road ahead is long and long, let us more cherish the youth and friendship that we have today, and use the truth to irrigate the buds of friendship.

  28, "burning paste oil to follow the sundial, Heng Wu Wu in the poor years." All geniuses are the strongest cattle. They work eighteen hours a day.

  29, though we can hardly see you soon, we can hardly hear your voice, but we still listen to your regrets in the past.

  30,six years, time passed like clouds and boats, and time elders solemnly shifted the clockwork to the parting. I remember how fresh and lovely I was when I first entered campus. After six years of baptism. I seem to know astronomy and know geography. It was because of a teacher's hard work. Thank you, teacher.

  31, the quiet sky, each star has its own track, let us find the best position in our life, the world in mind may become harmonious and peaceful.

  32, in the face of the banquet of the years, we smiled and courteously urged each other, as if all the love and discontent that they did not say were collected behind the statement. Because we all know that there is no more wine that is more beautiful than this one.

  33, teacher, after many years, perhaps you are the most likely to dream; after many years, the most talked about topic may still be you.

  34, we have 4 spring and autumn together. Every game, every discussion and every quarrel will become a precious page in my memory.

  35, wave farewell, sail long voyage. No, it is the rope that you throw out of friendship, which is firmly tied to my heart.

  36, four years, in a hurry, in a hurry, like a dream age, filled with a string of laughter, do not wave a sigh, feel the flowers go, the courage, do not forget to send surprise messages to each other.

  37, do not let the boat of pursuit lie in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of real life.

  38, if we use a stone with seven edges and eight angles to describe the friendship we first knew, I believe that after time scour, it will become a smooth cobble.

  39, classmates, let the sweet whispers of the past days be buried in the bottom of your heart, and become beautiful memories.

  40, people's life is also like the four seasons: spring sowing, summer long, autumn harvest and winter taste. Friends, take your youth and make efforts to sow the seeds of happiness.

  41, I would like to wish you all the best in this regard: to enter the ideal school in your mind, to bring your potential into full play, and to be "unaware" and "blockbuster".

  42, your figure is sailing, my eyes are rivers, how many times want to retain you, finally can not. I know that friendship is the only thing in the world, but what is more precious is freedom.

  43, pick a bunch of dreams, school play, memories are so magnificent; and the pursuit of growth has jumped. The noise and hubbub of the world seem to be quiet, so that I can pick up the fallen memory again.

  44, from the five lakes and all over the world, to the South and the north. No matter where we go, no matter what position we are, let us continue to fill in the life history form, hand over the excellent answer sheet of our career, and add glory to the flag of our alma mater.

  45, ah, the teacher, the engineer of the human soul, only has this glorious name, has the profound connotation like the sea as rich as the blue sky.

  46, may you, like the red maple leaf, reveal the color of the sun in the baptism of wind and frost, and wish it will become a pillar of the country at an early date.

  47, how many memories do we have in the maple forest with red leaves flying? The dancing maple leaves brought us into a wonderful state.

  48, gathering is not the beginning, nor is it the end. The countless beautiful moments that the students hold together will be engraved on my memory forever.

  49, how many memories do we have in the maple forest with red leaves flying? The dancing maple leaves brought us into a wonderful state.

  50, six years of schoolmates, you spread the seeds of friendship in my heart. I will silently take it away, carefully irrigate, cultivate, let it open fragrant flowers in the future.


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