
毕业赠言 2021-07-11 网络整理 晴天



  1, youthful age engraved your shadow, happy memories of your smile. Graduation, farewell to a sincere campus, let us meet on the road to success. I hope you will be happy.

  2, no matter how long the future may be, please cherish every moment we meet. No matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are friends forever.

  3, in this hot and sunny season, we will leave for a better banquet and more excitement.

  4, we are going to enter a new life, the road ahead is long and long, let us more cherish the youth and friendship that we have today, and use the truth to irrigate the buds of friendship.

  5, look back, a series of bitter and bitter yesterday: yesterday, there is our debate in the classroom; yesterday, we were running on the court; yesterday, we have the struggle in the examination room; yesterday, we were singing in the candlelight. Yes, yesterday, how beautiful, how memorable!

  6, step out of the school gate and start a new life journey. May you light the lamp of your life and illuminate the journey to success. I wish you great success in your career! Life is wonderful! Life is a smooth sailing!

  7, in the peach and plum fragrance July, harvest your brilliant smile. Accompanied by summer passion, take my warm greetings, I wish you a good graduation, early to find the ideal job!

  8, graduation, you do not have a lot of words to say, is there still a lot of desire not to achieve, is not still want to have experienced these years of the students, the teacher said what?

  9, I deeply understand how much time it has taken and how many difficulties have overcome. Please believe that, in your pursuit of hard work and hard work, I will always stand by your side with a smile.

  10. It's time to start. Let's go! There is no need to regret or to say goodbye. Even if the song gradually dies down, our heart will always go on and on.

  11, many things we think we will never forget in our lifetime are forgotten by us in the days we never forget.

  12, in the past, I came to think about it, and I was there. The south wind blew gently, and the gathering time was hurried.

  13, our faces are full of new people's shyness and curiosity. Curious about you today, and tomorrow's self.

  14, a year, a total of sunshine; one thousand days, how many friendship chapters? The years that are willing to die are turned into good memories. Stay in the heart forever.

  15, you and I have gone through hardships for the sake of ideals before we are on the way to success. I hope you can still remember, forever remember that bright day full of struggle and passion.

  16, if you want to achieve excellent results, please carefully cherish and control your time. You cherish your life and never waste your time, because you know that time is the material that shapes life.

  17. After graduation, I wish you to release your youthful spirit and spread colorful wings. Friendship, brewing in the wind, will grow stronger in the future. To give you the most sincere blessing.

  18, if you have to separate, you have to say goodbye and be thankful in my heart. Thank you for giving me the sweet memories of my life.

  19, the wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the clouds are flowing, the song is free, love is heart, love is crazy, the sky is eternal, and you are unforgettable.

  20, it was a crisp autumn, and the autumn wind gradually cooled.

  21, using youth to define our time today, to calculate our brilliant tomorrow with happiness, to discuss our unfinished dreams with passion, to set up our own ideals by success, and to wish you to go to school for refueling.

  22, soon after graduation, in order to better serve the community, the following is a brief summary of my college career.

  23, people in the journey, will inevitably encounter thorns and bumps, but after the wind and rain, there will be a beautiful rainbow, I hope to see a strong I, more hope to see a strong elder brother!

  24, 41 years of life, worry about the degree. Throughout the four years, the truth is relative. The same goes forward with the same hardship.

  25. It's the last sprint. Work hard. Victory will be won by the most stamina!

  26, in the face of the banquet of the years, we smiled and courteously urged each other, as if all the love and discontent that they did not say were collected behind the statement. Because we all know that there is no more wine that is more beautiful than this one.

  27, four hopes of the spring, we sown four times; four golden autumn, we have harvested four times; we have been tempered by four fires and summer and the test of four winter, please do not forget the taste, the sound of the time.

  28, beautiful dreams and beautiful poems are all encounters and cannot be asked for. I really like that dream, knowing that you have trekled for thousands of miles for me, but feel that the grass is delicious. It seems that you and I have only met for the first time.

  29, in junior high school, everyone was encouraged: there was a ambition, a broken boat, and a hundred second Qin Guan is a high school in Chu. It was welcome to Huairen hall to be a guest after twenty years.

  30, that white suit, like a pigeon on campus, is a cloud that floats to the future.

  31, if you weep for the missing sunset, you will miss all the stars.

  32, my life is integrated into you, your life also contains me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

  33. Do you remember the photo of the day? My instant consciousness is shining with the flash: your shadow is left on the negatives and deeply branded in my mind.

  34, several years of schoolmates, I have deep friendship with you. May the communication between you and my heart be forever.

  35. There are small fish in the river and big fish in the river. Although you have not been admitted to the ideal university, but with your ingenuity, diligence and diligence, I believe that four years will still be promising. Come on!

  36, the flying youth with enthusiasm to write the years, the magnificent years with sincere engraved friendship, bright life with persistent loading of the future, I wish all the future, promising future! Graduation message.

  37, this summer, there will be how many, how many people will cry, one more familiar face, look back in the summer solstice, the separation of the season, more longing for the summer solstice.

  38, graduation, no longer for homework, the paper is annoyed, but it will face more arduous challenges.

  39, gently, we walked, as we gently came. Waving, making a farewell to the green campus. We left a brilliant smile here, and we walked away from this pure friendship. I wish you a wonderful future.

  40, the path we have passed, the loved ones, the taste of the products, the tears flowing through them, and the beauty of laughter have all been deposited in the river of time and preserved in mottled memories. Four years passed, graduation, may you have a bright future!

  41, meet and say goodbye, return sail and shore, is the end of past happiness, and is the beginning of future happiness.

  42, gently, we walked, as we gently came. Wave a hand, make a farewell to the green campus. We leave a brilliant smile here, and wish you a better future.

  43, I deeply understand how much time it has taken and how many difficulties have overcome. Please believe that, in your pursuit, struggle and hard work, I will always stand by your side with a smile on your face.

  44, human life is like the four seasons: spring sowing, summer harvest, autumn harvest and winter taste. Friends, take your youth and make efforts to sow the seeds of happiness.

  45, in the long river of life, what remains is the past and the past, leaving behind dreams and memories. With the passing of university days, the life of society is coming. I sincerely wish you all the best.

  In 46 and June, the sky was clear and the graduation bell rang. March to the palace of success, and follow the dawn of progress to greet tomorrow's splendor.

  47, I ran along with the light, ran across the playground, ran through the canteen, and ran across the small pond. Finally, I arrived at a familiar but strange place.

  48, quiet we are about to separate, sincere blessing to you, long parted days, willing to work with you, life is very happy, happy family, promotion BBK, graduation all the way blessings.

  49, my friends, we have to be separated for a while. In the dark night that we are going to go, we are trying to build a few small stars. Although there is not much light, it can also make the early people happy.

  50, the desk left back memories, chalk wrote thought, blackboard record of friendship, the classroom treasures the diary, each glance, not by passing, but to cherish each other. Happy graduation!


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