
毕业赠言 2021-08-09 网络整理 晴天



  1, ah, students, let us wind up in the waves of time, sailing to the other side of success!

  2, in the morning, I always tell myself that the wind and rain will always pass away, and the road of sadness will not last long. The long night brings back memories, like yesterday, when the heart no longer speaks of tenderness, who disguise the loneliness for me.

  3, we haste farewell, to their high school, no language, no tears, only the eternal yearning and blessing, in the hearts of each other to emit deep resonance.

  4, the most hated is you, because you are my learning competition "enemy", the most favorite is you, because you are my growing friend. Today's farewell is like the loss of Bao Shuya, the vast horizon, where to find my favorite "close friend".

  5, the quiet sky, each star has its own track, let us find the best position in our life, the world in mind may become harmonious and peaceful.

  6. It's time to start. Let's go! There is no need to regret or to say goodbye. Even if the song gradually dies down, our heart will always go on and on.

  7, youth is the rising sun, the future of our motherland and the hope of mankind. Youth is the golden age of life. I hope you can lay a solid foundation in the golden age and lay a foundation for the glorious life in the future.

  8, worry about others' worries, delight others' happiness, your kindness, enthusiasm and selfless character will always be engraved on my heart.

  9, our friendship is a cup of delicious old wine, after the time passed, the taste is stronger, not the tea is diluted, will not be a dream will wake up, will not be melting ice.

  10, you are about to leave, leaving behind friendship and teacher sentiment and knowledge. You will leave soon, but you will not forget the friendship between your classmates. You will not forget the kindness of your teacher. I hope that our classmates will be healthy, learn and make progress.

  11, ah, may you travel on the waves of time, sailing on the other side of success!

  12, you are a boat in the port of youth. May you build up the sail of faith, carrying the dream of hope and sailing to the vast sea.

  13, three years of schooling, a total of sunshine; one thousand days, wrote the number of friendship? The years that are willing to die are turned into good memories. Stay in the heart forever.

  14, wave farewell, sail long voyage. No, it is the rope that you throw out of friendship, which is firmly tied to my heart.

  15 or three years are very short, but look back at the road through which there are twists and turns. There is a success and a failure on the way of life. Please believe that the aspiring person is competing.

  16, if you want to achieve excellent results, please carefully cherish and control your time. You cherish your life and never waste your time, because you know that time is the material that shapes life.

  17, we are going to enter a new life, the road ahead is long and long, let us more cherish the youth and friendship that we have today, and use the truth to irrigate the buds of friendship.

  18, do not go tomorrow morning, I hope that the clouds and bright sunshine will accompany you to the far end of the world; flowers and green grass will accompany you to spread out a long way ahead.

  19, zero, only with real numbers together is meaningful; thought, only with action can shine.

  20, hope is tough crutches, patience is a travel bag, take them, you can ascend the eternal journey, travel all over the world.

  21, if life is a river, may you be a boat that sticks to it. If life is a small boat, may you be a sailor in rain or shine.

  22, and soon after graduation, the sweat of the sun in the interview company sweat. Want to look back, once the forest and forest, sweet and laugh and the faint and astringent taste, to look back, but also immersed in the past memories, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

  23, do not look like the life and ideal of the moon like fifteen, sixteen of the moon so round, it is made up of Yin, clear, round, short of composition, make people to be practical, wish you more "clear".

  24, cold chilly, a pool of water, a month, a wish, a look forward to. Your talent is like a spark. If you use diligence to burn it, it will become a blaze of fire and shine.

  25, heartily congratulate you, with wisdom, talent, courage and perseverance, open up a piece of your own land.

  26, maybe you are unwilling, maybe you are timid, but as long as you can cross out, a warm and vibrant life may be in front of you.

  27, from the five lakes and all over the world, to the South and the north. No matter where we go, no matter what position we are, let us continue to fill in the life history form, hand over the excellent answer sheet of our career, and add glory to the flag of our alma mater.

  28, you are a beautiful colored stone, with the ripples of the sea and the beautiful colors of coral. The sunlight is shining the lustre of life.

  29, junior high school is coming, but life is just beginning. Take a new step and say goodbye to the past. Continue to write your own books, to write your own poems, to compose your own songs, and to arrange your own dance. It will be found that life is so wonderful.

  30, walking with you, remembering the common ideals we once had, breaking up with you and longing for the revelry when we meet again.

  31, generous and innocent girl, why are you always so natural? When you light your hair, when you fly your eyes, do you know how many people you feel?

  32, ha ha, four years old deskmate, you must have elements Mendeleev did not find! Otherwise, how can language be lost when I need it most?

  33, if tomorrow is a skyscraper, today is the cornerstone of the building's longevity. Students, let's cherish today's minute, and lay the foundation stone of this building.

  34, what you have not picked is just a flower in spring, and the whole spring belongs to you, friend, don't lose heart!

  35, catch today! Hold it tight! Today's minutes and seconds, we must make progress and progress.

  36, laughing together, singing together, being nervous together, preparing for war, become fragmented stars, dotted with my blank youth album. Will not forget, the moment of bloom, sparkling your group of lovely elf figure.

  37, tomorrow you are going to sail away, please put this little gift on your chest, it will turn into your faith and strength, and inspire you to overcome the storm.

  38, four years, seems to be very long, but at this time it is so short, the past is still, the eyes of the repetition of the four years ago, the most horrible, the memory of the slightest. This is a new sigh, time elapses.

  39, with your self-confidence, with your openness, with your perseverance, and with my blessing, you will be able to sail to the other side of the ideal.

  40, if I can, I would like to rub everything in my heart into today's difference. But I can't! So let's break up with silence. You know, this is the silence of a volcano. It is better than everything.

  41, the light of hope has risen on the horizon. Do not hesitate any more. Stand up, open your arms, and quickly greet the sky.

  42, time flies, junior middle school three years will be over. In retrospect, when I first entered school, everything was so strange. Now, everything has changed, become so familiar, so cordial, happy songs and laughter have become the best memories.

  43, life in junior high school is like a dance, enjoying the dance, every action is condensed into a relationship. Friends, teachers and students, along with that light pace, dance together to give a different feeling.

  44, you gain today's harvest with wisdom and knowledge, and accept tomorrow's challenges with wisdom and courageous courage. My friend, I admire your spirit.

  45. There is no genius in the world without diligence. May you be hard - working day and night and become an early success!

  46. Looking back at the wind and rain of our university for four years and recalling the years that we have experienced together, I thank you for the support and help of our friends. Although reluctant to leave, but the pace of separation does not stop because of our sincere feelings.

  47, if I can, I would like to rub everything in my heart into today's difference. But I can't! So let's break up with silence.

  In 48 or three years, it is only a short period in the journey of life. However, it is difficult for me to forget it for three years. You are a pearl in my memory, a star on the sky in my heart.

  49, unable to get rid of the thousands of love silk, the endless pledge of the mountain alliance, with the willow catkins flying around the heart, it only ends in Acacia. There is no need to regret or to say goodbye. Even if the song gradually dies down, our heart will always go on and on.

  50, the beautiful ideal of summing up clouds is calling to you. You are a drop of water, will be active in the sea of the motherland!


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