
岗位说明书 2015-03-27 网络整理 晴天



  ◎job description(岗位说明):quality manager(品质管理经理)

  brief introduction to the recruiting company:

   industries hangzhou ltd. is a subsidiary company of the worldwide heat supplier---- group which is a leading manufacturer of heating systems and components.designs and products are based on specific technical characteristics and descriptions provided by our customers.therefore it is customer’s responsibility to ensure both the product end design and choice of elements are appropriate for the specific application.

  ★our business units that control specialized product areas;

  ★100million electrical heating elements produced and delivered each year;

  ★more than 3000 clients all over the world;

  ★advance product and process research;

  ★30 year research and progressive development;

  ★iso 9001 approval since 12.12.1990;

  ◆we sincerely welcomes candidates of insight to join in and repquest yo you to please e-mail your resume both in chinese and english to us asap!


  1、 major in electrical,or mechanical,or chemical engineering or relevant industries(profession)

  2、 with over four-year correlative experience of domestic or public electric or components manufacturer(s)( candidate who has experience of heating components production is priority-employed)

  3、 once engaged in production of multinational company both in china or abroad

  4、 going deep into front line and familiar with industry processing or assembly line

  5、 capable of organizing a team for managing quality(candidate who used to be quality manager) is priority-emploed)

  6、 with an open mind and good to be curious about knowledge and information around

  7、 work vigorously to meet with hardworking situation

  8、 be good at english and computer operating skill

  9、 at the age of around 35(male or female)

  ◆compensation:10000 to 15000 yuan rmb per month.


  1、 to organize a professional team to manage quality successfully

  2、 to put forward reasonable suggestion(s) to the concerned department(s) for them to ensure the industrial partner the innovation required for the technological challenge of the world

  3、 to achieve high safty and reliability levels in use and minimum defect on assembly

  4、 to supply a high service level and assist relevant department(s) to establish a competitive price for an even product quality standard

  5、 to offer the partner an important support as concerns product development,operation optimization and global cost reduction

  6、 to take the lead to learn and master new knowledge and necessary information in the concerned field(s) and be responsible for train all the team members well

  7、 to work out quality controlling plan of the plant,assort with relationship of different departments of the plant

  8、 to draft out working report(s) and submit to concerned irca group department(s) and direct higher and highest managing level(s)。

  ◎job description(岗位说明):stores superviser(仓库督管

  ●brief introduction to the recruiting company:

   industries hangzhou ltd. is a subsidiary company of the worldwide wellknown heat supplier---- group which is a leading manufacturer of heating systems and components in the world. designs and products are based on specific technical characteristics and descriptions provided by our customers.therefore it is customer’s responsibility to ensure both the product end design and choice of elements are appropriate for the specific application.

  ★our business units that control specialized product areas;

  ★100million electrical heating elements produced and delivered each year;

  ★more than 3000 clients all over the world;

  ★advance product and process research;

  ★30 year research and progressive development;

  ★iso 9001 approval since 12.12.1990;

  ◆we sincerely welcomes candidates of insight to join in and repquest you to please e-mail your resume both in chinese and english to us asap!

  ● responsibility:

  1、 manage the stores;

  2、 plan the store staffs jobs;

  3、 check the state of materials stocks;

  4、 check the efficiency of instruments(trucks and lift trucks)according to safty regulations;

  5、 plan storage in the stores;

  6、 serve the production lines;

  7、 load and unload containers/trucks;

  8、 check documents and loading and unloading bills;

  9、 unload or load goods into/from the information system


  1、 major in logistics,foreign trade,industry and commercial management or relevant industries(profession)

  2、 with over two-year correlative experience of stores management(once engaged in stores management of multinational company both in china or at abroad is priority-employed)

  3、 capable of organizing a team for managing stores

  4、 with an open mind and good to be curious about knowledge and information around

  5、 work vigorously to meet with hardworking situation

  6、 be good at english and computer operating skill

  7、 at the age of less than 45(male or female)

  ◆compensation:2500 to 4000 yuan rmb per month(as per actual situation,the salary can be negotiated.)


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