
甘肃导游词 2023-11-12 网络整理 晴天




  Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes with a long history. I am your tour guide. You just call me Lao zhou. Four grottoes are: longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes, the maijishan grottoes, and the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. One of the biggest, but is the dunhuang mogao grottoes. Next, just follow me to go to dunhuang mogao grottoes and have a look!

  First I want to introduce you to: mogao grottoes thousand-buddha grottoes. He is known as the most valuable culture found in the 20th century, "east the Louvre is located in the west of dunhuang in corridor", is famous for beautiful murals and statues. Existing caves, 735, 405 square meters of murals, clay sculpture.our 2415 statue, is existing in the world's largest and most abundant content of buddhist shrine.

  All kinds of grottoes sizes. Thousand-buddha cliff carved with tens of thousands of small figure of Buddha, every small figure of Buddha, though more than an inch high, but the head and body are carving vivid, lifelike. Okay, on to the next attraction.

  You see, this thing is a nine layers cover, also called as "Peking University", 36 meters high, is the world's third big Buddha!

  The mogao grottoes is a treasure chest.

  Well, a visit to the end. Welcome next time!


  Ladies and gentlemen:

  Everybody is good! I am the guide from the dunhuang mogao grottoes day trip, my name is Chen, you can call me Chen guide! Your eyes is the mogao grottoes, want to know what kind of mogao grottoes is? To listen to me slowly.

  The mogao grottoes, located in the southeast of dunhuang city, about 25 kilometers away from the city, 'spoilers wat to open in China east cliff. It is China's largest classical art treasure, it is a center of buddhist art.

  Number of tourists, cave 492, more than 20xx statues statue, 33 meters, the largest minimum only 10 centimeters. So, the most famous statue in the mogao grottoes.

  If the total area of 45000 square meters, the mural to arrange all the paintings, there are 30 kilometers long. If say the mogao grottoes of dunhuang is famous the world, so, make the mogao grottoes is famous for its first these murals, is traveling to visit.

  The mogao grottoes in 1987 UNESCO world cultural heritage, is the most key cultural relics protection.

  Okay, now I introduce to here, please walk. Can't throw the peel and other trash, graffito of the scribble on the murals, to protect cultural relics.

  Thank you very much!


  Everybody is good! Welcome to the mogao grottoes of dunhuang. I'll give you a introduce myself: my name is Wang Yi, to you is my pleasure, I'm here to give you reminder, the treasure here do not touch, otherwise the consequence is proud. We now know each other, we will get to the point, talk about the mogao grottoes of dunhuang!

  Is the ancient silk road town of dunhuang. Dunhuang mogao grottoes treasured art treasures is the treasure of the Chinese and foreign exchange. People called the mogao grottoes in gansu a pearl. Dunhuang mural image lifelike, especially: "flying" pattern, you see, this is what I call the "flying". Also by the tang dynasty people hailed as "day float in the sky, full wall pneumatic", become the symbol of dunhuang murals. Dunhuang mogao grottoes is within the territory of mogao grottoes of dunhuang city, gansu province is the floorboard of the west thousand-buddha grottoes, is one of China's famous four big grottoes, also is the world's most ambitious scale of existing, the best-preserved buddhist art treasure house. Mogao grottoes mainly reflects in the aspect of mural, here is the mural to the mogao grottoes is famous for. Now everybody's understanding about it? I'm going to continue to speak!

  Everybody look at here! To go to the learning attitude. Foreign tourists to the evaluation of the mogao grottoes, is: "see the mogao grottoes in dunhuang, is equivalent to see the ancient civilizations in the world." "The mogao grottoes is the world's longest, largest and most abundant content gallery." "It is existing the greatest treasure of buddhist art in the world." "Human life must go to a place, mural painting and the art of figure of Buddha is really impressive."

  My explanation to this end, I wish you all a pleasant journey!


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