
甘肃导游词 2023-11-16 网络整理 晴天




  Hi, everybody. Now I take you to visit the world famous buddhist art treasure house, dunhuang mogao grottoes. The mogao grottoes from 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, I use this time, just the mogao grottoes do a simple introduction first.

  The mogao grottoes is a melting at an organic whole, painting, sculpture and architecture is given priority to with wall paintings, statues of large cave temples. Its cave shape mainly buddhist grotto, center pillar wat, wat temple, buddhist altar wat, 4 walls three recess hole, big like nirvana wat, wat. The wat size is far, the biggest wat 16 of 268 square meters, the minimum high wat not YingChe 37. Wat outside the original wooden house, and a corridor connects, plank road, has no more.

  Mogao grottoes murals painted on the walls of caves, wat top and niches, and profound content, mainly include the figure of Buddha, buddhist stories, historic, JingBian, fantastic, kucha, decorative pattern and so on seven classes, there are a lot of performance when hunting, farming, textile, transportation, war, construction, dance, painting on weddings and so on various aspects of social life. These paintings' wide, bright magnificent, reflects the different periods of artistic style and features. Five generations ago is a Chinese painting mostly is lost, the mogao grottoes murals for the Chinese art history research provides an important physical, also for the study of Chinese ancient customs, provides valuable image and pattern. According to calculation, if these murals according to 2 meters high, can be arranged in a gallery of 25 km.

  The mogao grottoes in the cliff is relatively soft, not suitable for making stone, so the mogao grottoes statues in addition to the four Buddha, stone tire clay sculpture, the rest are wooden bone clay sculpture. Statue is buddhist deities, with an array of portraits of single image and wait for a variety of combination, group general with Buddha center, stand on both sides of the disciples, bodhisattva, less then 3, more is up to 11. Painted sculpture in the form of a round plastic, plastic, plastic film, good karma and plastic, etc. These was so delicate, rich imagination, and very high attainments, mural and compatibility, bring out the best in each other.

  It is a nine layers of eaves, also called as "Peking University", are now in the middle of cliff wat, as high as the summits of top, towering spectacular. Its wooden for red soil, high canopies teeth peck, contours of strewn at random have send, tied the bell on the eaves Angle, with the wind. With maitreya statue, 35.6 meters high, the stone tire clay sculpture, coloured drawing or pattern is China's domestic behind the leshan giant Buddha and rong county the third largest Buddha sitting Buddha. Either accommodate Buddha space large and small, flat square. Open two channel building outside, both for nearby watch the Buddha, and Buddha head and waist of the light source. (888) of the first year of the wat eaves in Tang Wende existed before, at the time of 5 layers, the northern song dynasty, four years (966) and qing dynasty has been rebuilt, and changed to 4 layer. 1935 repaired again, form now 9 layer model.

  Murals in the mogao grottoes, beautiful everywhere flying apsaras - dunhuang city ChengDiao is also a rebound pipa flying fairy's image. Flying is serve the Buddha and god indra day, sing. Walls, playing flying in the vast boundless universe, some lotus buds in hand, into the sky. Some swooped down from the sky, if a potential meteor; Some shelf through heavy floor, just like flying; Others are thrown into the wind, carefree. Painter USES the unique winding for the long term, interest and stretches the harmonious and present people ethereal imagine a beautiful world.

  Gorgeous colour, flying lines, in the northwest of painters in the kingdom of heaven is a warm and passionate portray to ideal, we seem to feel they are in the desert on the longitudinal ride an inexhaustible passion rush, perhaps it is this passion, from which the mural in the flamboyant imagine strength!

  Ok, explain for everybody here today, the following people free. Please be sure to pay attention to safety and protect our attractions.


  Ladies and gentlemen:

  Everybody is good! I am the guide from the dunhuang mogao grottoes day trip, my name is Chen, you can call me Chen guide! Your eyes is the mogao grottoes, want to know what kind of mogao grottoes is? To listen to me slowly.

  The mogao grottoes, located in the southeast of dunhuang city, about 25 kilometers away from the city, 'spoilers wat to open in China east cliff. It is China's largest classical art treasure, it is a center of buddhist art.

  Number of tourists, cave 492, more than 20xx statues statue, 33 meters, the largest minimum only 10 centimeters. So, the most famous statue in the mogao grottoes.

  If the total area of 45000 square meters, the mural to arrange all the paintings, there are 30 kilometers long. If say the mogao grottoes of dunhuang is famous the world, so, make the mogao grottoes is famous for its first these murals, is traveling to visit.

  Visitors, you know? The mogao grottoes built Yu Dongjin taihe (AD 366) of the first year. Legend named le statue of the parties to this place, suddenly see golden light shine, there appeared thousand buddhas, think this is the buddhist holy land, hence around fundraising, laid the first grotto. After news spreads, business errands in succession in this build grottoes, in order to a safe journey. So until the yuan dynasty, through more than 1000 years.

  The mogao grottoes in 1987 UNESCO world cultural heritage, is the most key cultural relics protection.

  Okay, now I introduce to here, please walk. Can't throw the peel and other trash, graffito of the scribble on the murals, to protect cultural relics.

  Thank you very much!


  Everybody is good! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes, I am your tour guide, please protect its health, graffito of the scribble not, at any time pay attention to safety.

  Mogao grottoes is known as "thousand-buddha grottoes, located in 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, gansu province in western China on the cliff, grottoes north and south long one thousand six hundred meters, a total of five layers from top to bottom, the top 50 meters, the existing four hundred and ninety-two caves, murals of more than forty-five thousand meters, two thousand four hundred and fifteen body painted sculpture, statue of flying more than four thousand, and the mogao grottoes scale, has a long history, and yunnan grottoes in shanxi, henan longmen grottoes and called China's" three grotto art treasure trove.

  Mogao grottoes was originally carved in 366 AD, to the basic end in 1217-1217, through constant during digging, make the mogao grottoes set the period of the world's largest, most abundant content, the oldest buddhist art treasure, but also show the generations of the outstanding wisdom and remarkable achievements of the working people.

  Next to the mogao grottoes covered with grass, which not only next to decorate, still grow tall and dense, planted thick trees on both sides, it also became a scenery here, from the distant, the mogao grottoes in the grass between the trees, how beautiful!

  Well, dear visitors, now, the mogao grottoes is really beautiful, wish you all a happy journey, to be in a good mood.


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