
甘肃导游词 2023-11-17 网络整理 晴天




  Hello everyone, my name is Gao Chenrui, you can call me gao, dunhuang mogao grottoes is our destination today.

  The mogao grottoes is located in China's 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, gansu province, the singing of the cliff face down before spring river, facing the east, north and south long 1600 meters, 50 meters high. The mogao grottoes is a national key cultural relics protection unit, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes, is famous for beautiful murals and statues. It was built during the period of former qin, after the sixteen, north Korea, sui, tang, five dynasties, xixia. Is the world's largest and most abundant content in existing buddhist art. Into the mogao grottoes, you can see the mural, but don't to touch the paintings, also don't use ordinary flashlight and flash camera, or it will destroy the murals.

  The mogao grottoes is a painted on cave walls, wat top and niches, and profound contents, mainly has the Buddha, buddhist stories, kucha, decorative pattern and so on seven kind of subjects, the paintings' is broad and bright magnificent, reflects the different periods of artistic style and features. Murals in the mogao grottoes, beautiful everywhere flying apsaras, playing flying in the vast boundless universe, some swooped down from the air, hold if shooting stars; Some shelf like flying through heavy floor.

  Today's journey to the end, I am very glad to do a tour guide for you, goodbye!


  Hello, here is the dunhuang mogao grottoes scenic spot. I am your tour guide, my name is gong, it can call me gong guiding.

  Dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of the jewels in the northwest of motherland. She is located in gansu province in the sanwei and mingsha hills, also is our this place. Everyone looked down, plump dunes around, looked up a look again, the 492 caves as honeycomb-like arrangement on the bluffs overlooking a precipice. You can imagine, build the grand dunhuang mogao grottoes people how is not easy. In order to protect the heritage, please, don't throw rubbish, don't take pictures.

  Now I flash into the painted sculpture exhibition hall. Here the colorful murals of personality is distinct and different demeanor, ring. I left it is good-natured bodhisattva, the right it is commanding the king; The top it is strong and courageous. Behind me the sleeping Buddha statue is the most magnificent. It has a total of 16 m long, lies on her side, eyes tight shut, expression of peace. Believe that you see the later, will pay homage.

  Next, we come to appreciate the paintings exhibition hall. The mural has a lot of, content is rich and colorful. My the left side is buddhist stories depict deities image, on the right is reflecting folk life and to depict the natural scenery. You know what is behind me mural? By the way, that is eye-catching flying. This flower basket, carrying a flying arm picking flowers; This flying embrace pipa, silver dial string; This one flying wing, body and drop since the day; This flying ribbons waving, all over the sky; And that a flying stretches the double-wall, dance. Whether had you seen these paintings like entered the art gallery? Yes, I tell you, the mogao grottoes is the world famous art treasure, every mural, each painted sculpture, is the crystallization of the wisdom of working people of ancient China.

  Ok, here is a free time, please be touring, have what problem can ask me.


  Everybody is good! I am the "dunhuang tour guide, my name is xiao, people call me xiao guide. Today, I will take you to visit all of dunhuang mogao grottoes. China's three major grottoes, the mogao grottoes is digging at the earliest, continuation of the longest, largest and most abundant content of the group. In the cultural history of the world also has precious value. "Human culture treasure", "image history museum", "the world gallery," said.

  Now I enter the caves to visit, first we went to visit a famous "published". This cave is located in the system engineering, caves, on the north side of the aisle number 17 wat, caves were during the late tang dynasty monk hong "shadow wat" of hexi is, the fact that there are inscriptions carry. One day in May 1900, management of the mogao grottoes of Taoist Wang Yuanlu in an accidental opportunity, opened the secret "published" over the years, these valuable cultural relics finally rediscovered, but the foolishness of corruption of the qing dynasty and Wang Yuanlu make these precious cultural relics by imperialists unscrupulous plundering and taken. Tsarist Russia in 1905, Mr Lu, came to the mogao grottoes, in six packages daily necessities for bait, defraud a batch of cultural relics. In 1907, the British stein, only use dozens of pieces of silver water chestnuts, rob took about more than ten thousand volumes, as well as Buddhism embroidery and painting more than five hundred, courtesy of the British museum; In 1908 the French pelliot stole more than six thousand cultural relics, now hidden in Paris, the French national library and the museum. In October 1911, the Japanese otani light ray of the expedition yoshikawa small ichiro stole more than nine hundred volumes and orange red. Until 1910, the qing government will be more than looted relics to Beijing, in Beijing library. During transit and transported to Beijing after many relics stolen, damage, loss, is one of the most difficult to measure in Chinese rubbings. "Published" find these documents written content including religious classics and a variety of the instrument, it involves many disciplines, is the study of ancient religious, political, economic, military and culture of the important information, after decades of research, scholars both at home and abroad to creat a new popular subject, dunhuang studies.

  So why when is published, sealed? A say: at the beginning of the 11th century, when xixia invasion, dunhuang hidden in order to protect the classic; A say: no, but can't discarded sacred scripture stored; Say again: in order to prevent damage and hidden muslims. Later to collect these classic monk, fled, the secularization of secularization, dead dead. Until we found the cave at the turn of the century, no one knows anything about it.

  Below 328 wat, I take you to visit the caves of the exciting part of statue, before enter the caves, is painted sculpture to introduce general situation for everyone. The mogao grottoes colorful plastic round plastic, plastic, plastic film, etc. The shortage of the small surplus ", the biggest 34.5 meters high, is the world's fourth Buddha. General statue is made from wood step-stone, tangle on straw, straw, reed, linen, silk, etc., and then use a special glue plastic coated, plastic sculpture, color painting on the final. Statues are mainly four categories: (1) the figure of Buddha, Buddha, maitreya, the medicine guru Buddha, amitabha, and iii, vii Buddha; (2) the bodhisattva as, including guanyin, manjusri, samantabhadra and make offerings to the bodhisattva, etc.; (3) the disciple like, including kasyapa, difficult; (4) god like, including pop, guinness, lohan, etc., there are some ghosts and gods and god beast, animal figures. Because of the different production s style is completely different, especially the wei jin southern and northern dynasties period of the "show bone like", "tsao water" and "wu zone when the wind" of the tang dynasty style, fully embodies the masters of the art extraordinary imagination and thinking.

  Sculpture is the main part of the cave, a combination of 2 to 1 Buddha bodhisattva, the thin thick and gradually evolved and post. Since the sui, tang there was a shop portraits of seven or nine of the body, also appeared a large statues, such as 148 wat, wat, and 158 of more than two at 16 meters of nirvana

  The interpretation of how time flies, I finished. The following please free activities. Before the activity, I am still an old saying goes: please protect the environment, cherish every inch of the land of the mogao grottoes. She is not only a showplace, still the pride of our China! Ok, come to here to 12 o 'clock. We are going to have lunch at the hotel.


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