
广西导游词 2023-12-09 网络整理 晴天



广西景点英文导游词范文1:Tian Yang dare cloth luo tuo zhuang mountain

  Tian Yang dare cloth luo tuo zhuang mountain culture tourist area located in tianyang town six Lian Village the best education penetration tuen, 8 km away from the county.

  Dare to zhuang's words, try to show cave, strong refers to the cave, dare to zhuang mountain means there are caves and cave of the hill. Dare to strong mountain is legend cloth luo tuo lived. Last year, after the autonomous region and the national relevant experts and scholars repeatedly inspected and concluded that Mr Tuo is the pearl river basin father indigenous peoples.

  Dare to strong mountain is to commemorate the pearl river basin aboriginal father cloth luo tuo holy land, is to show to Mr Zhuang tuo culture as the core of original ecological culture, is to explore the pearl river basin is the garden of the origins of civilization. Dare to have cloth luo tuo zhuang mountain, liujia live in caves, mother rock, patron saint cloth luo tuo living caves JiangJunDong, Bloch tuo enlightenment for a pair of lovers of yuanyang springs and so on many sites and borne hole, such as tree knot wonders.

  Dare to strong mountain is one of the important revolutionary commemoration, wei dial 1927, Huang Zhifeng leadership group of "two riots" is held in dare zhuang mountain.

  Dare to zhuang mountain is the largest and earliest singing fair in guangxi, lunar calendar March 7th to 9th, has come from surrounding the baise, tiandong, Obama, east, lingyun, debao county more than 10 people gathered here, such as cloth luo tuo. At present, dare to Bloch tuo zhuang mountain cultural tourism has been listed as acura tourism resources in baise.

广西景点英文导游词范文2:Longsheng hot spring resort

  Longsheng hot spring resort is established with the approval of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region of the provincial tourism resort, it is located in the downtown of guilin mountains 137 km around the place. : according to the record of the old county annals "cover hot springs contain sulfur flavin, can treat skin sores poison, white water quality, no smell. Spring is between the deep Lin Jingmang, and distance swimmers is still in a way." Forest cover in the broadness amounts to 5 square kilometers, is the ancient Cambrian geology, confessions cliff ridge to the swan boundary fault zone for tens of kilometers, it is hot springs, formation of the main channel.

  Hot spring gushed out from the depths of the 1200 meters underground strata, the water temperature between 45 ℃ ~ 58 ℃, the flow rate of 180 tons/hour, for 50 people bathing at the same time. Because the water is rich in lithium, strontium, iron, zinc, copper and so on more than 10 kinds of trace elements, cardiovascular disease, neuralgia, arthritis, diabetes, gout, skin diseases, gynecopathy, etc all have treatment and health care effect, often drink hot spring water can not only prevent hardening of the arteries, there are certain anti-aging effect, by the ministry, light ministry, the ministry of health identified as natural drinking mineral water. Now, the resort is located in the valley of has been people travel, spa, health care, leisure, ele resort, was praised as "mountain forest paradise".

  Famous longsheng hot spring is human childhood leave a piece of pure land, is there a hot springs out of print. It is located in longsheng county longsheng hot spring 33 km northeast national forest park, like a beautiful gold flower, it is the core and soul of hot springs national forest park.

  Longsheng hot spring is incomparable, is its environment is very beautiful and very good quality. Blotting out the sun, it is a tree-lined, wood diangong ShanChong, thick azalea trees and lush forest like eyelashes protect eyes, faithfully watching over this tam tam easy handled gently flowing water. Is he the fog, here narrow green space into the sacred land of radiant fairmount. Tourists come here, all can't help saying "god springs!" "Jade pool!" While trying to run to it.

  These fresh shiny hot springs from 1200 meters deep in the rock, from the old vine 埀 hang, old tree PanQu hillside spewing out, as if from a large of distillation tower as pure water, distilled from spotless, is worth ambrosia.

广西景点英文导游词范文3:Guangxi wuzhou Dan table mountain

  Guangxi wuzhou Dan table mountain is located in the east of guangxi wuzhou teng county territory, with a total area of about 15.8 square kilometers, and the intersection of the beibu bay economic circle in the pearl river delta economic circle from China, only 88 kilometers, the transportation is convenient, rich in tourism resources, various types, including raw water landscape, beach, danxia landform landscape, history, humanities landscape, rural village landscape, etc., are danehill, clear water, beach, bamboo, village combination perfect place, is according to the national AAAA level traveling scenic area planning for the collection of leisure, vacation, range in the integration of nature and humanity landscape poetry Scenic spot, has high ornamental recreation value.

  Scenic area is located in the town of chess is the history of Taoist village village, since the sui and tang dynasties, who lived all set up in this post, now more than a dozen cultural relics remaining in our village, tongji bridge during a moat during sui, tang and qing fu long zhuang on is still in good condition.

  Thoughts drift Nile belongs to the original ecological leisure bleaching of scenic spot, the about 7 km, danehill, clear water, golden beach, bamboo, Nile dot is a poetic dream three-dimensional gallery, where the air is clear, quiet environment, clear rivers, lush, the bamboo is a natural oxygen bar, sitting on a bamboo raft carefree and drift, still can enjoy the local amorous feelings of the original water, is a rare loosen body and mind, a good place for close to nature.

  The Taoist stone table mountain area in inland China's first beach beach park lies in known as the reputation of "the ancient southern silk road" water north river. Beach sand is rich in minerals, the use of sand sand treatment, these days there are very obvious physical therapy effect, the park also has sand development camp camp, sand, sand, sand entertainment projects such as food, water park in the gardens to tread water, is an ideal place for sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, recuperate.

  Stone table the stronghold of scenic spot is a typical danxia landform, set "elegant, quiet,,, god" into an organic whole, the mountain vegetation is rich, the wall of rock danya deep cliff and steep frontal shape corridor can be seen everywhere, stood on the hill also can appreciate the pastoral scenery of mountain culture, dreaming. Because, it is subject to the military fortress, or natural stone table mountain in qin and han dynasties was built in the mountain village, the mountain still retained the ancient building of the ancient village gate, the ancient stone wall, ancient castles, stone relics such as well. Stone table shanzhai is danxia landform, ecological knowledge, history and culture study tour a good place to go.

  Clear water, clean beaches, deep canyons, lush bamboo groves and mysterious shanzhai, tiancheng village of danxia landscape uncanny workmanship, of primitive simplicity, is a blend of natural Zhong Xiu artistically, culture and historical vicissitudes of life, make the whole scenic spot, unique glamour infinite.

  Good scenic spot resources entities huge volume, density and element combination degree is high, are highly complementary to each other and can meet the demand of diversified tourism, according to research, there are four 4 tourism resources, 37 level 3 tourist resources, the secondary tourism resources of 58, 16 primary resources, tourism resources up to 43 kinds of basic types, reached grade Ⅰ standard. Since 20xx, the stone table mountain scenic area is evaluated in guangxi wuzhou of agricultural tourism demonstration site, 10 fun attractions.


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