
广西导游词 2023-12-14 网络整理 晴天



桂林景点英语导游词范文1:Guilin landscape botanical garden

  Guilin landscape botanical garden is located in the southwest of downtown, in the original production of Montenegro of virescence seedling nursery based on construction. Montenegro nursery was founded in 1938, is the guilin first garden nursery. In 1993 changed to guilin botanical garden in Montenegro. Guilin in October 20xx, the government in order to optimize the ascension of the old city, old city reconstruction, initiated the ecological construction in Montenegro, invested more than 6000 ten thousand yuan, in July 20xx, completed the first phase of construction and open to the public free of charge, and the formal name for guilin botanical garden landscape.

  Guilin landscape botanical garden is a collection of scientific research, popular science, sightseeing, leisure in one comprehensive park, covers an area of 47.9 hectares, to guilin urban land currently the largest park. It was opened, to further improve the guilin city park layout, enrich the urban ecological environment, optimize the urban landscape, provides citizens with a flying mood, pleasure beautiful comfortable green environment, at the same time close the positive interaction of public gardens and service economy.

  Guilin landscape botanical garden trees towering, vegetation is rich, sort is various, tall trees with guilin native tree species as skeleton, to for the bright spot of colored tree species and rare plants, according to the principle of "protection first, after development", on the basis of effective to keep the original vegetation, introduced the cultivation of all kinds of plant species, 1000 kinds of varieties of more than 2600.

  Rare botanical garden, sweet osmanthus garden expo park, banyan tree, palm garden, tea garden, magnolia, YinXingYuan, European garden, cafe DE jack, garden, bonsai garden, flower hall, baihua stage, such as park, has a plant diversity to collect, display, protection, utilization of resources, education, recreation, and other functions, become a unique scenery line, city is a miniature of the society, the harmonious development of man and nature.

桂林景点英语导游词范文2:Butterfly spring moon mountain scenic area

  Butterfly spring moon mountain scenic area is located in yangshuo gallery "miles" the essence of the tourist area, yangshuo only original suspension bridge, mountain music flowing water falls, can have a bird's eye view of yangshuo "shangri-la" in the essence and claw mountain pastoral scenery the best viewing platform, the bee garden, butterfly garden, currently China's largest living butterfly ornamental garden) etc, and "ballet" on the wall, rock climbing, the experience of "concentration", glide, downhill, such as the most fashionable outdoor sports, let you get hustle earth, closest to feel the nature, challenge the limit, beyond the self.

  To rock climbing, yangshuo, butterfly spring edge better rock climbing. Yangshuo butterfly spring is located in guilin, yangshuo "li gallery" the essence of tourism area, this peculiar karst landforms, high cliffs, clean and strong, as if god specially designed for climbers. On November 4, 20xx butterfly spring opening and the second session of national PanYanJie classic scene.

  Friends, to yangshuo butterfly spring, pastoral scenery of guilin will panoramic view, and a "close to nature, challenge the limit, beyond the self" outdoor sports, rock climbing, will meet your the demand of the return to nature, love nature, challenge ourselves.

桂林景点英语导游词范文3:Gather longtan scenic spot

  In yangshuo has a only doubles the karst caves in the land and sea sightseeing, gather longtan. The place that has the undiscovered talent points black rock and water two big cave. In recent km swim, about a quarter of the journey can take a boat tour. Water down the road and is equipped with safety protection plank road connected. Land and water, all can let tourists choose for themselves. The entire available about 60 minutes. Rock within many stalactites, such as the wolong, panlong, flying, flying dragon, dragon dance, jinlong, yulong, tsing lung, the yellow dragon, the dragon king, dragon lady, give, Long Sun, numerous, shape lifelike lifelike. Thus formed the hostess dragon, dragon palace jade chopstick, etc. General caves all Clint, rock flowers, stalactite, hole beads, waterfalls, water cave and underground river, here are visible to the scene. Cave bottomless deep pools, no one knows how deep it was. It is said that pool on an undercurrent, pass-through yangshuo crane into a deep pool of lijiang river below. According to legend, in ancient times some exploration, the undercurrent is not deep, high can walk upright, place is only as big hat, to creep in. Walk change scene, the dizzying, there are the peacock, the moon palace osmanthus, galaxy qifeng, the flat peach grand meeting, the imperial concubine, going out of the sea bright moon, mirage, dripping guanyin, which, etc., as if in the crystal dragon palace.

  Gather longtan lies between hotel, moon mountain park, consists of two large cave, black rock and water, land and water hardships a kilometer, hole dome in the top 25 meters, 30 meters at its widest point. Many stalactites is like a dragon, wolong, panlong, flying, flying dragon, dragon, dragon, jade dragon, tsing lung, the yellow dragon, the dragon king, dragon lady, give, Long Sun, numerous, vivid, lifelike. Sightseeing on foot into the hole first, and then a boat to a suitable underground river by the hole to come out, after fall of on any account tens of metres up and down. Cave bottomless deep pools. Is said to be a bottomless pool of above have an undercurrent, a deep pool through yangshuo crane mountain into the li river. According to legend, ancient has been to explore, the undercurrent is not deep, high can walk upright, lower only as big hat, need to crawl into. Gathered in the longtan scenic spot, up to 48. Such as dragon hostess, the peacock, the moon palace osmanthus, galaxy qifeng, the flat peach grand meeting, dragon palace jade chopstick, the imperial concubine, shilin wonders, going out of the sea bright moon, mirage, dripping guanyin, which makes a person as if in dragon palace. It's about a km, visit time about an hour. Longtan is the only hole in yangshuo the amphibious two place, also is the most "undiscovered talent".

  Gather longtan scenic spot is the guilin mountain travel service co., LTD to protective development of gather longtan scenic spot, gather longtan natural landscape, cultural landscape height as conception, gather longtan don't from other caves features designed, gather longtan more show its unique charm. One of the most distinctive scenic spot for guilin landscape. Relying on the surrounding landscape, scenic spot, in accordance with the local ethnic style buildings, pavilions, beginning, floor and cabinet, surrounded by green trees around it, more special skill is matched by a mysterious underground river in guangxi's most distinctive liu song performance, singing the whole run, applause and laughter. Gather longtan in yangshuo, GuiLi highway 6 kilometers south of the city between ChuanYan hotel, moon mountain famous scenic spots. Is composed of black rock, water, and land and water of the victory of the season.


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