West show area is located in the Midwest hinterland in guizhou. Known as "throat of the abdomen, play of qian, the lips of yue shu", "clutches the lock dian qian" is the central plains around between Burma and commodity distribution center, has long been regarded as the "dry pier" qian, "the commercial house, in the province.
West show area hundred km northwest of the southeast in red maple lake, huangguoshu, star ferry bridge, zhijin cave, dragon temple, the spiral pond, the Kowloon hills, such as national-level scenic spots, mountain, water, tree, hole in everything. Besides the natural landscape of nature build urban cultural landscape is very rich, famous the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries Wang Refei martyr's former residence, anshun government stone pagoda temple, guanque tower, west show area, rainbow mountain lake park, NingGuShi group, writing GuShi curtilage hiding spots across the city, medicine is very rich cultural connotation. Unique guizhou tun pu culture zone (recuperat, tuen mun, chariot), is the early years of the Ming dynasty zhu yuanzhang large-scale tuen army, immigration, "south", "fill in the south" historical and cultural remains the most concentrated area.
Guizhou warm wet weather, the temperature change is small, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate. Affected by the monsoon rainfall concentrated in the summer, more cloudy days around within the territory of more than 150 days, annual relative humidity above 70%. Guizhou climate instability, severe weather sort is more, visitors to guizhou should try to avoid this season. The best travel time is the four seasons all appropriate.
West show area is the spring and autumn period and the warring states period of ancient river, the birthplace of yelang, so far have found writing group has more than 700 seats. Regional anshun city is the seat of government, education, is the city's political, economic, scientific, and cultural center, is the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries Wang Refei strong soil's hometown. Known as the "pearl" in the history of western punters, "the hometown of batik", "drama of the township", "the hometown of tun pu culture", "art of wood carving of the township", inhabited by the han, miao,, back, GeLao 33 people.
Ziyun's hole convex river scenic spot is located in the southwest guizhou province, 161 kilometers away from guiyang, anshun city, 76 kilometers, the total area of 56.8 square kilometers. The word "convex" for hmong, free translation as a "holy land". Scenic areas include large hole scenic area, the river scenic area, small hole, demon rock scenic spot, and several independent spots. On December 31, 20xx was approved as the sixth batch of national key scenic spot.
Various karst physiognomy types in this area are relatively complete, australis type, high grade, good combination, landscape characteristic, the cultural connotation is rich, excellent ecological environment. Deep canyons, complicated and mysterious water-eroded cave scenery, mysterious and vast underground river system, unique karst forest landscape. Sweeping the peak cluster, also, high mountain peaks, steep rock waterfall, bamboo mask, clear water flow, canoe fisherman's song, with idyllic scenery environment.
Whether the world's second miao hall magnificent, is the only one of the most preserved remains the highest ancient channel blind valley deep; Whether domestic deepest shaft hole borne magic, is the world's highest cave large piercing the spectacular; Whether it is in the "human finally cave tribes," said the holes in the mystery of the miao is surrounded by dense forest river miao pure and fresh and refined; Still have to crack the hanging coffins of the secret of star ferry hole, foot pole village; Whether it is in the morning, flying in the twilight of tens of thousands of convex eagle yan, or a variety of beautiful exotic plants and animals, all give a person with such as drunk like a dream, magic and pure and fresh and pleasant feeling of beauty.
These set of karst landscape, mountain, water, hole, stone, Lin combination essence, male, strange, show, risks, deep and remote, kuang, Mr For a suit, constitute a perfect pair of scenery pictures. Delighted to convex, you will also see the hole in the miao's folk customs, miao, under "on wheels" stunt, beautiful song and dance performances, "convex" spiderman "amazing free-climbing stunt... Beautiful, rich ethnic customs and unique natural landscape perfect harmony for an organic whole. Arguably, convex is the world's rare karst natural and ethnic culture park.
In today's guizhou anshun, inhabited by a different group of han Chinese - tun pu people, their speech, dress, local-style dwelling houses building and entertainment with the surrounding villages vastly different, this unique han culture phenomenon is known as "tun pu culture. Residents here because are the descendants of ancient tun army door so people call them "tun pu". More than 600 years ago, Ming hong wu emperor of zhu yuanzhang for reinforced company rule in xinjiang area. In jiangsu and zhejiang recruits soldiers, let XieQi tape them in guizhou, who live in Settings, when war, settlement when idle. Who was spreading across the province, to the tens of thousands of people.
Passage, and now most of those who sites scattered in the historical space and time, but in the "throat of the belly, of qian dian" anshun, still holds a site by the who and the legacy of people's life, yunshan is acting on his behalf. Tun pu people clothing, mainly in women, their costumes are usually off your big sleeve, big garment is long and knee. Neckline, cuffs, the front edges are embroidered with flow pattern, the waist with both ends at your knees the tapestry of bow of ribbon tie. Long hair done in a bun pulling in net, put on the bun with h. silver chains such as jewelry.
The difference between women's marital status is that unmarried girl comb DuBian long; Married people are in addition to holding bun, has yet to be shaven forehead threading. In dress, women tend to have the pendants, bracelets, rings, hand cage, long skirts and with embroidery, patch, ornamental, inlay, rolling method such as high for single hook made of crested cloth shoes. If visitors come in due course, you can enjoy the many unique and festival culture with a boundless lasting appeal; 9th in the jade emperor, the 16 day face Wang Gong, people will land in June, June 24 worship Raytheon... The festival to meet Wang Gong lastly, the most characteristic.
贵州省中西部城市安顺,建于明代,地处滇黔要道,素有 “滇之喉、黔之腹”之称,且“商业之盛,甲于全省”,自古为黔中商业重镇,1985年国务院批准为甲类开放城市。安顺历史悠久,文化发达,交通便利,商业繁荣,是全区政治、经济、文化中心,也是安顺旅游服务中心、购物中心、娱乐中心、旅游商品生产基地和交通枢...
(一) 各位游客,你们好!现在我们就要到达侗族文化中心—黎平。我先给大家简单介绍一下红军长征及在黎平的情况。 1930年至1931年9月,中央红军同中央革命根据地的人民一起,连续粉碎了国民党蒋介石第一、二、三、四次军事“围剿”,胜利地保卫了中央革命根据地。到第五次反“围剿”时,王明“左”倾冒...
镇远县位于贵州省东缘,属中亚热带湿润气候区,年平均气温16 4℃,年降水量1093 3毫米,四季分明,气候温和。面积1878平方公里,人口近24万人,县城面积约6平方公里,常住人口近5万人,是一座历史悠久,物阜境优的文明古城,是国家批准的黔东南州民族改革开放试验区所辖县市之一。 镇远自然资源丰...
一路辛苦了。我们已经来到中国最大的侗寨——肇兴。 肇兴,俗名“六洞”、“略懂”、“宰肇”,现是肇兴乡政府所在地,寨内分设三个行政村,共有920多户,4000余人,是黎平县最大的侗族聚居村寨,也是全国最大的侗族自然寨。 “肇”在侗语中是开始、最先的意思。那么肇兴也就是这一方最先开始生存的寨子。...
1935年,毛泽东指挥中国工农红军“四渡赤水”,谱写了中外军事史上最神奇最壮阔的篇章,贵州赤水因此名扬天下。人们对赤水的了解似乎也仅限于此,赤水自然风光的美丽神奇却鲜为人知。让我们一起去赤水,一起重走长征路,一起感受赤水河畔独特的风光和风情。 赤水市位于贵州西北部,与四川南部三县接壤,名区重...
朋友们,现在,我们就要进入中国侏罗纪公园了。 我想问:在坐的看了美国好莱坞科幻大片《侏罗纪公园》的请举手。看的人还真不少哇。(或看的人不多)请问谁能简单地解释“侏罗纪”是啥子意思? 其实,这是地质、历史学者们为研究地球进化史所创造的一些专业术语。我们人类居住的这个地球村,可能是在亿万万颗行星...
(一)引言 尊敬的客人: 欢迎您们来到天河公园,我叫***,很荣幸能为大家作导游,我将竭诚为大家服务,和大家共同渡过美好的一天。 天河公园位于毕节市西北郊,距市中心3公里,交通非常便利。公园与倒天河水库融为一体,所辖面积573894平方米,风景秀丽,气候宜人,湖光山色,如临画中。...
中国古语说:“山北为阴,山南为阳”,因城区位于境内贵山之南而得“贵阳”之名,同时,古代贵阳盛产美丽的竹子,故贵阳简称“筑”。它地处山地丘陵之间,故还有“山国之都”的雅誉,而且市内自然景观,文化古迹,民族风情星罗棋布,因此又有“公园省”的“盆景市”之美称。 贵阳是中国的又一春城,气候温和湿润,...
各位朋友: 一路辛苦了,欢迎到赤水国家级风景名胜区观光作客!我叫×××,×××旅行社导游,有幸为大家做“全陪”,我十分荣幸,这叫有缘千里来相会。 相信大家对赤水这个红色的名字并不陌生,因为谁都知道有个史诗般的“四渡赤水”的传说。其实,很多人对赤水的认识还只停留在“红色战场”的层面上,根本想不...
格凸河风景名胜区,省级风景名胜区,总面积70平方公里,它集岩溶、山、水、洞、石、林组合之精髓,融雄、奇、险、峻、幽、古为一身,构成一幅完美的风景图画,是稀世之珍的喀斯特自然公园。正在申报国家级风景名胜区和世界自然遗产。 这里,既有世界最美的喀斯特地貌,又有举世无双的大穿洞绝景--燕王宫,也有古...