
贵州导游词 2023-09-30 网络整理 晴天




  Originally red flower district county zhunyi, in northern guizhou, fruitful achievements, summer shade Holly, scenic, known as suck a pearl on the plateau.

  Red granite tourism are mainly composed of zunyi conference site of the long march of cultural memory system, a medieval military castle dragon hoarding, "southwest underground art palace" -- - Yang's tomb, buddhist landmarks Jin Dingshan, xiang yamadera, peach brook temple and big plate water virgin forests and other historical sites and natural landscape, cultural connotation is rich, heavy unique tourism resources. City hills, green trees. Xiangjiang river, luo river across the city, zunyi park, Penn river park, phoenix mountain park and green river natural blend.

  Red granite a humid subtropical monsoon climate, mild climate, four seasons all appropriate travel.

  Safflower district in northern guizhou, areas.beiqi LouShan, wujiang river in the south, in chongqing municipality directly under the central government and the provincial capital guiyang, safflower district with eight street, eight town, old town streets, street view, austral street, south gate street, west street, boat water bridge street, changzheng town, zhongshan road, Beijing road, streets, street, lane that town, sales town, zhong zhuang town, dragon town, deep creek township, Taiwan international hills, new pu town.

  Red flower district has been 800 years of history, through to suck in the political, economic and cultural center. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period belongs to all nations, is attached to the yelang. Qin and han dynasties all county, the tang dynasty for 13 years (AD 639) renamed state. 29 years Ming wanli (1601 AD) to zunyi military and civilian government. In 1914, the government of the republic of China, resuming zunyi county name. Officially set the city on November 25, 1949. On June 10, 1997, approved by the state council, revocation of county set up a red flower district benefits.


  On the edge of the city in western guizhou province, bordering yunnan province, belongs to the jurisdiction of liupanshui city. The county a total area of 3642 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 1 industrial development zone, 1 town, 32 township, a total population of 670000 people. There are han, yi, miao, hui, GeLao 26 ethnic groups, such as ethnic minority population accounts for 37.36%. City is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, for the plateau monsoon climate. In a mild climate, abundant rain, wet and dry season, the rain same heat, warm day.

  Average annual temperature of 11 ─ 17 ℃, frost-free period 250 days, annual average rainfall of 1100 ─ 1300 mm. City located in the hinterland of "jiangnan coal" liupanshui, is very rich in natural resources. There are 26 kinds of minerals have been proved, of which the most abundant coal resources. River within the territory of vertical and horizontal, zhujiang river three ChaHe beipanjiang river and wujiang river runs through it. Territory is rich in flue-cured tobacco, ginger, kidney beans, garlic, tea and other cash crops; Is rich in eucommia ulmoides, gastrodia elata, panax notoginseng, chicken feet, fungus ganoderma lucidum and other valuable medicinal herbs. Send the ear region dried ginger piece of export products exempted from inspection. The county non-cultivated land resources available for development has more than 100 ten thousand acres. Animal resources has become a national level of protection of francois' langurs, and rhesus monkeys, roe, musk deer, deer, fox, etc. Infrastructure construction to speed up the pace.

  Railway existing (Yang) kun (Ming) electrification railway across the whole territory, across the city of two coal within the territory of eye bottom coalfield and strawberry tree coalfield (division) of water (city) (fruit) parker electrified railway is under tension construction, the world will (Ming) and south (rather) kunming railway (Ming), (river) in kunming railway and strains of double line (state) 6 (plate water) constitute main road network. Highway across different provinces, regions more existing highway intersection in the city, water (city), yellow (trees) will also start construction of highway and would be a railway, highway transportation network extending in all directions. Convenient communications, currently opened 9 township program-controlled telephone, can direct, years telecommunications cable laying is completed, the eight township opened program-controlled telephone, wireless paging, mobile phones in all can use.


  Liuzhi is the national key coal-producing area, it is "cool are China," and "jiangnan coal" the eastern gate of liupanshui city, known as jiangnan da laudatory name. The traffic is very developed, enrichment of mineral resources, biological resources is very abundant.

  Liuzhi unique tourism resources. Have to contain the ancient yelang culture river river provincial scenic area and pressing the shuttle to the ending ecological museum of attention at home and abroad, is amorous feelings of national culture, natural scenery and unique places of interest as one of the tourist area. Among them, have a peach blossom in central park, nine head mountain park, mountain park at the South Pole, natural grotto moon palace (goddess of mercy hole); South LangDai at the tomb of the ancient city, the city LangDaiMu inscriptional record, LangDai riots and mysterious mountain Lao wang (ancient LangShan); A bottom stream in southeastern forest park, there are white river waterfalls and fall not centered on the karst cave landscape; Northern rock feet town scenery, old takahashi resort, LanLong bridge the window hole, the old bottom resort and shuttle to the ending of ecological museum.

  With rich and mysterious folk customs, such as: the buyi driven table, bask in the moon of the miao nationality, yi mountain section, kelao eat the New Year, etc., constitute the 9:13 unique tourism landscape, attracting a large number of tourists and cultural experts, scholars at home and abroad. Liuzhi is currently actively developing bottom stream yelang culture ecology garden, ecology garden, moon river moon river provincial forest park construction work, such as the bead hydropower station dam water area of square kilometers, after light power station dam water area of 51.54 square kilometers, after the river along the river will become a beautiful scenery line.

  Liuzhi four seasons all appropriate travel. Liuzhi pleasant climate. Annual average temperature of 13.5-15.2 ℃, summer without heat and winter cold.

  Liuzhi from the provincial capital guiyang 172 kilometers, 98 kilometers away from liupanshui city downtown. Two county, the east even zhenning, some composition in the south, the city is in the west, north to zhijin, harmony, southwest border with fine long them two county. 9:13 watershed in the Yangtze river and the zhujiang river, the south has beipanjiang river river upstream of the river, the north has three ChaHe wujiang river upstream, east white river of the origins of huangguoshu waterfall. Water head is big, water resource is very rich.

  Liuzhi is the third line construction "period of the original" liuzhi "and" LangDai county "merger. Living in there are han, yi, miao, such as, GeLao 32 nationalities, ethnic minority population accounts for 30.52% of the total population. In the ethnic culture is very long.


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