
河北导游词 2022-09-09 网络整理 晴天




  Tangshan, due to the central city of taesongsan (formerly known as tangshan) the name. The tang dynasty, its two Crusades, all station troops now the downtown taesongsan, mountain give tang, tangshan, hence the name. Is a coastal city. Tangshan city is located in the center of bohai bay area (south of the famous tangshan bay), the bohai sea in the south, north depends on yanshan, east and bordering on qinhuangdao, west is adjacent to Beijing, tianjin, are two major areas of connecting north China, northeast region of the throat and extremely important corridor. Tangshan city is the economic center in hebei province, is also one of the best cities in China's future development prospect.

  Tangshan, is located in the eastern Eurasia, the Pacific west bank, is an important coastal port city in the north of China, domain central cities in hebei province, north China is important to foreign portal; And northeast Asia important international shipping center, bohai sea new industrialization base, the capital economic circle of important fulcrum.

  Tangshan in 20xx, nearly 7.4 million people (population 3.2 million) which city, tangshan city area is 200 square kilometers in 20xx, according to the latest plan, 20xx tangshan downtown area is 500 square kilometers, gathered around an urban population of 5 million. Tangshan now and in the future focus on "four city river" and "caofeidian new district as the core of the coastal area of the" four ". Tangshan is the developed rich vibrant metropolis, is also at the forefront of scientific development in our country. Tangshan is evaluated many times national garden city and national sanitary city and national civilized city. Tangshan port is one of the eight sea port.

  Tangshan is a long history of the ancient and splendid culture famous city, the resources is rich in fertile soil, the cradle of China's modern industry, the miracle of the phoenix nirvana, the forefront of sustainable development, the economically developed coastal megacities, a miracle and dream city.


  Tangshan tangshan, referred to as "tang, is the Asian and African countries and American states to a kind of call in mainland China, overseas Chinese in southeast Asia and the americas to China itself, as well as the Taiwanese dialect in a call to mainland China. Tangshan is a provincial government in hebei province of the People's Republic of China. Domain central cities in hebei province, one of China's big cities, one of the important economic center in north China, north China important foreign portal; Is also important shipping center of northeast Asia logistics center, world-class new industrialization base; At the same time is also one of the Beijing and tianjin tang the core city of urban agglomerations.

  Tangshan east across the luanhe river, and on the other side of the qinhuangdao, west adjacent to tianjin, the bohai sea in the south, north depends on yanshan, across the Great Wall and the chengde area border, center in bohai bay, the geographical position is superior, the thing about 130 km wide, about 150 km north-south Mao. The city's total area of 17040 square kilometers. The total land area of 13472 square kilometers, tangshan sea area of 4440 square kilometers, 132 island is basic in tangshan in hebei. Downtown area is located in the middle of tangshan, east, north and luan county border, south border with caofeidian area, with rich area adjacent to the west and north. East to qinhuangdao 125 kilometers, 40 kilometers south from the bohai sea and southwest to the tianjin 108 kilometers, and the provincial capital shijiazhuang, 366 kilometers, 154 kilometers northwest to Beijing.

  Tangshan is innovative city, the famous ecological city, China excellent tourist city, the development of Chinese science demonstration area, also has a long history of the ancient and splendid culture famous city, resources rich in fertile soil, the cradle of China's modern industry, the miracle of the phoenix nirvana, the forefront of sustainable development, coastal megacities, a miracle and dream city. A good performance. Currently shijiazhuang has become the outstanding features in the economy, leading industry, rich people's life, the development prospects of one of the important center city in north China.

  Tangshan in yanshan, across the plains, near bohai sea, geomorphic types including mountains, hills, basins, plains and waters. Back mountain, the landscape pattern of linhai, complex landform types, unique geographical location, for the formation of the tourism resources provides the advantageous geographical conditions, mountain, forest, lake, sea, island natural tourist resources such as types of both.


  Tangshan city is located in the center of bohai sea area, the south shore of bohai sea, north depends on yanshan, the transportation is convenient, can be in and out of the sex is very strong. Back mountain geographical landscape, linhai are diverse and complex landform types and characteristic of the local history and culture, has created many distinctive tourism resources. Taste unique natural landscape, cultural landscape culture deeply. Tangshan northern mountainous area of Ming Great Wall, 221 kilometers, east to shanhaiguan, old faucet, west to badaling and mutianyu, there are 29, jailed narrow watchtowers, 603, 82 beacon tower.

  Underwater Great Wall the Great Wall, marble, 72 stamps, prison floor, watergate and the Great Wall brick kilns, raising horses, station troops are only along the Great Wall, on behalf of the Ming Great Wall is the essence of the history and culture. Along the Great Wall has clear dongling, JingZhongShan, JiuFengShan, essence, panjiakou, DaHeiTing, castle peak, lingshan, the Aries valley and a series of scenic spots. Qing dongling, built Yu Kangxi two years, is at present, the scale, the existing system of complete DiWangLing tombs, one of the listed as a world heritage site in November 20xx. Land buried five emperors, 15 queen, 137 concubines, 4 princess. Clear dongling, grand, magnificent, elegant and big buildings in China's largest stone memorial arch, the longest god road. Located in the territory of qianxi map JingZhongShan, with its extensive and profound, has a long history of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism humanities and natural landscape, has been the qing emperor kangxi imperial topic "lingshan thorn", "the world famous mountains".

  Tangshan has mountains, sea, forest, a variety of unique natural landscape, there are national level cultural relics protection units 2, 40 provincial key cultural relics protection units. Tangshan has 196.5 kilometers long coastline, beautiful coastal scenery, especially the bodhi island, on tuo island, playing net post three offshore islands, is in the process of development and construction of natural ecology sightseeing and leisure as the main content of the new tourist area, become a bit more beautiful characteristics in north China tourism.


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