
黑龙江导游词 2022-12-10 网络整理 晴天




  It is convenient to the Sun Island. Tourists can get here by water, land or air. It is a great enjoyment to tour on Songhua River when the weather is fine. It will be exciting and full of fun to cross the Songhua River on a cable car. Of course, it is much more convenient to cross the river by land with numerous vehicles coming and going every day. The center of the park is at a water pavilion. About 1,515 square meters, the highlights include a long corridor, a link corridor and a square pavilion built with modern methods of garden making.

  The scenery in the garden is composed of artificial lakes and artificial hills. There are 5 inter-linked lakes around the Sun Lake. On the lake are Sister Bridge, Pavilion Bridge, and White Jade Bridge. The elegant willows, the picturesque pavilions and bridges as well as their reflections in the water have constituted most beautiful scenery. There is a three-layer waterfall built in the Sun Hill. The crystal clear water curtain hangs down and its sound can be heard from afar. This scenery is the Clear Spring and Flying Waterfall.

  Since the normalization of the relations between China and Japan, many Chinese cities have established friendly relationship with some Japanese cities. In the 10th year since Harbin and Niigata became sister cities, both sides built together this Japanese style friendship garden in the Sun Island Park which is located on the northern bank of the Songhua River. Covering an area of 3.7 hectares, the garden was built with a total investment of 4.2 million Yuan. Japan invested 3.3 million yen and took the responsibility of the fundamental design. China was responsible for the construction work. It took 14 months to complete the garden. Opened in September 1989, the garden receives 150,000 domestic and foreign guests every year. Friendship Garden has become an important window of Harbin. The park is built on the basis of the natural scenery and blends beautifully with its surroundings. The Sino-Japanese Friendship Memorial Hall is of traditional Japanese architectural style. Tourists can find distinctive Japanese flavor in the trees and large expanse of lawns. Facing the wonderful scenery, tourists would feel like being in Japan.

  In winter, Snow Sculpture Show holds annually. This show was first held in 1989. It is now as important as the Ice and Snow World. Each year, it attracted more than 10,0000 visitors home and abroad.


  A famous river divides Harbin into the north and the south part, along its bank formed two amazing riverside parks. That is the Mother River of Harbin—Songhua River.

  Songhua River, ranks the fifth longest river in China, runs about 1,897 kilometers long and covers a drainage area of 545,600 square kilometers. The source of the river is a crater lake called Heavenly Lake with an elevation of 2,189 meters at the top of the Changbai Mountain, which borders North Korea in China’s Jilin Province. The water falls down from the Heavenly Lake and forms a waterfall, as if the water rushes down from haven. Hence the local Manchu inhabitant called it “Heavenly Lake” in meaning, “Songga-liwula” in pronunciation. Now we transliterate into Chinese Songhua River.

  It is 4 meters in depth and 1 kilometer in width on average in Harbin sector. Songhua River has more than 900 branches in large and small size. The river is frozen over from November to April the nest year. the period of freezing weather is 135 days.

  As the largest branch of the Heilong River, Songhua River winding through Harbin for 117 kilometers and served as an important artery for the development of the city. In the 17th century, under the reign of Emperor Kangxi, naval ships were stationed along these areas, and resisted the invading Russian enemy successfully. After that, in 1689, Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed. That is the first border agreement between the Qing government and the imperial Russian government. On June 6th, 1898, a Russia warship taken on the engineers and surveyors to made a topographic map for building the China-East Railway. There landing point is where the Flood Control Monument located now. From then on, the river became busy and lots of material needed for build the railway were transported through this River and then, a modern city was erected at the south bank of Songhua River.

  Three big bridges have been built over the river, and one of them connected the south bank of Harbin and Sun Island was built in 1983 and opened to traffic in 1986. This bridge approach or the leading bridge on the south bank of the Songhua River was designed to have two circles. So the whole bridge was like a scissors and the bridge approach is like the scissors’ handle.

  The Songhua River in winter is no less bustling than a summer bathing beach. It’s frozen hard with ice nearly one meter thick, turning it into a huge playground for all kinds of ice sports. You can go skating and ice sailing, or ride in ice junks or horse-drawn sleighs. But if you want to do something really different, why not get into a swimming costume and join those crazy people, young and old, diving and swimming in a pool of icy water dug out of the frozen river?


  Ladies and gentlemen:

  The time has come for you to leave for Shanghai, the final leg of your visit to china. It`s a pity that you cannot stay in Harbin any longer. Please allow me, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.

  First of all, I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given us in the past tow and a half days. You have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier for our dirver and me. You have been very attentive when we had something to tell you. Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to be better tour guides. I`d like to add that you are the best group we`ve ever been with.

  Two days ago, we met as strangers; today, we did farewell to each other as friends. A chinese saying goes, a good friend from afar brings a distant land closer. I hope you`ll take back happy memories of your trip to china, including your two-and-half-day visit to Harbin. As you have probably observed, Harbin is developing very quickly. When and if you come back in the future, the city may have changed beyond recognition. Meanwhile, I will continue my job as a tour guide. I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide. Please enjoy your flight to Shanghai. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

  Bon voyage!


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