
江苏导游词 2023-01-04 网络整理 晴天




  A garden is a typical private residential gardens. From the house into the garden, the first thing you encounter is hole shape garden gate. Writing on the door of "garden" 2 words, "a", the shape of bamboo leaves, host of "narration", "narration" also refers to the bamboo, thought that "a garden", point out the theme. Garden gate on both sides of all kinds of bamboo leaves pond, "moon mirror bamboo thousands of words, and MenE photograph reflect; Ginkgo peak among them, such as their grow up. Master spring scenery as the garden of the opening, think is the meaning of "spring"! Through after spring scenery garden elegance on both sides of the door and a row of repeated, and caught a glimpse of campus scenery, gazebo, flower reflected, meanwhile, fascinating. Turn into the garden gate to the west, it is a huge bamboo into the spring scenery. Bamboo forest thick, dark, and that a few Joan flower show in the vibrant spring scene.

  A four seasons garden rockery, distinctive expression "hills YanYe and like to laugh, summerhill, such as green, bright and clean, such as makeup, akiyama mountain winter bleak and such as sleep" and "hills should swim, summerhill appropriate, the appropriate akiyama, winter mountain livable" poetry. A novel garden purport, tight structure, is the Chinese garden alone, it is also one of the most famous landscape of yangzhou. Now the national AAAA level scenic area.


  Word garden door and door on both sides of bamboo jin ting, bamboo, insert plant with green stone stalagmites, mottled with "emotion" rock "state, form a" spring ". Also subtly conveys the traditional culture of "cherish spring" concept, to remind people, spring scenery is good, but short, need to appreciate each double cherish attentively, to nature's wonderful really boring. Hills proper swimming, the original length is not in the process, and gains in the swim, swim a joy.

  Xia Jing lying in the northwest of the park, east and mountain building. Xia Jing stacked stone is given priority to with cinereous taihu, stacked stone cloud mist entrainment of tai, landscape of taihu uneven and the characteristics of thin, transparent, leakage, knit, fold stone and not random. Yin mountain, mountain pond, north a trickling water trickle plummeting to the pond fish shuttle between the water lily pool. Pond on the right side of a winding there is a direct summerhill cave, hole deep, very cold, even if the hot summer, people into the hole, feel relaxed. Summerhill should look, and high and low are scene, let a person look around, too many things to see.

  Mountain building through the "one" word long corridor, east of the garden is the magnificence is ablaze, created by qing dynasty painter Shi Taozhi. Autumn scenery in huangshan mountain, stone stack, higher the area is larger. The whole mountain, west, south three points, "most of the jiangnan garden" of reputation. The entire mountain piton lingyun, appear magnificent majestic. Along the ventral way climbing up to the top of the mountain breeze YunTing, view panoramic view. The appropriate akiyama, access to connection between CheFu, such as calendar qianshanmohe, all have to climb risks.

  Landscape will be winter scene arrangement under the south wall, back against the wall almost not see the sun, from a distance like snow did not disappear, the ground was paved with white stone. Winter mountain with XuanShi (quartz) stack, stone crystal white, each stone was almost can't see the edges and corners, give a person likes and has the feeling of ups and downs. Winter mountain habitable, but, of course, the best is both of three bosom friend, together in the face and mountain building leak leakage month hall, surround furnace snow, night.


  A garden is located in the outskirts of yangzhou, jiangsu province dongguan street, formerly the ShouZhi garden of qing dynasty. Jiaqing and daoguang years, liang huai salt merchants yellow and converted to the narration for the garden, because of kinds of bamboo, named "a garden", its meaning has straight not bent, modest upward. "Yangzhou gardens, gardens to fold Lin chuang". A garden in his bamboo stone as the main body, in the peak using stone for the characteristics of urban forest, the legend of emperor kangxi years famous painter Shi Taozhi hand. Previous call "by HuiShi Duo mountain", is a garden Duo rao HuaLi, between like and don't like, an infinite daydream. The park mountain peaks, tall and straight, majestic, give a person the sense with rockery real taste. Appropriate woo hin, mountain building and the garden are brushed YunTing transparent, live in the autumn pavilion, yue xuan building, hand in photograph reflect with rockery pool, with a fomous trees, more show of primitive simplicity and elegant.

  This park south entrance, there are two central pool, pool east Bridges cross waters as two, fanaw osmanthus hall, the width between the three, single eaves jehiel mountain, is the main building, garden ChiBeiYou hexagonal pavilion a; QiYou west pool is small, the north lake stone rockery, the south bank of bamboo forest. Garden north has up to 11 floor garden architecture.

  A garden is famous for its "four seasons rockery". Spring scenery in osmanthus south hall near the entrance, down the tracery wall decorate stalagmites, like spring unearthed bamboo, bamboo echo, increased the spring in the air. Xia Jing in northwest of lake rockery LinChi, jian valley deep and quiet, the purple shadow show wood, the gurgling, beautiful and clinking. Autumn scenery is Yellowstone rockery, the number to pull, towering cliffs, the hole set way, upwards, step different scene change, fascinating. The top of the mountain pavilion, forming dominated the highest scenic spot. Winter rockery in the southeast of the small courtyard, lean on a wall of superimposed color white, body roundy XuanShi (snow), did not disappear, like snow in the south wall four lines round hole, using a narrow alley walls of air change produced by the effect of the north wind roar, as the atmosphere of winter blizzard. And on the west wall of the small courtyard and a round hole empty Windows open, you can see the spring mountain bamboo, camellia, and as winter is over, beautiful spring had come. The design idea, make the garden space changes with new idea.

  Four seasons rockery, distinctive expression "hills YanYe and like to laugh, summerhill, such as green, bright and clean, such as makeup, akiyama mountain winter bleak and such as sleep" and "hills should swim, summerhill appropriate, the appropriate akiyama, winter mountain livable" poetry. A novel garden purport, tight structure, is the Chinese garden alone, it is also one of the most famous landscape of yangzhou.


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