
江苏导游词 2023-01-12 网络整理 晴天




  According to legend, emperor yangdi Yang Guang in memory of his father sui wendi monuments, bless Jiang Shanyong solid, our descendants ten thousand generation, in TaiLing created next to the temple. Due to our temple create has the support of the emperor, so was grand and splendid. "Rebellion" after the national strength gradually weak, our temple and other buddhist dojo, with incense, less since Buddha, also doomed to our temple, temple of Buddha all destroyed.

  Ming hongwu, the qing emperor qianlong and light years, our temple was rebuilt three times and the repair, thrived for many times, is bigger than before, more monks, meter has more than one hundred and eighty mu of land, of the moment, the late qing and early republic, war, bandits, more than our temple temple destroyed, and only three room of hall, six wing and on the second floor of the bell and drum, several monks guard.

  1949 years later, the temple abbot monk, has more than 20 acres, land temple, Buddha, bell and drum ready, but unfortunately destroyed in the "cultural revolution". Mage advocated by the net day in 1987, under the original to our temple site restoration and reconstruction, July l989 Ursa major, change a temple called "daming monastery", take a big put light, become the government approval to legally buddhist temples. Since then, the local government, village cadres and four sides under the support of people, especially in Hong Kong publishing, holy one, the realization of the mage on the economy vigorously support, more than a decade to build without dropping out, developing very quickly. Solemn holy land of Buddhism has become a considerable scale. Temple covers an area of 12 acres with Ursa now 5 rooms, great hall 5, ZhaiTan between two layers of 14, he was the 3 rooms, three kuan ti temple temple and chanting hall, study hall, store kingle, drum tower, etc, and have electric room, a bathroom, a guest, wing and other supporting facilities.

  Now daming monastery, have taken on a new look. Here is only 10 li away from the county seat, the transportation is convenient. Monastery in FeiFeng ShanYuan built, commanding, eye shot is open, large south the white snow, and west is west gaps back river, north to look deep famen temple pagoda, the east sui wendi TaiLing relatively. Lush scenery elegant, pleasant climate, flowers and trees. Is a wonderful place, temple central Ursa major iron tip of the roof center for SuiTai mausoleum's top of the east, east illicit affair, namely using theodolite, nor partial silk recommend her. Is this the ancients' masterpiece, deliberately or providence of close, remains unknown, but it makes people wonder, more make people feel mysterious. On the top of the temple in langfang long a towering cooper, dangling, for hundreds of years, despite the wind and rain, fighting, but still flourish, pilgrims and tourists all sigh for the spectacle.


  Daming monastery is famous at home and abroad, its long history, it is important, but more important for one reason, because there was a greatness monk, he is the distinguishing of the monk in the tang dynasty. On distinguishing the monks who speak law ChuanJie daming monastery, famous and admired by character, has the high prestige, "the reputation of jianghuai master". Thrive in Buddhism, buddhist Oriental, he accepts the Japanese buddhist invitation, readily led the monk dongdu fuso. Master dongdu buddhist is absolute. At that time, his disciples for the road far away, "the sea miaotuo overflowing, useless to", but hesitates along. Distinguishing but undaunted: "to be hurrying, also precious little body life? The people don't go, I go to the ear that!" It serves to show his profound super-knowledge and strong determination.

  Distinguishing the master take the bull by the horns, five times failure, did not lose heart, never flinch, finally in tianbao twelve years (753), with the blind, arrived in Japan in the 66 - year - old success always. His indomitable willpower, enables us to admire and respect. Distinguishing in Japan built temple Buddha, wide spread Buddhism commandment, xing teach calligraphy and painting skills, promote medicine diet, carrying forward the culture of datang, by the people of Japan as a benefactor "culture". Distinguishing the master is a shining example of a missionary of buddhist, is the Chinese people's friendly messenger. He is doctrines on rare elite in China, is one of the biggest glory and pride of daming monastery.

  Habitat spirit, a total of nine layers, was founded in the first year of SuiRenShou (601), tang dynasty poet li bai, cross, Liu Changqing, Jiang Huan, Chen Run, liu yuxi, bai juyi have to board, and leave song, reflects is known as "China YouJun" habitat of spirit majestic, magnificent towering cloud.

  Habitat spirit since Tang Huichang three years (843) not to be, daming monastery only ruins "habitat" spirit, without their spi tower, pilgrims and visitors are deeply lead to shame. The emperor song zhenzong JingDe first year (1004), monks can zheng to raise funds to build up a more than seven pagodas. The pagoda in the southern song dynasty destroy Pi again, since then, daming monastery never rebuild their spirit.

  As in 1980, distinguishing masters like back to yangzhou "visit" from Japan, people from all walks of life initiative to rebuild their spirit, excitation figure macro industry. Daming monastery monks with the support of relevant departments, in every way to raise money, ready to build. 1988, daming monastery monk ruixiang mage ZeZhi based at temple east garden, grand ceremony, stone for the record. Ruixiang mage parinirvana after can fix the mage persist its ambition, collect alms, pencil-thin operation, the desire for built a habitat spirit as soon as possible.

  Habitat and * spirit north the steps in the direct connect to lie. Lie Wu Buddha hall for the shan temple architecture, cornices, newborn magnificence. Lie the Buddha hall built in high stylobate, eaves hung * "lie" gold plaque in the middle of place, from the President of the calligraphy at the beginning of the buddhist association of China.

  In Ursa major as the main body of the north and south by east of central axis position, also formed a north-south central axis of the building group, and it is the main hall in distinguishing memorial as a group, the construction of the main body of the design, structure system is perfect, is almost in this building.

  PingShanTang locates the west side of the "old house" immortal of daming monastery Ursa major, as the northern song dynasty writer ouyang xiu in yangzhou was positively build, is consists of PingShanTang, GuLinTang, ouyang shrine, from south to north lined up. This church there hang "merry wan in", "sit on" plaques, north hall eaves hang Lin zhao yuan topic "mountains to the readings and flat" plaques. At this point, tourists SiGu of compassion.


  Daming monastery is located in yangzhou city in northwest sichuan, 27, was built in the southern dynasty liu song period of the ancient temple.

  Distinguishing the master had presided over the temple in the tang dynasty, to pass on one's experience about law. Temple built nine layers of a habitat of spirit. Today daming monastery in distinguishing memorial hall for the tang dynasty style architecture, distinguishing in 1963 died when the 1200th anniversary of the foundation, built in 1973, the main hall of worship with dry paint on 须弥座 clip made distinguishing storage cave, close the meditation, persistent, peace. Its front yard has more than one plant height when the rare flower Joan, lush leaves, spring blossoms as white as tracts, have the reputation of "yangzhou qionghua, the unique thing in the world". To daming monastery I saw people like tide, just went in to see there is a big sign, reading: "Ursa" four characters, once we worship the Buddha inside.

  Finally, we came to live spirit. After entering their spirit inside there are four Buddha, are all the same, we have been to climb, to climb to the seventh layer have been exhausted, climb to the top to rest for a while, for air, air to continue to climb again. Finally climbed to the ninth floor, I feel very proud and very happy, I told mom and dad said: "I'm so happy, the wind is very comfortable!" I look down, the good little, as if some toys, people like only small ants crawling around, and I look ahead in the distance, originally the world is so big!

  Down after saw a tower and a drum. Leave is always coming, the day is so happy!


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