
江苏导游词 2023-01-17 网络整理 晴天




  Canglang district is located in the central and southern China's historical and cultural city of suzhou, suzhou Singapore industrial park in the east, west of suzhou high-tech industrial development zone, named after the deep in the song dynasty famous surging waves pavilion. Is the center of the education, culture, science, travel in suzhou, and suzhou city's oldest and one of the central city of the most abundant cultural accumulation.

  Have "canglang pavilion of surging waves" is located in the south of three yuan fang, is the oldest in suzhou gardens, the beginning of five Surging waves pavilion generation of the son of the king of wu yue money Liu money yuan 璙 pool pavilion, a famous poet Su Shunqin by four guan money bought the garden waste, to build, alongside water pavilion, title "of surging waves", since the number of surging waves weng, and the surging wave pavilion ". Ouyang xiu was invited as the surging waves pavilion long poem, the poem to "cool breeze bright moon is priceless, it's a pity that only sell forty thousand money" fude. Since then, the garden to people, "surging waves pavilion" reputation DaZhu. Now as the national key cultural relics protection unit. . The "master of the nets garden" is located in the city bridge south rich family head with lane. Beginning for the southern song dynasty official department assistant minister Shi Zhengzhi in chunxi years (1174-1189) built "rolls of hall", implement "fishing" Cain said. Because there is "siforrestwang lane" near, harmonic its sound YuYu implicit meaning, "master of the nets garden". As a national key cultural relics protection units. In suzhou "pan gate three scene" is "pan gate" in the southwest of the water gate, across the canal "wu gate bridge", in the flow of the shadow of the "temple tower of the", by doing a grand canal, the three links scene together, become the area of the ancient city of suzhou.

  Canglang moderate and moist climate, abundant rainfall, all the year round, the four seasons all appropriate tourism, especially in the 4 - best in October. In the meantime, can appreciate TaoGongLiuLu natural scenery, but also taste the fresh peach, "biluochun", sugar, lotus root, such as seasonal specialties.

  Suzhou dialect, which is also called wu, is famous in the history, the so-called "soft suchou dialect language". Canglang as a region of suzhou, dialect and Zhou Lin at pingkiang, gold Chang regions such as basically the same. In the suzhou zhijun, and districts have been detailed and not repeat. Only ranked below will Wu Yuzhong related characteristics. Suzhou dialect commonly known as "forever is mine." Suzhou people claim to be "suzhou gossip". Its biggest characteristic is "soft", it sounds "" delicious, so that some outsiders" willing with suzhou people scold "listen to very tasty" gossip "in suzhou.


  Gold Chang in northwest area is located in suzhou city, the ancient city, east moat outside the east coast and cross yanghe, east and at pingkiang area adjacent; West to the grand canal west world, and suzhou high new technical industrial zone river; South bridge across the river in small day, three road, tung many in the east coast and double river and is bounded canglang; North to central triangle mouth the water surface, the borders of the city.

  Gold Chang area of the tourism resources, huqiu, hanshan temple, lingering garden, west park and so on historical and cultural relics is the pride of suzhou. "Swim in suzhou and not swim huqiu, but pity." Is the symbol of the ancient city of suzhou huqiu tower is famous world culture heritage, the annual traditional temple fair and huqiu show attracted millions of Chinese and foreign tourists. Is located in the ancient city in the west of the hanshan temple with a poetry of the present paper arrives at an inter pretation "and famous, each ring, people always want to hanshan temple

  Suzhou belongs to north subtropical monsoon climate, the spring and autumn season for travel.

  In October 1955, suzhou city, the city name change, west renamed Chang zone of gold. In August 1956, the area before the view (the former central) revoked, the area, respectively, into the north tower area (north) peace river area (east). In July 1958, revocation of the north tower area, the area of peach dock, Chang door and changchun street office Chang area (most) into gold. Founded in November the same year, the city people's communes, a district social unity. In July 1960, suzhou city, the original three area is adjusted for six, gold Chang area in two, set up two gold Chang, peach dock area (communes). In July 1962, suzhou cancel each urban commune system. In March 1963, restore to establish three city, peach dock area withdraw into gold Chang area. Gold Chang area during the "cultural revolution" was renamed yan 'an area. On June 9, 1980, approved by jiangsu province people's government: suzhou yanan area changed its name to gold Chang area. On September 1, 20xx, suzhou city held a press conference, announced the cancellation of suzhou canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area, set up in suzhou gusu area, with the original canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area administrative areas for administrative areas in gusu area.


  District is located in the suzhou's old city on the west side, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal in the east, south, wuzhong district, suzhou city in the north, the west lake. With a long history, rich in tourism resources.

  Suzhou high-tech zone, district world famous historical and cultural city of suzhou's old city in the east, west thirty-six thousand pour wide of taihu lake, south and dozens of jiangnan lush rolling hillsides is an organic whole repeatedly, the existing shek wu scenic spot, dongting mountain scenic resort, day spirit and fengqiao hanshan temple, huqiu scenic area around around, fengqiao street west white horse ecology garden in suzhou high-tech zone, and is an important part of tourist area in the west and suzhou covers an area of 7 square kilometers, is the high-tech zone of a piece of original "green lung". Area to celebrities.of goes back to ancient times, accumulate rich, have "Jiang Feng gu", "hanshan bell" and other historical and cultural heritage and "jinshan stone", "town lake embroidery" traditional process, and built the first batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection unit of the southern song dynasty, "stone Buddha", built during Ming wanli period of the municipal cultural relics protection unit "it daoyuan temple" and the municipal cultural relics protection units built in the qing emperor qianlong years "three mile pavilion", is a collection of jiangnan landscape beautiful and gentle in wu culture in the integration of "land".

  District of the four seasons all appropriate travel. District belongs to subtropical monsoon Marine climate, in the spring and autumn period and the short, long summer and winter, distinct seasons; Mild climate humid throughout the year; The annual average temperature 17.7 ℃; The annual average relative humidity of 80%; An average annual rainfall 1099.6 mm.

  Suzhou huqiu district was established in 1951, at that time, said the suburbs, is composed of into wuxian city east and west districts, on September 8, 20xx changed its name to approved district, governs transverse pond, huqiu, HuShuGuan three towns and sunlit baiyang, HuShuGuan bay street economic development zone. In September 20xx, suzhou municipal party committee, the municipal government of new district, district wuzhong district, suzhou city, such as the zoning adjustment, the district town and huqiu sunlit baiyang bay street, and part of the village of cross town, wuzhong district by the city and delimit Ann town and lake town, town street east, suzhou high-tech zone, the district is established. Has a long history in the region to celebrities.of, accumulate rich, have "jinshan stone", "town lake embroidery", etc. The traditional process.


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