
江苏导游词 2023-01-21 网络整理 晴天




  Is the most representative of the city of yangzhou dongguan street a history old street. It east to the ancient canal, National Day road on the west, the total length of 1122 meters, the original street road as strip plate stone laid,

  Is not only the yangzhou dongguan street, before the amphibious transportation route, and is a business, handicraft industry and religious and cultural center. High street bustling street, merchants, business, the business is thriving. Chenhang, oil meters lu fang lines, fresh fish, eight bright lines, melon and fruit, bamboo nearly hundred.

  Dongguan "old" businesses have opened on the street in 1817 four beautiful sauce and pickle shop, Xie Fuchun powders shop in 1830, 1862 Pan Guang and hardware stores, 1901, 1909 Chen Tongxing Xia Guangcheng tofu shop shoes shop, 1912 dried big prosperous ZhiDian, 1923 earthquake TaiChang powder, 1936 hong-xing zhang, 1938 qinfeng appreciating the pawn shop, 1940 seems fresh tea club association abundant south goods shop in 1941, 1945 LingDaXing appreciating shops, in 1946, the rich of the pawnshop, in addition to Zhou Guangxing hat shop, HengMao oil hemp shop, along the southern Thailand goods shop, hengtai auspicious color, Zhu Deji flour shop, etc. Is yangzhou dongguan street manufacturing centre, front shop, back alleys and even stores throughout QuanJie, such as fan shunxing umbrella shop, shun xing cao grosses plaque, Sun Zhu minister lacquer workshop, as Beijing source tai cheung sugar, sun ji jade workshop, Dong Hou and socks factory, etc.

  Closely linked and dongguan street is east gate of the ancient blocks. Two blocks are combined together, development planning, regulation, more can highlight the cultural city of yangzhou special grade. Here in addition to the more old shops, also focus on the many sites of cultural relics have a garden, nursery, shee small garden, and yangzhou founded early Dong Xuetang straight college, stable college, instrument, and wudang palace in the Ming dynasty, Ming dynasty temple, ma prison lane is built in the 53rd year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1714) mosque, incense is very popular in dongguan street, west of mammon and wide store door corner brick circle door,

  Arch inlays also have four Chinese characters "ChengShiYan off".

  Now in dongguan east gate street, east street and found Song Dacheng double barbican sites. Celebrity former residence is more many, including Jiang Shangqing (east gate 16), Liu Wenqi (east ring gate 14) "(three ZhuAn), Wang Bobing (officer) 14, He Lian matter (east gate 22), HongLanYou (officer) 10, Xiong Chengji (6) well in the wei house, cao 蟳 (dongguan street no. 238)


  Is the most representative of the city of yangzhou dongguan street a history old street. It east to the ancient canal, National Day road on the west, the total length of 1122 meters, the original streets for strip plate stone laid, the street is not only the yangzhou land and water traffic crossroads before, and is a business, handicraft industry and religious and cultural center. High street bustling street, merchants, business, the business is thriving. Chenhang, oil meters lu fang lines, fresh fish, eight bright lines, melon and fruit, bamboo nearly hundred.

  Dongguan street, is also a food court, the dongguan street, there are a lot of famous snacks, is the most delicious of mariko JianHu lotus root powder, lotus root starch mariko JianHu region's most distinctive snacks, has a history of more than 200 years. Traditional dumplings made with sticky rice flour as raw material, the lotus root starch mariko production is unique, divided by the number of lotus root starch do skin, the filling is also very beautiful, is to do the curing of sugar + lard stuffing, and then to kumquat pie, walnut, peanut and other s.s. mixtures. Lotus root starch mariko can be used as seasonal snacks, a table delicacies, also its especially outer uniform smooth, elastic, color and luster is transparent and the dark brown; Filling sweet and refreshing, broth with intense aromas of sweet osmanthus flavour.

  "Old" dongguan street, street merchants have four beautiful sauce and pickle shop opened in 1817 and 1830 Xie Fuchun powder store, 1862 Pan Guang and hardware stores, 1901, 1909 Chen Tongxing Xia Guangcheng tofu shop shoes shop, 1912 dried big prosperous ZhiDian, 1923 earthquake TaiChang powder, 1936 hong-xing zhang, 1938 qinfeng appreciating the pawn shops, fourth-rate fresh tea club in 1940 and 1940, the association of abundant south goods shop, 1945 LingDaXing appreciating shops, in 1946, the rich of the pawnshop, in addition to Zhou Guangxing hat shop, HengMao oil hemp shop, along the southern Thailand goods shop, hengtai auspicious color, Zhu Deji flour shop, etc. Here is yangzhou handicraft industry and front shop, back alleys and even stores throughout QuanJie, such as fan shunxing umbrella shop, shun xing cao grosses plaque, Sun Zhu minister lacquer workshop, as Beijing source tai cheung sugar, sun ji jade workshop, Dong Hou and socks factory, etc.


  Located in the most prosperous ancient city of yangzhou dongguan street, entered the street will feel an antique flavor. Road on both sides of the house is built with blue bricks and roof is covered with black tiles. In this the set off of blue bricks HeiWa, red lantern hanging at the door of the house is very bright. The eaves of the houses are up, mother said that this is the ancient house in the eaves, the characteristics of newborn this is to let the rain does not flow into the room.

  Dongguan street, very lively, the most characteristic of the road on both sides of the snacks. Sell vamps, sells sesame seed candy, have sold baked wheat cake... Wide variety of snacks to let a person see more dazzling. Suddenly I saw a group of people around a roadside stall, I gather together past a look, ah! Turned out to be an old man was made all kinds of sugar painting, I asked: "grandpa, this call what?"

  "Call sugar painting." The old man answered.

  "I also want one."

  See grandpa took a spoon, burning with round pot scoop a spoonful of sugar, and studied experimentally in a square on the draw a curved shrimp body gently, then he is in front of the shrimp body around a few times, ah! Draw a pair of pliers, then he trembled under two between two pliers, two long beard will appear in front of my eyes, and then quickly under the shrimp body to wrap up a few times, the draw is a tail. After a while, a lifelike, wriggling shrimp appear in front of my eyes. See old man with a wooden stick with a little sugar, and firm pressure on the painting, finally, he very carefully by shovels shoveling sugar painting, I quickly licked two times, my sweetie, delicious, delicious!

  Jollification, traffic, antique dongguan street really make people linger.


  Yangzhou dongguan street is located in yangzhou city, jiangsu province, is the most representative of yangzhou city is one of the historical street. It is east to the ancient canal, National Day road on the west, the total length of 1122 meters. Is not only the yangzhou dongguan street, before the amphibious transportation route, and is a business, handicraft industry and religious and cultural center. High street bustling street, merchants, the business is thriving. Lu chenhang lines, fresh fish, melon and fruit, bamboo line nearly hundred. Dongguan "old" businesses have opened on the street in 1817 four beautiful sauce and pickle shop, Xie Fuchun powders shop in 1830, 1862 Pan Guang and hardware stores, 1901, 1909 Chen Tongxing Xia Guangcheng tofu shop shoes shop, 1912 dried big prosperous ZhiDian, 1923 earthquake TaiChang powder, 1936 hong-xing zhang, 1938 qinfeng appreciating the pawn shop, 1940 seems fresh tea club association abundant south goods shop in 1941, 1945 LingDaXing appreciating shops, in 1946, the rich of the pawnshop, in addition to Zhou Guangxing hat shop, HengMao oil hemp shop, along the southern Thailand goods shop, hengtai auspicious color, Zhu Deji flour shop, etc.


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