
江西导游词 2023-04-12 网络整理 晴天




  Dear friends hello, welcome you to visit lushan. My name is high, you can call me high guide, very honored to be your tour guide.

  Let me accompany you swim lushan, show the charm here. Lushan mountain is located in jiujiang south jiangxi provinces in central China, the Yangtze river in the north after Pan Yanghu. The whole mountain forest area of 302 square kilometers. The long and narrow. The whole, a total of more than 90 to hanyang peak mountain's highest peak, 1473, 4 meters above sea level. Peaks around among many lives in the valley, caves and water, terrain complex samples. Lushan mountain scenery in order to "show, and the risks, the male" world famous, known as "KuangLu under well of guilin" reputation, specifications are 12 scenic area, 37 attractions, 230 scenery landscape. Lu of lushan had "fairy" legend. Lushan mountain is a collection of scenes, wei hua, religion, education, politics, as one of the famous mountains, here is the cradle of Chinese landscape poetry. Traveled through the ages, countless letters board the lushan mountain, leave more than 4000 poems songs for the bin. We came to donglin temple, I began to introduce: "then monk hui yuan (334-416) to build donglin temple in the mountains, created the" pure land "in Buddhism, make important religious resort lushan become China's feudal era.

  Remains of the white deer cave academy, is the center of the ancient Chinese education buckle geographical education. On lushan mountain also assemble all kinds of style to different architectural masterpieces, including the Roman and elder brother neck type of church, east art form of Byzantine architecture, and Japanese architecture and islamic qing temple, is the essence of the lushan scenic area part. Lushan mountain not only has the natural beauty of the "show enjoys" has a rich splendid culture connotation. "Then we swam bawcock slope, plants round ` ` ` ` ` tourists, tour end today, thank you for visiting the world heritage.


  Welcome to the beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery of mount lushan, I am your tour guide, you can call me xiao liu.

  Lushan mountain weather change multiterminal, su dongpo on lushan mountain is just meet fog weather, didn't see anything, so he couldn't help but sigh said: ah, such a big fog, can't see anything, don't even know what lushan. But the somebody else is, after all, the poet, although did not see anything, but I still wrote "could looks like, the good luck body is in the mountain" of rhyme. We lushan mountain weather ah, like a child's face, changeable, just or clear, maybe will rain in a minute. So we should be prepared in a rain gear, in case of one thousand.

  Xiufeng waterfall, we first look at here are Li Baishi lushan waterfall xiufeng, fell from the sky like a white belt, is really "plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days." We sit right now going to the gas to spit on the river's lake of containing province (Po), where you can see the troubled sea of clouds, very spectacular. Also after jinxiu valley scenery, jinxiu valley because of all the year round brilliant flowers, spring-like seasons, like a colorful piece of splendid the name. Now the fairy cave, get off and walk you follow into inside a block for visitors to take pictures of impending large slab, the legend: a pair of lovers in the photo, a gust of wind blew the girl's hat away, she subconsciously pick up hat, but unexpectedly falling off a cliff, I hope you take pictures when must pay attention to safety, to prevent accidental! We also should pay attention to protect the environment of the lushan mountain, don't litter

  This afternoon you must be very tired, rest for a while, after supper, arrange for everybody "lushan love" to see a movie, hope you like them!


  I have friends, everybody! I am your Korean tour guide. Today, we are going to have been included in the "world heritage" lushan mountain to play, I believe you must be very looking forward to!

  Now we arrived in jinxiu valley. Jinxiu valley 1. 5 kilometers, is the famous lushan scenic spots. Here four seasons flowers open, like a splendid, so called jinxiu valley. Little friends, do you have learned the northern song dynasty poet wang anshi's poem: "also home a smile that fang Chen, good and famous mountains master. On an impulse to meet five lake, connected in jinxiu valley in spring."

  Here is the Huang Longtan. Huang Longtan deep and quiet, ancient hidden in the valleys, along stream, down the stone silver waterfall deep pool was hit into green, very fun? If you are interested, you can take photos would you want to, but don't fall into, if lost, but no one can save you!

  There is a fairy cave. Deep holes, each about 10 meters high, with clear spring drops, said "a drop of spring". There are "land jade carved stone inscription" cave walls. Hole in the central "pure YangDian" built-in lu dongbin stone, immortal sword play is here in the cultivation of the eight immortals! You must know the words of chairman MAO zedong: "born a fairy cave, infinite scene in the perilous peak." Is this sentence make fairy cave legendary, lushan world famous.

  Well, most of the lushan mountain scenic spot is to swim, you must be very happy mood! Don't forget, we are test in upstanding company group, must be here again next time play yo, must! GOOD - BYE!


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