
竞选演讲稿 2022-07-20 网络整理 晴天


  advanced calculation

  here's an interesting mathematical equation that someone sent me the other day:

  pick up a calculator and consecutively enter the numbers of your birthday.

  add 754.

  subtract 753.

  add 1.

  now, divide this number by yesterday's date and add 59 to the total.

  subtract 59.

  add the number of fingers on your right hand.

  subtract the number of toes on your left foot.

  divide this by any number between one and ten.

  is the number you came up with your age? no? dang. oh well. it didn't work for me either but if it had it would have been pretty cool, wouldn't it?



  five-years-old seems to be an age where a child will rebel against the word "no." i know my son knows what the word means because, when told "no," he will respond by saying "no." i have no idea where he gets this trait. it must be something he has picked up from school.

  i never had that problem when i was his age. i never went against my parents wishes. well, except for that one time when i locked myself to the dining room table and my brother had to come home to release me because my mom couldn't figure out how to work the combination lock. oh yes, there was that time when i was told not to play around the house that was being built down the street but i crawled around in the attic, fell through the new sheetrock and my dad had to pay for it. and there was the incident when i painted my name with nail polish on the brick fireplace hearth after explicitly being told not to touch the fingernail polish. once, i was told not to play with matches and burned my thumb moments afterwards. then there was the time when i was told not to swim too far out into the ocean but i did anyway. my dad almost drowned while saving my life.

  so you see, i was a good kid. where does my kid get it from?


  my mother in-law once owned and operated a very successful catering business. after retiring, she still organizes the occasional event for church and civic groups. her service is the kind of thing that is done so well that people don't even realize all that she has done. many times her efforts go without thanks.

  she recently coordinated a major event at her church where close to three hundred people were slated to attend. it was a formal event and she mentioned to her husband that most of the women would probably be wearing corsages.

  not wanting his wife to be left out, he asked in his most subtle manor, "what kind of corsage would most women wear to something like this?"12


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