
辽宁导游词 2022-11-02 网络整理 晴天


  辽宁省东北与吉林省接壤,西北与内蒙古自治区为邻, 西南与河北省毗连,与山东省隔海相望。下面是为大家带来的辽宁英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。

辽宁英语导游词范文1:Dalian golden pebble beach

  Dalian golden pebble beach is located in the northeast in the yellow sea, 50 kilometers from the center of dalian city, the land area of 62 square kilometers, sea area of 58 square kilometers, about 30 km long coastline. Surrounded by sea on three sides by the peninsula in the east and west peninsula and the hinterland of the open between the two peninsula and bathing beach. In 1986 was identified as national scenic area, in 1992 the state council approved the national tourist resort, in 20xx was named the first national 4 a level scenic spots, in 20xx was named national geological parks in China.

  Golden pebble beach, warm in winter and cool in summer, a pleasant climate, surrounded by sea on three sides over more than 30 kilometers of coastline, condensed the geological wonders of 9-300 million, was born six hundred million years ago in sinian period rocks form the magnificent stone landscape, known as "solidification of the animal world", "natural geological museum", "divine power sculpture park" of reputation. Jin shi tan scenic area is composed of two peninsula and the hinterland, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, Jin Shiyuan, rock, and then went the, models, film and television art center, dalian binhai national geological park, dalian international automobile campsite, stone hunting club, equestrian base metal and stone, stone international conference center, golf club, jinwan golf course, stone inscriptions? Discovery kingdom theme park and other projects and buildings of different styles and beautiful seaside tourist road, the gold coast, integration of the natural geographical environment fusion, here is full of exotic atmosphere, and the temptation of sending out the mysterious nature, is the ideal tourist vacation leisure resort.

  Jin shi tan scenic area in the middle of the two peninsula and the hinterland of area, there are world famous museum, golden pebble beach geology museum, MAO zedong badges exhibition hall, known as the "stone forest" north Jin Shiyuan, gold coast, the northeast's largest stone golf courses, and then went the first tourist in jinwan golf course and the, film and television art center, rock, dalian binhai national geological park, stone, hunting club, dalian international automobile campsite, theme park - stone? Discovery kingdom theme park, djembe plaza has been open to the public.

辽宁英语导游词范文2:Benxi water tunnel

  The terminal to the tunnel, thousands of square meters of the surface of the water, like a quiet chic "harbor", lighting, water full scene reflecting, cruise ships, hole in the fairyland. From downstairs and the revetment steps of, through the corridor from the port into the boat, swim in water tunnel. Tunnel length 5800 meters, has developed 2800 meters, covers an area of 36000 square meters, the space more than 40 cubic meters, the most open place, 38 meters high, 70 meters wide. Front hall has more than 1000 square meters of the surface of the water, with 40 terminal can stay at the same time the cruise boat, white water rafting can use tunnel of large tunnel, the tunnel of the beauty of the long, deep tunnel, feibao, then, you have to wonder: "stalactite mountain scene, canoe and blue water, between Zhong Xiu should only celestial beings, human only this cave".

  Hole to air flow, water flow at the age of endless, 14000 tonnes per day and night flow, average water depth of 1.5 meters, 7 meters, the deepest cave in constant temperature of 12 ℃. A winding river twists and turns, the river bottom, cave in "three gorges", "seven palace", "nine bending", so named "jiuqu Milky Way". Waters along the body piercing, depth of 2.3 km, and broadly in the throat, twists and turns, cave stalactites, stalagmites, and columns from the crack more saving on, not fake vulture act the role ofing the formation of various sorts of object. These object, highly ornamental.

  From yacht pier line into, can appreciate the cliffside spring in order to welcome guests, BaoPingKou, tides, lotus lantern, a group of monkeys, longevity, corn tower, stone of baoding, elixir, dragon hornfels, sword, kirin group of rocks, waterfalls, one-horned rhino, bamboo shoots, hang curtain, three tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, jade elephant, handheld device maker e-ten swords, peacock rock, snow, etc. They are complete, image is clear. Especially corn tower, three scene, jade elephants and snow mountain names conform to actuality, but, a few can be spurious. Galaxy stalactite standing on both sides of the Taiwan straits, stalagmites picturesque, various, quirky, ceiling empty stalactite hung it, glittering and translucent colors, god creature, more than 100 spots along the river, and each has its own characteristics, white water rafting, such as in wonderland, it is water and mysterious caves, stone like nature itself is so far has been found that the longest in the world can take a boat tour of the underground river.

辽宁英语导游词范文3:In the temple

  In the temple is located inside the righteous county, liaoning province, was built in the liao kaitai nine years (1020 AD) because there are seven Buddha inside plastic, commonly known as jinzhou.would again.

  Served by the gate of the temple, memorial arch, the temple, the clock pavalion, pavilion, male temple, west temple palaces and other ancient buildings, covers an area of 30000 square meters, is a grand, relatively intact ancient temples. Big male temple is located in the northern tip of central axis, and face width between 9 and 55 meters long, deep 5, 33 meters wide, total 24 meters, building area of 1800 square meters. It is not only the domestic liao dynasty remains one of the biggest wooden building, because of its big male temple area is the largest scale, and a Chinese temple first Ursa major.

  In the temple for male portraits of Buddha temple altar model has a set of color, "over the past seven Buddha ', tied together, the Buddhism is unique. The Buddha tall, stately, and handsome, since one thousand, is still well preserved, the Buddhism has a special influence and popularity at home and abroad. Inside the hall singer; thousandrous hooves across 14 honour threat shi bodhisattva lifelike; liao dynasty painting on the frame, flying; murals in the gable; stone Buddha altar for machine, as same as the Buddha of ancient art treasures. Archaeological experts, artists as are the ultimate in art treasures, is breathtaking. Due to the big male buildings of the temple and the temple remains are extremely precious historical, scientific and artistic value, in the temple of the national treasures as early as 1961, was first published by the state council as one of national key cultural relics protection units. After five years of restoration began in 1984 and expansion, in the temple has become a beautiful environment, tourism service project is complete, the famous Chinese and foreign buddhist resort. Has been rated as" national famous scenic spot three hundred ", "liaoning province five top ten scene", "top ten scene" of jinzhou.


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