
辽宁导游词 2022-11-04 网络整理 晴天



辽宁省英文导游词范文1:Longtan grand canyon

  Longtan grand canyon is located in liaoning province, hebei border, now named longtan grand canyon, huludao city, liaoning province is one of the oldest integrated face township, near qinhuangdao, huludao and chaoyang city, 330 kilometers away from Beijing, tianjin, 324 kilometers, shenyang 440 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. Longtan the grand canyon is unique in the entire northeast valley, longtan natural grand canyon scenic area called "little Tibet" in the north, he together with nature is a place where people dreams, to see his face, do you want to by plane you step down, the beautiful scenery in the valley. Canyon with 52 kilometers, depth of 648 meters, 210 meters at its widest point, there are thousands more branches of the canyon. There set mountain, water, hole, stone, waterfalls, canyon landscape as a whole.

  Longtan valley is covered by a variety of plants, the main tree species are pine, poplar, willow, hawthorn trees, walnut trees, acacia tree, pear tree and the tree of armeniaca sibirica, mountain elm, nearly 30 kinds. The jungle home to a variety of birds, pigeons, pheasants, sparrowhawks, cuckoo, long tail even birds, pine crane, etc. Beasts are Wolf, fox, roe deer, badger, dressed santo, etc.). Old deep pools in the canyon to live, have two dragon each seam droughts, bow down and all the people came to the pond water, and the dragon is very considerate of the people, each seam rain there will be a boon for people, very efficacious, so this canyon named "longtan grand canyon".

  Canyon is available for viewing spots a lot, have a bottomless longtan, deafening longtan waterfall (22 meters, fall is most the breadth to amount to 4 meters), golden gourd waterfall (divide 36 meters, 5 meters) wide, magical keel bat cave, hole, toad peak day, god turtle stone, stone, maitreya Buddha, WoHuShan, couples peak, lotus peak, etc. Longtan valley characteristic is more unique winter ice climbing. Longtan valley of winter was covered with a silvery white world, many frozen waterfalls everywhere, various, ice fall at its widest point for more than 30 meters, the top up to 36 meters, the nature wonderful artical excelling nature, forming a great landscape makes visitors full of praise, linger. In its branch valley, the stone forest canyon, winding sweeping and majestic stone forest into the sky; In one thousand to a natural cave, closely linked one by one very strange; Image lifelike phoenix stone as if to show its beautiful body. Wild animals will make you really experience the endless charm of nature. Into the longtan, grand canyon is strange, special, people's first impression of risks. Here flows with beauty everywhere, everywhere permeated with beauty. Granite and volcanic rocks, after the nature of the uncanny workmanship carved to form the natural landscape in different poses.

  Longtan valley natural environment, make up the typical western liaoning landscape. Early spring, rhododendrons around the canyon, full, flowers bloom, smell fragrant. In the summer, bee flying butterfly dance, schools of thought contend birds, waterfalls, springs gurgling. Late autumn, overflow hill red leaves, in photograph reflect, scenery myriad, fascinating. Winter, snow, frozen waterfalls hang, glittering and translucent get rid of. Longtan valley great momentums, rolling hills, mountains, clear water, fresh air ever-flowing. In recent years, integrated by investment promotion and capital introduction to longtan grand canyon implemented depth development, make it has become a famous natural scenic area in northern China.

辽宁省英文导游词范文2:Bijia mountain

  Bijia mountain is located in the south of the city, 35 km bridge town fishing, even lu is one of the offshore island. The island, north and south 1.5 kilometers long, 0.8 kilometers wide, with a total area of about 1 square kilometers, 78 meters above sea level. Three peak on the island, such as pen rack, and because of the east sea have a shape such as small pen rack bijia mountain correspond to away, so called big bijia mountain. 1.8 kilometers from the north to the bijia mountain, sea, during which there is a tidal waves and the connection of the island with the passage of the natural pebble land, commonly known as the "bridge". The bridge, with the rhythm of tides is a charming spectacle. Whenever the ebb tide, water slowly to recede, both sides channel is like a winding dragon emerges in the sea; The tide fall, "bridge" is fully revealed, through large well-known bijia mountain.

  Visitors can along this section ShaShi Road island up the hill. Every tide, seawater and from both sides to "bridge" attack, "the bridge location, layout and decoration, design practice, combination of pure, changes in the symmetry, the dispersed phase connection, a castle in the construction of excellent. Especially the stone door, knife" in the waves gradually narrowed, until completely.

  Big well-known bijia mountain Lv Zuting, five female palace, sanqing pavilion ancient buildings, etc. The main building is sanqing pavilion, 26 meters high, stone floor 6 layer made of pure color stone, stone gallery, shek mun, stone Windows, stone of niche and stone ladder, even the cornices pick Angle, goalkeeper murals, also is all into stone. The house, the attic is exquisite, grain quality is clear, open and close freely. The whole building is both the traditional artistic style, and absorbed the characteristics of ancient buildings in the west. Existing in size 43, white marble stone buddhas to Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, for Buddhism temples.

辽宁省英文导游词范文3:Lingshan scenic spot

  Lingshan scenic spot is located in huludao city, liaoning province lianshan based ZiXiang cold water Wells village southwest, 48 kilometers from huludao city, the core scenic area covers an area of 12 square kilometers. Scenic mountains, lush trees, jagged, deep caves, pavilions, temple bridge gallery strewn at random have send. Unique architectural style, historical and cultural thick, is the rare ancient temple complex in north China. Liaoning province top ten forest park, the huludao city lianshan district of patriotism education bases.

  Lingshan was founded in 1738, emperor qianlong three years), after 1806 (the eleventh year of jiaqing) reconstruction and expansion, the beginning of the republic to form the next three courtyards, which group. Pavilions ingenious layout, exquisite construction, in the study of the qing dynasty middle-late religious architecture layout, the form of great historical and cultural value. Lingshan scenic spot of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism culture and natural landscape into an organic whole, a total of LouTing DianGe 29, statue of Buddha, two taught more than 180. Scenic area from the five Buddha, the worse, spittor armor of god, or lock, couples stone, stone, chick, Chinese zodiac dragon to teng, camel peak, tiger cave, and training platform, tian qi temple, ship building, the infinite Wan Xian hole, hole, mother earth buildings, the god of wealth, cool water at the tomb of the ancient, Zhong Qing etc. More than 100 spots.


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