
辽宁导游词 2022-11-14 网络整理 晴天




  Tourists friends:

  Everybody is good! Zhaoling, because in the north suburb of shenyang city, also known as Zhao Mausoleum, so is the second generation of the qing dynasty emperor of the qing emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bor is target's tomb, is the largest in the qing dynasty "commissioner of three ling", the most magnificent momentum is a, and I had one of the most complete existing ancient imperial mausoleum complex.

  Huang taiji is the eighth son qing MAO nuerhachi, wing ling was born in fushun city of liaoning province XinBin now county town. He is in the history of the famous statesman, strategist, life and politics and war, in 17 years, completed the northeast reunification, establish the kanto unify the qing empire. Chong DE eight years, that is, the Gregorian calendar in 1643 on August 9th in the middle of the night, in the clear coagulation miya higashi house south of shenyang imperial palace "sitting dropped" kang, at age 52. After the death of catalpa coffin to the mausoleum of short duration. Shunzhi also six years on April 17, in 1649 AD, filial piety end wen queen bor dhi corp's four, in the second year of catalpa coffin moved to zhaoling and huang taiji buried together.

  Zhaoling mausoleum built in chong DE eight years in 1643, completed in shunzhi eight years or 1651 years, after repeated after rebuilding and Labour market and the size of the form now. On the architectural style, zhaoling already learned the Ming tombs building strength, and has the characteristics of the mausoleum building, is a model of han &matrimonial blend. Zhaoling covers an area of 450000 square meters, plane layout and follow the principle of "bed" after the power, from south to north is made up of before, during and after the three parts, the main buildings are built on a central axis, on both sides of the architectural form of symmetrical distribution, central axis of the back is the main part of the entire construction. Now we are in the order from south to north to carry on the tour, the first is the first part.


  The ancient tomb has its own name, the number of sources, or reflect on accomplishments and praise, the end of the emperor's life or the meaning of with auspicious and blessing.

  In the qing dynasty emperor ling name generally by heir king James. Secondly, there is also a system in the qing dynasty, if meet with ling name and place name repeated clear zhaoling, place names must be change, this is called taboo. It is clear that DiWangLing name is extremely sacred.

  Zhaoling mausoleum is one of the first year of shunzhi emperor taizong died on August 9th anniversary cremated when school palace. Zhaoling mausoleum of the origin of our predecessors have two different explanation, an explanation is imitated the zhaoling taizong account, another explained related to ancient zhao jose system. Put forward clear zhaoling imitation of zhao mausoleum is the qianlong emperor. When he in east tour shengjing martyrs zhaoling expressed this opinion. In fact, it is just the qianlong lines, zhaoling when name is qing peasant rebel army had just defeated li in Beijing, at this time of the Ming dynasty and li still has a strong power, whether it is difficult to clear, and it is hard to imagine the qing emperor taizong emperor taizong phase coordinate necessary. And so the qing emperor qianlong emperor taizong emperor taizong tied for is his political needs, its height was ruled by successive one as a model for the emperor, he in the twenty-third year of the reign honour worthy men of letters, coachable and listen, prosperous, known at the time to "dynasty", as the tang period, the height of the development of economy and culture laid a foundation. Qianlong equate the today face with its aim to comfort the world, qing jiangshan also can appear like han and tang dynasties, a generation of new millennium.

  Second, speaking of zhaoling from zhao jose system is inaccurate. Zhao mu is the ancient patriarchal clan system, this system used in the order of the tomb and temple of 9 to fathers in the middle of the method, the arrangement of other various degress in ZuoZhao right jose order so on. Shengjing have three wing, fu, zhao mausoleum, one never play for ZuLing, the highest status, fu ling times, zhaoling rank third. If zhao mu system arrangement, yong ling should be in the middle, fu ling in the left (east), called zhao, zhao ling in its right is called the "mu". And current for zhao three ling, ling forever in the east, fu ling in the zhaoling mausoleum in the west, three tomb no zhao jose relationship at all.

  Zhaoling name may be due to the choice of meaning ", "the word itself. The ancients to zhao word "clear" and "spreads" solution. Zhaoling mausoleum of emperor taizong weld is the meaning of martial arts are clear. And after spreads the meaning, to just so so.


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