
辽宁导游词 2022-11-21 网络整理 晴天



沈阳的导游词英文版范文1:Fai mountain scenic area

  Fai mountain scenic area in the northeastern shenyang, 17 km from the central city, hui mountain range, a branch of changbai mountain scenic area planning a total area of 142 square kilometers. Scenic area in the rolling hills, valleys circuitous, lush trees, beautiful lake and surrounded, the lake blue clear, beautiful song tao, diversity, form a beautiful natural landscape. Show the water of lake, the broad clear, rippling, like a pearl inlaid in the mountains.

  Scenic area is given priority to with natural landscape, is quite popular with tourists, become the masses of tourists rest, holiday, sightseeing scenic spot. Fai mountain scenic area is a concentration of castle peak, xiushui, dense forest, strange stone, secluded caves, ancient and modern architecture for the integration of provincial scenic spot. Scenic area scenery, huishan, chessboard hill, mountain, ocean four mountain shiren mountain confrontation, the excellences, form lists ups and downs that more than seventy square kilometers of the thick forest. S.h. mountain scenic area in the northeast of shiren mountain elevation 441.3 meters, is the highest peak in shenyang. Shiren mountain have hundreds of various economic plants and drug plants, have northeast China ash, wild soybean plants in national level 3 protection, walnut, Chinese catalpa, cortex phellodendri, etc; Have belonging to 13 species under state protection (category ii, accounting for 27% of the national secondary protection birds in liaoning province. Scenic spot the traffic is very convenient, the east brightness, Shen Tie, hair looks at three major roads leads to the scenic spot.

  Snow, huishan shine board overlook, xiangyang red leaves, tortoise hill XiaoXia, flying afterglow, show lake misty rain, in the sky, the garden pond distinctive natural landscape such as prescribed by ritual law; Xiangyang temple, the worse, fairy cave, about, mother rock and koryo city and other historical sites and the fine snow floor, WangHu pavilion, GuanQi pavilion, birds, and a batch of resorts, hotels and other modern buildings in photograph reflect, constitute the main body of human landscape of the scenic spot. Modern resorts, villas and three-dimensional games added strong modern breath for the scenic spot. To fai mountain scenic area as the center, along with the fu ling, GuaiPo scenic spot in shenyang, shenyang, shenyang botanical garden tiger stone stage spa center has formed the unique charm of shenyang east tourist routes.

沈阳的导游词英文版范文2:Cyber horizon

  Cyber horizon fantasy art experience pavilion is wholly South Korea created the pavilion, tube wall paintings are from the south Korean well-known artists carefully creation, artists use special coatings will be extremely realistic paintings by the plane into three-dimensional work.

  It broke the traditional model of inherent to visit the museum of art, we encourage and guide the visitors to play their own ideas, completely into the painting, completely become the protagonist of the story in the painting; You is the secondary art creators, this is the "thin horizon fantasy trip to bring you the beauty of art.

  Cyber world is divided into: painting a spoof, mirror illusion, life dislocation area, illusion experience area, animal close area, imagine experience pavilion. But by watching, touch. Experience and so on in the world of photography allows you to feel super shock and wonderful fun.

  Cyber world has in South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and other countries and regions. Is known as the window of the artistic edification, an effective way to release the pressure, the leisure entertainment platform, the log in shenyang is to enter the Chinese mainland for the first time.


  Pages is not strictly a scenic spot, is a man in shenyang, a good place for leisure and shopping. But from the point of the appearance of pages today, you can put him as a scenic spot, you can go to everywhere around, to see, to play, and you don't have any cost.

  Pages - one of the most famous commercial street in shenyang, she is the earliest form the commercial center of shenyang. (1625, 10 years and five years, be late tomorrow destiny) to 1631 (Ming special frame, latter day five years, four years, the latter will be built by the Ming dynasty brick renovation of city expansion, according to Chinese history of "ZuoZu right club, facing the afternoon" (namely the left of the palace is a temple, palace of the right is forgiveness, altar, a surname face south, a surname after a market), the original "ten" word two blocks to build for "well" word 4 street.

  Today shenyang road, pages road, chaoyang street, zhengyang street. At that time, the pages say siping road street, an bell tower, drum tower built on both sides of things. 579.3 meters long, 11.7 meters wide. Today's pages, has become the city's first commercial pedestrian street of shops that lined the street, with the business is thriving, a thriving.


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