
山东导游词 2023-05-06 网络整理 晴天




  Laoshan is located in the east of Qingdao, and adjacent to the old city, southeast to the brink of the yellow sea, with a total area of 389.34 square kilometers and a population of 191400, Qingdao laoshan district people's government, Qingdao high-tech industrial development zone management committee, Qingdao shilaoren national tour resort and laoshan scenic area management committee, the "four brands, a set of work organization management system". Both China and South Korea, having ShaZiKou, Wang Ge zhuang, north house 4 subdistrict offices.

  Laoshan district with Qingdao high-tech industry development zone, Qingdao shilaoren national tourist vacation areas two national policy development area and the state council determine one of the first key scenic spot of laoshan scenic spot. Here to implement the national strategy of sustainable development and environmental protection, increase environmental protection investment, implement clear water, blue sky engineering, green engineering, such as series environmental protection engineering, ministry of science and technology identified as the national agricultural technology research and demonstration area, high continuous here to become a good environment, reasonable utilization of resources, ecological virtuous circle, a beautiful city clean, an ideal place for residents' health and longevity.

  Laoshan district to laoshan and naming, within the territory of the mountains and peaks rise steeply, ancient towering, sea mountains set each other off, jiugong eight view seventy-two temples and other places of interest, known as the "first" sea mountains, laoshan has a long history, as early as the neolithic human living here. Laoshan spring-like warm in winter and cool in summer, the four seasons, from ancient and modern celebrity YiShi, a monk, so called "second jungle Taoist quanzhen day". In 1982 by the state council shall determine the first national key scenic spot.

  Laoshan coastline stretches twists and turns, 103.7 square kilometers, is rich in shrimp, sea cucumber, abalone, scallop, AGAR weed and other seafood and formed by wakame, Chinese sturgeon, freshwater crabs, turtles and other products of varieties of fishery. Now has a large national group fishing port 1, small fishing port at 12. Laoshan products rich in resources, of which the laoshan mineral water, laoshan granite and laoshan tea is particularly prominent.


  Of the mountains, only laoshan is by the sea to rise. Laoshan is a major mountain ranges of the shandong peninsula, pu top 1133 meters above sea level the highest peak,, the highest peak in China's coastline, with sea "the first famous mountains". It stands in the yellow sea, tall and majestic. Laoshan around the coastline of 87 kilometers, 18, coastal islands constitute the wonders of laoshan sea, mountain, hill sea color, light is the laoshan scenic features. Laoshan is also one of the world's three major high-quality mineral water, underground water system center.

  Laoshan mountain peak, there are huge too clear, Yang mouth, China building, clear stream, chessboard stone and north nine water seven large viewing area. Laoshan mountain is the famous Taoist mountains in our country, the most in the past, a concept of "jiugong eight seventy-two temples", the whole thousands of monks. The famous Taoist figures QiuChangChun, zhang sanfeng once in this order. The original Taoist temple mostly destroyed.

  Preserved etheric qing dynasty palace of the scale is biggest, the longest history. The mountain, the mountain sea of light color. When you walk in laoshan bluestone paths, one side is blue sky, great tide; On the other side is the pine peak, the lush, you will be open-minded, qi shu shuang god. As a result, some say old laoshan is "the fairy curtilage, [mansion". Legend, the emperor qin shi huang had come to beg fairy, these activities, to the laoshan painted a layer of mysterious color.

  Laoshan is a major mountain ranges of the shandong peninsula, pu top 1133 meters above sea level the highest peak. It stands in the yellow sea, tall and majestic. Mountain, the mountain sea of light color, is the laoshan scenic features. In the national famous mountains, only laoshan is by the sea to rise.

  Laoshan district is located in mid-latitudes warm temperate zone monsoon climate area, adequate light resources, abundant heat, rainfall, mild humid, four seasons. Rizhao historical average of 2503.3 hours. Annual average temperature 12.1 ℃, the monthly average relative humidity of 72%.

  Laoshan products rich in resources. World-famous laoshan mineral water, good water quality, contain a variety of minerals beneficial to human body, is the best water for brewing liquor and beverages. Which are found in their mouth bay of laoshan green stone, for stone treasures. Laoshan fist, yunfeng, dried milk cake is one of the vertical lai native products. Due to the unique "small jiangnan" of the climate and the growth of laoshan tea become a few drinks. Cold dew good peach, cherry varieties, known. The vast coastline provides unique favorable conditions for Marine fishing. Is rich in yellow croaker, sea cucumber, abalone, scallop, kelp, such as AGAR weed sea Jane delicious.


  Mount laoshan, the ancient once said the firm, LaoShan, AoShan, history books have explained, different versions. It is a major mountain ranges of the shandong peninsula, laoshan main peak is called "giant peak", also known as the "pu", elevation 1132.7 meters, is China's coast the first peak, with sea "the first famous mountains". It stands in the yellow sea, tall and majestic. Local saying: "although taishan cloud height, pu as the east China sea." Altitude, shanhai, male ShanXian gorge, water show YunJi, hill sea color, light is the laoshan scenic features.

  In the national famous mountains, only laoshan is by the sea to rise. Laoshan around the coastline of 87 kilometers, 18, coastal islands constitute the laoshan sea wonders. When you walk in laoshan bluestone paths, one side is blue sky, great tide; On the other side is the pine peak, the lush, you will be open-minded, qi shu shuang god. As a result, some say laoshan ancient fairy curtilage, [mansion. Legend, the emperor qin shi huang had to beg fairy, these activities, to the laoshan painted a layer of mysterious color. Laoshan mountain is the famous Taoist mountains in China, the most in the past, a concept of "jiugong eight seventy-two temples", the whole thousands of monks. Famous Taoist figures QiuChangChun, zhang SAN video in this monastery. Most of the original Taoist temple destroyed. Preserved etheric qing dynasty palace of the scale is biggest, the longest history.

  Laoshan scenic spot located at the east yellow sea, Qingdao city is 40 kilometers away from downtown. Rolling laoshan mountains, spectacular. The granite landform, unique pictograph differences, abound, was praised as "natural sculpture park"; Shanhai junction, headland, reef, beach bay staggered distribution, formation and magnificent mountains and wonders. Laoshan scenic spot is very rich in resources, the existing attractions in 221, including historical cultural attractions 47, natural scenic spots in 174.

  Laoshan is Qingdao construction of tourist landscape unique growth vigor of modern tourism center, in recent years, laoshan district, accurately grasp the domestic and international tourism market development trend, accelerated the shilaoren tourist resort and laoshan scenic area development pace of integration and complementary advantages. Is located in the gold punters, shilaoren tourist resort area of 12.8 square kilometers, relying on high-tech industrial park ever-improving infrastructure, a batch of high-grade tourist facilities have been put into use, the resort area of Qingdao Marine YouLeCheng, Qingdao dolphinarium, golf club, more than 30 international beer city, entertainment and leisure projects and construction of Disney, Ocean Park, shilaoren park, five-star seascape hotel and huanyu international city, Ocean Park, a large number of MeiHaiYuan the villas with chic modelling, the whole area decorated colorful. Laoshan scenic area of strengthening the protection of scenic resources at the same time, the increase of deep cyclone new mountain tourism resource development, and with the laoshan scenic area and service infrastructure improvement, laoshan red land, sea and air three-dimensional tourism have been opened. Area has formed take "the scenery, beer culture, entertainment, food shopping, ocean fishing village folk" features, "eating, accommodation, transportation, traveling, shopping, entertainment" scenic spots is relatively concentrated, function relatively perfect tourism environment. Traffic growth rate is 20% per year.


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