
山东导游词 2023-05-07 网络整理 晴天




  In yantai, shandong province, there is a beautiful penglai pavilion, commonly known as penglai fairyland. Why call it paradise? Because of qiu dong season of the year in the morning, there are often heavy fog shrouded in ivory, the scenery around the vaguely, like entering wonderland of beauty.

  Last summer my mother decided to take me to travel to Qingdao, dalian, one day is to go to my passionate penglai pavilion, I am pleased to jump three feet high.

  On the third day, we should sail in yantai, penglai pavilion to see my yearning for a long time. Although it is summer, can't see the famous fog scene, but there are a lot of people traveled to.

  As people enter the scenic area, the first thing you encounter is the sea bridge, is here to the eight immortals. On the bridge there is a huge Shi Gui, railing and the eight immortals statue! Handsome lu dongbin, beautiful xiangu, turn on crutches iron lee - after a bridge is old shrine. Incense is quite strong, in the single men and women and their parents are devout worship and worship, expect to find the best partner. I also gather together a jollification, worship worship, mother was I in distress situation.

  Through a long corridor, you can see a circular lake, central has a loft, is the famous penglai pavilion, also known as the eight XianGe. Us in a look, there are, lu dongbin xiangu, such as the eight immortals statue, perfectly. And their immortal is introduced, the process of the tour guides speak of hearing, I heard goofs off.

  Here, of course, the most famous is a mirage, image recording appeared in several times. Have in common is that suddenly appeared on the horizon a few buildings, mountains, and even animals, just like really. Another questionable whether sea city. This phenomenon will continue to one or two hours, then slowly becomes weak, until vanishing.

  Penglai pavilion a year the four seasons scenery, is a have many beautiful legends and historical memory.


  Came to me I've heard a lot about you as one of the four buildings -- penglai pavilion, it is also one of the most intact buildings, people mountain people sea here, and good feng shui, than four buildings in the world. It makes my mood very excited, really want to hurry up to see this strange landscape, I immediately bought a ticket, to penglai pavilion straight at the past, at that time, I seem to fly the same speed in running.

  To inside, the first thing you encounter is mazu, front several maid in ministering to mazu, I had a narrow the mazu, strange, why is masked, then, I asked the narrator, she said: "because the people didn't get married before, before, is not to let others see long what kind, matsu died that year, she is only 28 years old, so we can't see her face." Legend, matsu one day at the seaside for a walk, or just now is calm, suddenly, the wind, to see a fisherman on the surface will be swallowed up by the huge waves, selfless mazu, swam to the fishing boat, matsu saved others, "but gave her precious life. People in honor of mazu in penglai pavilion molded a statue of mazu as for later generations to worship.

  Then we went to the east China sea dragon king temple, we take the door, he saw the first three sea, west sea dragon king AoQin north sea dragon king AoShun south China sea dragon king AoRun, they are strong, the handheld. I then went into the first of all, the east China sea dragon king AoGuang halls, spectacular inside, see the dragon king frowned, like himself can't solve the things.

  Then, we came to the front of guanyin bodhisattva, see guanyin bodhisattva with a net bottle, dip the flicker of water bamboo purdue spread rebirth.


  Today, we follow the tour guide to visit the world famous penglai pavilion.

  First of all, we came to the "human penglai", it is located in penglai pavilion at the entrance of scenic spot, middle frontal subject "human penglai" four glittering gold characters, this is the song dynasty scholar su shi handwriting. After "world penglai" lane, straight forward, got to "danya wonderland", it is a glorious, towering spectacular, listen to the tour guide said, "danya wonderland", is the door of the "wonderland", if visitors step across the past, immediately became a fairy, if two step across the go a fortuneteller. Step after the immortal, we visited the grandeur of the dragon palace, of primitive simplicity and elegant, temple, finally came to the "". The eight immortals is said to have drunk here after the situation across the sea roam, penglai pavilion that is the reason.

  "Penglai pavilion" is a layer of wall engraved with the "hula" sunrise, "night tide crescent", "thousand welcome broken jade", "Wan Licheng wave", "mountain city" now, "leakage day run 10" scenery friezes, second is built according to the pattern of "the eight immortals drunk" statue. The cabinet top, let a person have a state of mind, happy to exceed the open and free from vulgarity. On the cabinet body, staring at the blue sky, white clouds, white looked down at the surface of the ocean waves, the seagulls fly at sea, in the distance, and sometimes a few fishing boats, fishing sailed on the sea. Came to the city of appreciation "penglai pavilion" is a beautiful scenery, the first danya mountain, clear water with HaoMang set each other off, attic at the top, as if inlaid in the trees even ladies' eye, in the next to a beacon of commanding, spectacular, just as soldiers guarding penglai pavilion, is standing majestically on the cliffs. Surrounded by a wall of lists of the majestic mountains, majestic, good a "XianGe big empty" figure!

  Have to go, my heart can not help but sigh, "the world penglai" is really better than wonderland!


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