
山东导游词 2023-05-20 网络整理 晴天


  青岛是一座历史文化名城 ,一大批历史名人包括老舍、闻一多、洪深、沈从文等人曾在青岛讲学。下面是小编为大家带来的青岛导游词英语,希望可以帮助大家。


  In Qingdao, we spent three days. The first day of the pier, blue sea can be seen from the pier. The second day go to the polar ocean world and Olympic sailing base, Olympic sailing base has striking national flag, there will be "swimming bus" adventure duck, and fun four-wheel bike. The third day to badaguan second baths and spectacular naval museum, in bath can the sea, play sand, the sea and the marble floor, is the place where Chiang kai-shek lived; Navy museum has four large warships for visitors to go to visit, and tanks, artillery, and fighter......

  My favorite is the polar ocean world, there are many sea creatures: penguins, white whales, sharks, seals, dolphins, sea lions... Take the door, I saw a huge turtle, I guess there are ErSanBaiJin. Go forward, I saw the colorful butterfly fish, fish head, fox... If viewed from the front, the head fish like a dog, hence the name the head fish.

  Then, we went to see the animals theater. Start, a person walked onto the stage cleaning, sea lions swam out of the water is always trouble, very not easy to guide sea lions in the water and sea lion jumped out again, naughty to push people out of the water, such as people climb on shore, sea lions took human barrels, people had to use water to flush, sea lions and constantly interrupt, no peace.

  The second performance of animal is the white whale. White whale and tamed animals frolicking in the sea, the white whale is called water! White whales will call not only, still can "sing", the white whale can make many different sounds, it "song" singing is the voice of several different collocation are together. If you're lucky, the audience could imitate an member of the movement to guide the white whale "dance", the white whale dance beautiful, very attractive.

  The last is the dolphin. Five or six dolphins leap from the water together, and fell back into the water together, very conspicuous. Dolphins can not only jump, but also the ball in the air. Back flip is the most wonderful dolphin 720 degrees, when dolphins to beautiful back flip fell into the water, the audience immediately thunderous applause, because this action even show not to come out of people. If you would turn the hula hoop, can compare technology and dolphins, dolphins can turn very well, you can not beat them!

  Animal performance is so wonderful!

  Finished watching the animal performance, we continue to visit to the second floor. Walk, see a sign, it says "the fish will eat milk", I'm curious, fish only whales are mammals, what kind of fish is the fish? I see someone is holding a bottle feed the fish, try a finger over the water and immediately there are fish to suck, and I feel itchy fingers. So I draw a conclusion: as long as it is to suck, sucking fish going to suck. We also see a lot of penguin, penguin is very interesting, standing still, occasionally turn a head, fierce, like a fake.


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