
山西导游词 2022-09-26 网络整理 晴天



  Jin temple was built in northern wei dynasty, in honor of ji fa the second uncle danger. Here the house set each other off of each other of, pavilions, halls, Bridges, trees, mountain ring around the water, cultural relic, ancient giant, is a scenery is very beautiful landscape, thus is regarded as a "small jiangnan" in Shanxi Province, is a country one of the few large ancestral hall type classical gardens, renowned Chinese and foreign. Especially the mother house, maid like, fish fen fly beam, difficult old springs scenic spots such as jin temple scenic area is the best. Temple Zhou Bai, difficult old springs, song maid like is known as "quiet" jin temple, has the very high historical value, scientific value and artistic value. Jin temple for the national key cultural relics protection unit, is a shinning pearl of the Chinese culture.

  Jin temple scenic spots are from taiyuan, climate conditions and close to downtown, and in accordance with the mountain water, beautiful scenery, is summer, sightseeing visitors. To the jin temple in taiyuan city 8 automated collection bus, 8 road minibus, day and night long time 23:00 early (6 -) and driving time between short (15-20 minutes), comfortable driving environment. Jin temple scenic area convenient accommodation, restaurant, hotel, located around, dozens of hotels, restaurants, restaurant, have excellent service and delicious food, and with local characteristics. Especially the "jin temple rice" with its MingJing bright pure fragrance, taste and drink praise the world. Close to the scenic spot of the jin temple town government effort to catch the tourism in recent years for leading utilities and SanYe (service), catering, entertainment and construction, landscape changes greatly, especially in the scenic spot of accommodation, communications, business, health care, entertainment, shopping environment is more and more get the favour of the Chinese and foreign tourists.

  Located in the open ground in front of the jin temple ancient buildings. East of clear water lotus pond, jin temple ancient building is in the west, north and south wing, close to thousands of hectares of paddy field, farmhouse, village. Fu longshan is garden rockery, halfway up the mountain, inlaid stone book "v longshan". Foothills of caves in water, water streaming out from shilong mouth into the pool. Pool has carved stone two arhat, pool have soul stone carving, mago, pool and drinking water, form but wonderful, temperament and interest.

  There are DE en lent in central park. Northwest have fairy WengGe, also known as the red cabinet. Because of one of the eight immortals pavilion on consecrate lu dongbin the name. The cabinet was established in the Ming dynasty hongzhi years (1488 1505), the qing emperor kangxi forty-four years (in 1705) rebuilt. And arctic pavilion, the created in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in the qing dynasty architecture, simple dignified, elegant and not common, David has "the ancient tang estate" inscribed copy. Tao ran, village don't house corner, pavilion pavilion show.

  Southeast jin temple park, is a water park. Here is commonly known as the south lake, water garden show, there are three Kong Qiao on lake, pedestrian bridge, the bridge on a boat, those jiangnan thorn.

  Hexiang assemble, wooden miscellaneous cloth, beautiful scenery, famous taiyuan jin temple, is located in the southwest of downtown hanging urn hill, jin water source, is embedded in the loess plateau of China hexiang garden pearl. It has a long history and was built s no exams, northern wei li daoyuan written book of water injection has been recorded, explain jin temple in more than one thousand five hundred years ago, have a certain scale.

  Jin temple is the temple of jinhou, the original is a sacrifice in the early western zhou dynasty Tang Fangguo founding emperor JiYu (i.e., shu yu of tang) ancestral temple. After jin water originating from this, the change of name for jin, so named jin temple.

  Jin temple covers an area of more than 40000 square meters, the temple YinYi trees, has been more than thousand years for Qi expansion, development and construction, has been developed from the original sacrifices in the spring and autumn jin the founding emperor of shu yu of tang ancestral temple and become FengSi many people, including various temple, the temple of the god, Buddha, tao, the song, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasties, the construction of various temple, hall, building, pavilion, pavilion, Taiwan hundred bridge, Bridges, pavilions, is a cultural connotation is extremely rich and has an important historical, artistic or scientific value of landscape, thus negative wins at home and abroad for a long time.

  The ancient temple, north, south by three parts. Central building to Notre Dame temple as the center, forming a east-west axis. From the temple east gate inside, used to after he in turn water on central axis jingyi, fairy bridge, Jin Rentai, Vietnam lane, on the second floor of the bell and drum, fen fly up, fish beam, the virgin temple, is the main body of the temple building. This set of architectural layout rigorous, modelling is chic, with unique style, art is famous in the world with a high historical value. North east since wenchang palace building, have a lock on hongqiao, dongyue temple, heaven shrines science (guandi temple), neighborhood, jun day joytv, drawing treasure John booth, shu yu of tang temple, lianchi, good spring pavilion, loose water pavilion, branch YunTao original hall, chaoyang hole, hole, hole, laojun cave, stay fung hin, three leaves, reading platform, Lv Zuge, Gu Ting and static grace, etc. This group of construction land criss-crossing, publicizing floor shelf, jagged superimposed, winning by HongLi spectacular, quiet and elegant.

  Building in the southern east since - ying building, garden pavilions have flow with LeTing, researched calligraphy and painting, build, Bai Heting, three shrine, really boring pavilion, pavilion, diversion weir, Zhang Lang tower, winding and wash the ear hole, not a ship, the old spring pavilion, jellyfish, floor and Taiwan Chinese ostrich temple, GongShuZi shrine and so on. This group of buildings are both number crunchers, pavilion bridge ornament, long and springs passing through, beautiful scenery, is landscape characteristics and poetic. South and wang yu temple, JinXi academy, dong shouping art museum, in the holy temple, mountain park, etc. Temple overall layout density, rigorous, yard characteristics of both temples, also rich charm of royal family today, magnificent grand, show originality.

  Largest temple and cultural value is the highest building in saint was built in the northern song dynasty years (1023-1032), tang ning first year (AD 1102) rebuilt the virgin of the temple, it was built Shi Gou stylobate, surface width of seven, the deep six, double-hipped roof rested on the top of the hill, surrounded by gallery, between the front porch for two deep, the porch and spacious, are unique in the tang, song building. Deposit in China and in the physical, thus the temple porch around depth reached between the two, this is the earliest one instance. Front pillars carved wooden panlong eight, winding, plate bending, strong of song and yuan period for two years (AD 1087) the original. PanLongZhu shape was seen in sui and tang stone tower door and shrines, in domestic ancient buildings known wooden material, the most ancient.

  Inside there are 43 statue of painted sculpture, including Madonna 1, the eunuch like 5, the female officer wearing men's clothing like 4, maid as 33. Except 2 statue of small like the 10) of the Ming dynasty god fill plastic outside, more than the original song dynasty. These statues statue of inherent regulation arrangement broke through the temples, created the real secular life scenes, is song dynasty palace life and reality, guarded hierarchy and vivid, lifelike, is the highest reflect and reflect of sung people aesthetic temperament and interest, is prepared, at home and abroad are extremely rare. Before the house of the marsh fish fly beam structure characteristics of the song dynasty, marsh pillars of the northern wei dynasty relic, is the original song saint years. Marsh flying fish beam is set up on the marsh fish actually modelling cross bridge wings like birds, this peculiar cross bridge type of modelling, beautiful shape, although early recorded in ancient books, occasionally see somewhat in the ancient paintings, but domestic existing physical alone, it is "of collecting the unique, the only one like you", for the study of Chinese ancient bridge construction is extremely valuable. Fly before beam is up, although small, but Jin Dading eight years (AD 1168), the original structure.

  China's temple architecture for offering pavilion, pavilion, pavilion, enjoy hall, worship at the temple, up sex building although common, is very common, but most are built by the Ming and qing, jin wood up are unique only jin temple, it is all the more precious.

  Old before spring, jin temple is the essence of natural sights. On the left side of the true boring booth, is a place where people watch the scenery to stay more. Pavilion on the steps to the water's edge, called "wash ear hole". Water dam, such as jade belt through the waist, chisel holes under the dam has ten, is that the two drainage notoginseng water line.

  Jin temple of trees, and people enjoying the scenery. The legendary Zhou Bai, Tang Huai equal within, guandi temple before permanent jingyi, dongyue temple and the virgin north side of the temple, and on to the virgin Zhou Bai most conspicuous on the northern side of the temple. Trees more than 10 m tall, lean lean on south side, green leaf branch, lie in the house above the roof, the virgin into 45-degree Angle with the ground, another cypress supported it in front of the torso, called "last days" parker.

  In addition, drawing the treasure John booth in the department of the preface to jin temple inscription and tablet taizong account in dynasty twenty years (AD 646) writing and writing yourself - font for the running script, is deep the romantic charm of wang xizhi, runaway free and easy, bone the grand, elegant tall and straight, is China's earliest existing a running script tablet, has important historical and artistic value.

  Many scholars in the history of the tour after the jin temple left a lot of good. Great poets in the tang dynasty Li Baiyou "jin temple like jasper water", "microwave squama sedge green" song of eternal; Late song dynasty sima guang has "cold taihang mountain, water garden in the spring" of the sentence; Song OuYangXiuYou "spirit Yu Run vegetation, and cooper with pale smoke".


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