
山西导游词 2022-09-30 网络整理 晴天




  Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

  Shanxi Province, "jin" for short, is located in the north west of the taihang mountains, so the name. Shanxi ancient for bing, as the state of jin, when the spring and autumn period and the warring states belong to zhao, wei and so on. Yuan is a book in Shanxi Province in the way, for Shanxi Province. Province covers an area of 15.6 square kilometers and a population of more than 3 dry, there are han, hui, Mongolian, full of national, provincial capital of taiyuan.

  In the area of Shanxi Province is located in the Yellow River basin, it is the birthplace of ancient civilization and brilliant culture of the Chinese nation's main. As early as in ancient times, the ancestors of the Chinese nation in the work, live and reproduce. According to legend, in the first ancestor of the Chinese nation, she went to the yellow emperor, emperor yan this activity; Chinese prehistoric yao, shun and yu are the three great man has a capital in shanxi. There are a lot of places of interest in shanxi, the existing national and provincial cultural relics protection units of thousands, grottoes, buddhist temple and art sculpture throughout the province, liao, before the floor of the wooden buildings account for more than 72% of the country, 119 national key cultural relics protection units, the first in the nation. The only four tang dynasty wooden buildings in the country. There are three in shanxi, anyhow, shanxi has a name of "treasure-house of ancient Chinese culture and art". After years of development and construction, tower yungang grottoes in datong, so, wutai mountain scenic area, mount heng, jin temple scenic spot, the ancient city of pingyao, the jin business culture tourist area, guandi temple courtyard, yongle palace, pujiu temple tourism resources such as the products are renowned at home and abroad. The ancient city of pingyao, cloud wind grottoes in particular, has successively UNESCO world heritage site.

  Shanxi Province is not only historical relics, natural scenery is spectacular. Shanxi Province has 11 national and provincial scenic spots, including national have a hukou, north wudang mountain, wutai mountain, mount heng, the five-old-man peak etc. 5; National and provincial natural reserve 11; 27 national and provincial forest park. The Yellow River flows through shanxi, 965 kilometers, in hukou, longmen, meng river formed the unique landscape, such as the door be tourists yearning place. King LingChuan python ridge in recent years, tin YaGou, HuGuan taihang grand canyon, NingWu rhizome bud mountain, Li Cheng huangya cave, jiexiu continous mountain, Yu County Tibetan mountains, activation of pythons river, qinshui calendar got preliminary development; At the same time, the establishment of tourism around the enthusiasm high, the development of tourism resources overall, good results have been achieved. At present, the opening of the main tourist area datong, Shanxi Province, wutai mountain, taiyuan, linfen, yuncheng, southeast shanxi, the province only receives more than 50000 people in more than 100 tourist scenic areas, attractions alone. 20 years of reform and opening-up, the foundation for the development of the tourism industry in shanxi conditions have improved greatly, in the province of the roads, communication facilities, profound changes have taken place in environmental health, reception service conditions can meet the demand.

  In the new century, shanxi through elaborate packaging, launched three major tourist areas, namely, in datong yungang grottoes, buddhist resort of wutai mountain of Shanxi Province Buddhism culture tourist area; In the ancient city of pingyao and jstars, canal, the wangs, cao cao and so on four compound jinzhong shanxi folk culture tourist area; In the Yellow River hukou waterfall, yuncheng solution state guandi temple be Huang Hegen progenitor culture tourist area.


  Everybody is good!

  My name is Han Jiexin, let's shanxi museum silk taeniasis and the road a little announcer of the courtyard. Today I showed you are a beautiful silk taeniasis and tour, I hope my service can make you satisfied. The first natural kind, natural explanation.

  You may know, silk sash from shanxi datong road, has been to extend to Rome, the whole road passed in over 20 countries, it may be the world's most long trade route. I'll introduce you to a squat run copper, the warriors of the cultural relics in 475 BC to 221 BC during the warring states period. Those high 40. 6 cm, and the time is in 1938, the site is xinyuan county 巩乃斯 henan now in xinjiang uygur autonomous region museum. To write the historical value or historical significance.

  A mysterious ancient loulan city before, China has been used to the eastern jin period. Around the 4th century AD loulan ancient mysterious disappeared, never appeared in the Chinese history, loulan people go to which, has always been a mystery? Explanation scope are very attractive.

  Next, I tell you some of the old Stone Age, the stone hit method has pounded, touch the anvil, ZaJi method. Dressing technology are: soft lamented, pressure stripping method, the indirect method, and so on. What are the typical stone to explain here.

  Today I service for you will come to an end. My name is Han Jiexin, hope you remember me. Thank you for your support and cooperation! Thank you again!


  hello everybody

  Historical and cultural city of pingyao is coming in our country, on the high brick wall is existing in our country is relatively complete one of the four ancient city of flat to halt the city. On December 3, 1997, UNESCO's world heritage committee passed a resolution, will China's ancient city of lijiang in yunnan province, Shanxi Province ping Tiao and jiangsu province suzhou classical gardens on the world heritage list. Now you can enjoy the ancient city of vision and relatively complete appearance.

  Pingyao ancient city, has a long history. According to the load: the western zhou dynasty Zhou Xuangong to resist the northern nomads, troops under Mr Jude, and built the Beijing city. Jing ling city was built in today in ling lining is about 7 km northeast of Beijing, Beijing ling two characters as place names have been in use today. This is the beginning of pingyao city, city is now almost Tiao predecessor. Since then, has been 2800 years old.

  When the flat send city was built in the now, no clear records in history. Around the northern wei dynasty too rot colophon yan emperor wudi, to avoid speak (cs17), change the original flat dingtao county to deny Tiao county. And receives moved here from elsewhere. Construction time should be after that. In wet long years of history. Here had her busy, also has repeatedly by the destruction of the war. We now see the wall, is the Ming dynasty hongwu three years, in 1370 the original soil expansion of heightening wall thickening and brick, since the Ming and qing dynasty, though several times maintenance, but the style is unchanged.

  Pingyao ancient city buildings to save a lot of, like the temple dacheng hall, city QingXuGuan, ShiLou, lung temple, guanque tower stage, etc. Is street residence. Also basic save the Ming and qing dynasties era style. Walking the streets, still can see all kinds of antique gates, courtyard Po, straw carving fine carved ancient architecture decoration, can even see the door of Ma Shi pile, dismount stone, etc., is the ancient city of style. Flat stem not only has a long history. And heroes and celebrities. Regardless of is to "deal with way" of intimidation, if jin dynasty historian Sun Cheng, write down the truth to "white snow to read" eternal sun kang of ancient figures such as, contemporary history research institute of Chinese academy of sciences late Hou Wailu deputy director of the institute, the late language hou straw has rested on Chinese literature research association Wang Yao, the artist Li Gou, famous singer LangLanYing was born in this ancient land. Flat for the ancient city of the famous historical and cultural city.


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