
陕西导游词 2023-10-30 网络整理 晴天




  Everybody is good! I am you the tour guide. You can call me xiao Chen.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors have been unearthed in xi 'an, it is the only one like you, are exquisite art treasures. Who knows the area have how old? Yes, that's 20xx0 square meters, there are about 50 basketball court, nearly eight thousand pit with the warriors. You want to know the origin of his? Let me tell you: there used to be a few farmers play well together, found some pottery, they went on well drilling, found that it was a channel. Trickling down look, they discovered the qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Good! Everybody together to have a closer look at!

  The variety of the terracotta warriors scale not only, and personality is distinct. You see, the burly, head, cranes, wearing armor, sword in hand is what figurines? He is the general figures. The appearance of the poses, a see will know that they are battle-hardened, mission leader!

  You come with me. The height of 1. 8 m what figurines, well-built, trim, wearing a shirt, wear armor, armed with weapons of figurines? Yes, that's the warriors.

  Who knows in short armour, under wear tight pants, left hand bows and arrows, what is right hand holding the REINS of the figurines? Wrong, is a cavalry figurines. You see, every terracotta warriors is a very fine art treasures. Look carefully, they look different,, approached them, seem to still can feel the slight breath! Ha ha!!!!!!!!!!

  Well, there are many wonderful things, everyone visit freely and enjoy yourself. Activity time, please pay attention to safety!


  Dear visitors:

  Hello, I am a tour guide Shen Rui, today very happy by my guide to visit the qin Terra Cotta Warriors, I hope you don't want disorderly throw of debris-brick, thank you.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is one of the eight wonders in the world. The Terra Cotta Warriors in xi 'an lintong unearthed, is famous in the world of precious historical relics.

  Terracotta warriors scale, which has been excavated three pit with a total area of 20xx0 ordinary meters, nearly eight thousand pit with the warriors. In three pits, a pit, the biggest thing long 230 meters, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors is also the most, there are more than six thousand, is now above the no. 1 pit has built a huge vaulted hall. The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, rows rows. Very neat, formed a huge army of rectangle is just like a qin shi huang was commander in chief travelling an invincible army. Many types of terracotta warriors scale not only, and personality is distinct.

  You see, the general figurines, warrior figurines, knight, TaoMa, each of the terracotta warriors is a beautiful work of art. Look carefully, of different: some moment low eyebrow thoughtfully, as if considering how to cooperate with each other, defeat the enemy. Some eyes, stately, seemed to be determined, bloody oath for qin unified the world.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors in the sculpture is unique in the history of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, arrange it perfectly simulate the ranks, the vivid emersion qin soldier millions, thousand chariots magnificent momentum.

  Thank you to visit the terracotta warriors, I hope you come again next time, I wish you good health, work smoothly.


  Dear visitors, everybody! I am your tour guide, surnamed xu, today I to lead everybody together are on a tour of the huge military museum, should take good care of cultural relic, when visiting, please don't litter.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors of xi 'an unearthed in China, the total area of 20xx0 square meters. Deep pit layout is reasonable, the structure is peculiar, pit 5 meters, set up a east-west main wall every 3 meters. Army, tall, armed with bronze weapons, these weapons have buried more than two thousand years, still if brightness is new. You feel very surprised!

  Ok, say so many, everyone to look at the general figurines! He crown, and a general figurines burly, wearing armor, cold light shinning sword in hand, chin and looked to the point, if it had been arranged that the countermeasure, waiting for the enemy to send to your door. By the way, it is said that before the qin dynasty, the emperor is looking for the living to compensate was buried after death. Later, a minister of emperor qin shi huang said: "previous dynasties but with buried the living. I think it is not very appropriate to you. Let create a skillful craftsman made of dirt that you have conquered, invincible army?" Qin shi huang think this idea is very good, agreed. So he formed the scale of qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

  We are moving the warriors. Terracotta warriors average about 1.8 meters tall and powerfully built, fit, they are wearing a shirt, wear armor, feet front end up war boots cock, armed with weapons, ready to go.

  Light has soldiers, there is no war not mark. You look at the horse, a horse horse body, muscle fullness. The itch to try, if commanded, casting its hooves, rose and set off on a journey.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is unique in DiaoSuShi of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Arrange it perfectly simulate the ranks, vividly the qin soldier millions, thousand chariots grand momentum, vividly demonstrates the power of the Chinese nation and heroism. I wish you all have fun, fun.


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