
四川导游词 2023-09-20 网络整理 晴天




  Dear visitors, everybody is good! Welcome to dujiangyan city sightseeing. Today, I have the honor to serve as your guide. Now please follow me. Please note: please don't litter, trample on flowers and plants, after go in spit everywhere. Thank you very much!

  Building early weir, the dujiangyan named Jian which ", The Three Kingdoms period called "float weir," famous "golden dam", called "Jian tail dam" in the tang dynasty, the song dynasty, the name "dujiangyan".

  Now you please get off the bus, and follow me, front is FuLong view. FuLong view is where the legend conquer nie bing dragon, now for the bing, bing existing stone and fly Long Ding FuLong view. Now, please visit FuLong view, collection here in half an hour.

  Please come with me, this is the calm bridge, also known as husband and wife bridge, is one of the five big bridge in ancient China, was built in the song dynasty, was destroyed by fire, the 17th century reconstruction in qing dynasty, and now the bamboo SuoGaiCheng wire, wooden stakes to concrete pile. Just a bridge, it is called "pearl pont Louis philippe," the song dynasty was renamed the "evaluation of bridge", until the rebuilt in the qing dynasty, was renamed the "peaceful bridge".

  Please tell me on the bridge, looked down, the river bed has four lie iron, respectively is the Ming dynasty wanli, dajing three years, four years, buried under 16 years of the republic of China and 1994 from the pile of the park have their reproductions exhibition.

  Now you can free activities, can go to visit from the pile of park, YaoWangMiao, two Kings temple, 5 PM is all set at the gate of the scenic spot.


  Each friend everybody is good! The ancestor of dujiangyan is known as "world water conservancy culture", is the national famous tourist resort. Today, the small dream to accompany you swim with dujiangyan, understand the water conservancy project, I wish you all a good sleep and eat good drink for fun.

  Dujiangyan is located in the town of dujiangyan irrigation mouth chengdu city, sichuan province, is China construction in the ancient and use of large water conservancy project so far. Dujiangyan is the qi shu satrap bing and his son built leads in about 265 AD, is the world so far, s the longest, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy project. Two lang absolute being is known to all, er lang shen bing is son, because bing no children, the legend. Built in memory of father and son, we are next to the two Kings temple, watching dujiangyan best lookout points. Today, we come to a reverse thinking - walk backwards. Dujiangyan, mainly divides into three parts, the fish mouth, fly sand dam and BaoPingKou, today, we from fish mouth at first.

  Yuzui water-dividing dike is also called "fish mouth", is named for its shape like a crocodile mouth, head on jiangxin of minjiang river, minjiang river can be divided into internal and external liangjiang, east of neijiang for irrigation farmland, on the west side of the outer river is used to having. Fish mouth has two main functions: water, the second eight sand. Two eight refers to the sediment deposition in the riverbed sand stone after fish mouth of neat rows of small stone, and outside the river sand (eighty percent), inner river sand (twenty percent). In this way, the water irrigation farmland would be very clear, because most of the sediment has been outside the river walk. Allocation water varies depending on the season, look at a few small island, next to the winter spring river is dry, the wind flow by several small islands in the "S" type, make its mainstream straight at neijiang, neijiang about water inflow, outside Jiang Jin. 4 into water; The surge of the summer rain, water level rises, the water is influenced by the island, no longer the mainstream straight at the river, the proportion of the internal and external jiang river will be automatically reversed: inner river, into the water about 4 about Jiang Jin water outside. Is such "fish mouth", ensure the local people in the mutagenicity of farmland and people's life in the use of water, in flood period to prevent the onset of flooding, really. , of course, there are few small islands and baizhang dike, abatis, Jin Gangdi assistance, "fish mouth" could not complete the task perfectly, it also tells us that in life, we also need friends helping each other.

  Now we ran down a stand - fly sand dam spillway. Fly sand dam with xie hong, desilting and adjust the significant function of water, mainly in the flood will BaoPingKou redundant outside the inner river water to the river, if there are any flooding, it will own levee breaches, let the water flow into the spillway, make a lot of regression of minjiang river flow, to ensure that people in chengdu is not affected by the flood disasters. The second function is desilting, when water gallop, due to centrifugal force formed by the vortex, the sediment or washed up, or to the spillway, the excess of sediment discharge into the river. Ancient sand dam, it is to use bamboo cage gravel pile of temporary works; Now switch to concrete casting, in order to protect the effect of once and for all.

  The following is our last stop -- BaoPingKou. BaoPingKou named after the deep image vase, "gate" role, can automatically control the neijiang into the water, is extended to the minjiang river Jian long ridge chisel open a hole, it is cut to artificial control the baopingkou water throat. BaoPingKou water will be split in two, two into four, four are divided into eight... Plain to irrigation, to each to each. In other words, if BaoPingKou stuck on, 60% of people in chengdu will have no water to drink. So BaoPingKou and fly sand dam is a "gang of aggravation" good brothers.

  Dujiangyan is composed of three major water conservancy project, if think dujiangyan as a fish, so the fish's head is "fish mouth", fly sand dam are the body of the fish, and BaoPingKou, is the tail of the fish. All, chengdu; River, minjiang river; Weir, dam. This is the origin of the name, dujiangyan, I hope you remember this "the ancestor of water conservancy project".

  Don't know you had open not happy? After a play, everyone "goo goo" called the belly, now we are heading for food army!


  The famous ancient dujiangyan water conservancy project, located in the west of dujiangyan city of sichuan, is installed with old XianJing and called at weir, said after the song dynasty and yuan dynasty DouJiang is known as the "eternal" alone "sichuan treasure". Two thousand years ago, bing and his son in front of the minjiang river water unruly, fire which from the heap. Fish mouth dam water, sand dam flood, BaoPingKou diversion, will be treated to a rain waterlogging of west sichuan plain, into the FDD from people, land of abundance of famine. The project until today still plays a role, known as "living water conservancy museum". Is the world s the longest so far, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy projects.

  More than one thousand eight hundred years ago, took a fancy to mount qingcheng Taoist founders Zhang Ling green beautiful, decided in the science of uniting the road. Qingcheng mountain line becomes more and more prosperous, but Taoism of guan yu and pavilions built between lies deep in the forest, with the mountains around the yanquan.

  Unique geographical conditions and the ecological environment has created from the heap lock gorge, ancient gold dike afterglow, north-west, which send, cold pool FuLong, flying Ze bridge, herself the supernatural, minshan chunxiao natural landscape, such as her, Aquarius, and the two Kings temple, FuLong view, peaceful ancient buildings such as bridge, the city god temple in photograph reflect, formed the mountain, water, city, Lin, dam, bridge, unique scenery, become the natural and cultural, human and environment, water conservancy and landscape harmonious fusion, the unity of nature and historic spectacle. With a strong ornamental, ecological and characteristic.


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