
意向书 2017-10-07 网络整理 晴天




  Employment Intention Letter

  甲 方(用人单位):_________

  Party A (Employer):_________

  乙 方(员工):_________

  Party B (Employee):_________


  According to the requirement of the company business and development, Party A intends to employ Party B. Party A and Party B come to the following employment intention on the basis of equality,free will and mutual consultation:

  一、工作内容:甲方拟聘用乙方在_______________岗位,从事_______________ 工作。

  Position: Party A will employ Party B on the position of__________, engaging in_______________.


  The prospective employment term shall commence from _____mth_____ day_____ yr and end on_____mth_____day_____ yr.


  Remuneration: Party B shall be entitled to ¥__________per month.


  Other items concerning the employment will be comfirmed when the contract is signed.

  甲方:__________________ 乙方:__________________

  Party A (common seal):__________ Party B (signature):____________

  时 间:________________ 时 间:______________

  Date:_______________ Date:_________________


  Party A: _ _ _ ( Employer )

  Party B: _ _ _ ( employing employees )

  According to the needs of the company's business and development, party a intends to employ party b, and both parties reach the following employment intention on the principle of equality, voluntariness and consensus through consultation:

  I. Work Content: Party A intends to employ Party B for _ _ _ _ _ jobs and _ _ _ _ _ jobs.

  II. Proposed employment term: from _ _ _ _ _ _ ( date ) to _ _ _ _ _ ( date ). For a period of years

  III. Wages and benefits: Party B's monthly salary is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan or annual salary is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yuan / year. ( excluding welfare subsidies )

  IV. Welfare Status:

  1. Party A shall pay Party B the corresponding social insurance ( including pension, medical care, work injury, unemployment, accumulation fund, etc. ) according to the national requirements, and the specific contents shall be agreed by both parties in the labor contract.

  2. Party A shall provide Party B with the staff dormitory where it works.

  3. Party B may enjoy family leave of absence on a monthly basis until Party B ends its separation.

  4. Both parties agree that in order to reassure Party B to work in Party A's heart, Party A agrees to give Party B _ _ _ _ _ % of the shares of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company ( based on the registered capital of the company at the time of signing the contract ) as Party B's development fund. It should be reflected in the labor contract signed by both parties.

  5. Other relevant treatment shall be carried out according to Party A's equivalent external personnel.

  V. Party B's obligations:

  1. After signing the letter of intent, Party B shall report to Party A within the time agreed by both parties;

  2. Party B shall not disclose the specific employment conditions to a third party after accepting the employment conditions of Party A;

  3. Party B shall not transfer its shares to a third party after accepting Party A's transfer of shares. If Party B withdraws from Party A's unit after the agreed term of work expires, it shall continue to hold shares or discount them according to the present value.

  4. Party B must abide by Party A's work arrangement after signing the labor contract.

  VI. Other matters will be discussed when the labor contract is signed.

  Seven, the agreement signed into force, in duplicate. Party A and Party B hold one copy each.

  Party A: _ _ _ _ _ Party B: _ _ _ _ _

  Time: _ _ _ _ _ Time: _ _ _ _ _


  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( employing unit ) employs foreign personnel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to take up the position of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, mainly engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work. The working mode is the shift system, working 5 days a week and 8 hours a day. Wages are RMB _ _ _ _ _ yuan / month and other benefits are RMB _ _ _ _ _ _. The contract period is from _ _ _ _ _ _ ( date ) to _ _ _ _ _ _ ( date ) and expires automatically.

  Seal of employer

  On the _ _ _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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