
云南导游词 2023-10-21 网络整理 晴天




  Kunming international horticultural expo park (hereinafter referred to as the expo) is 1999 kunming world horticultural expo site, located in northern suburb of kunming east mirage scenic area, about 4 km away from kunming city. Expo park covers an area of about 218 hectares, the vegetation coverage rate of 76.7%, of which 120 hectares of bushes thick gentle slope, the surface of the water accounts for 10% ~ 15%. Park overall planning involves up to the mountain, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities all over the country, local characteristics and style of landscape gardening products in 95 countries, yard construction and scientific and technological achievements in a garden, reflects the era of "man and nature, harmonious development" theme, is one who has a "yunnan characteristics, Chinese style, a world-class" grand view garden landscape gardening.

  Expo park mainly has five venues, seven thematic ZhanYuan 33, 34 ZhanYuan domestic and international ZhanYuan composition. The five venues include international pavilion, pavilion, pavilion man and nature, science and technology museum and big greenhouse; Seven thematic ZhanYuan: arboretum, bamboo garden, miniascape garden, YaoCaoYuan, tea garden, vegetable melon fruit orchards and meeting new flower art in the name of the rock garden; Three outdoor exhibition area: international outdoor exhibition, China outdoor pavilion and outdoor exhibition area. Various classes were cultivated transplanting plant 2551 species, more than 200 strains (bundle), of which 112 species of rare and endangered plants, and best of all the previous level A1 world horticultural exposition. Also in the area, the construction speed, the display of plant species, garden products, conjoined greenhouse, bamboo plant species, cupressaceae plant transplanting, cliff stone, etc. Eight most of the "guinness book of world".

  Park has special performances, every day parade, annulus movie entertainment activities, such as major holidays will have grand project activities.

  On May 1, 1999 - October 31, the Chinese government for the first time, the success of the expo held in kunming, yunnan in the late 20th century world one of the biggest international event - the world horticultural exposition A1 level. Since the morning, a total of more than 2300 tourists, received 26 foreign heads of state, as well as many well-known at home and abroad and more than 5000 Chinese and foreign journalists.

  As the world's only full retention of the expo site, expo garden with the world's largest and the most original landscape gardening grand view garden unique historical culture and landscape value, has become a cosmopolitan, nationality, gardening, high quality, uniqueness, not imitation, value sustainability site of cultural heritage.


  Travel to yunnan, there is a saying circulated widely: the ground to see the stone forest, 9 township to the downstream. The beauty of the stone forest is the peak, jiuxiang beauty lies in the valley. On the same day, however, that the stone forest and nine township better, credit, you can see the peaks and valleys at the same time, credit, you can feel the pleasure of peaks and valleys at the same time. Outside in the stone forest, you will see the peak, peak lake outside, outside the peak trees; In nine township, you will see that the hole with a hole, there are river in the hole, hole in one day.

  National key scenic area, the national AAAA level tourist area, international association - cave jiuxiang scenic area with a total area of 277.8 square kilometers, is located in kunming city in yunnan province, 90 kilometers from the provincial capital kunming, 28 kilometers away from the stone forest scenic area, is a unique international purpose of karst geological park. Jiuxiang scenic area is a karst cave landscape as the main body, in the natural scenery, cultural landscape, national amorous feelings together of comprehensive scenic spot, with hundreds of big and small caves, for the domestic scale is biggest, most the most unusual cave, karst cave landscape community system. Jiuxiang scenic area a total of six scenic area, i.e., has established the piled rainbow bridge scenery area and the construction of the proposed sceneries are three feet hole, big, moon lake (chai beach reservoir), and dragon scenic spot, the horseshoe river scenic area, road.

  Has now developed jiuxiang scenic area there are ten big JingYu: canyon tourist sightseeing elevator, Yin cui gorge, scare gorge, ancient river piercing, lion hall, fairy cave, male and female twin falls, tree-lined village, bat cave, and travel telpher. Among them, Yin cui gorge flat wave classical, beautiful scenery charming, known as the valley of a lover; Lion hall for the world unique underground hall, the hall area of 15000 square meters; Waterfall grand, abuse, such as Yellow River god Tian Jiwei magnificent, full of rurality, is a rare wonders of the world. It is no wonder that many visitors regrets ground say: "don't swim nine township, waste to yunnan." Jiuxiang ─ will leave unforgettable memories for you.


  Yunnan ethnic village is located in the north shore of dianchi lake haigeng sports, it is a sin in dianchi lake from east to west long peninsula beaches, commonly known as "haigeng sports". It covers an area of 20xx0 mu, there is a natural swimming baths and sports training base, good place for summer recreation holiday. It with the west mountain forest park, grand view park, zheng he park scenic area on the other side of the water. Of ethnic village to have cableway connection xishan longmen xishan scenic area of the loop. Recently for the development of tourism, has built the yunnan ethnic village and yunnan national museum. Set the main yunnan yi, bai, dai, miao, jingbo, wa, hani, naxi, lisu, dulong 25 ethnic minority villages, dance halls, national square and laser fountains, water curtain movies and other tourist facilities. Ethnic village with recovery of display, yunnan ethnic customs. Walked into the village see a different style of ethnic village distribution, strewn at random have send, each show charm, rich ethnic village construction, production, life and religious practices are faithfully display, is a microcosm of the yunnan ethnic culture.

  Yunnan ethnic village main gate is a group of rich and elegant, magnificent steel-frame architecture. Door hanging "yunnan ethnic village" five elegant hot stamping of characters, the middle is a wings off the golden peacock graphics logo, a symbol of the yunnan ethnic village auspicious happiness, prosperous future. Front of the gate is wide and smooth flow distributing plaza, the following is a group of vivid in the lawn. Lively Bai Xiangqun sculpture, called the "welcome" white elephants.

  Yunnan ethnic village scenic area within the amphibious staggered, pure and fresh and elegant, each village spots strewn at random have send, to meet different style. With green shade path pavilions corridors, arch bridge, the stone steps into the meshes, and fore and aft well versed in the dianchi lake avenue. Turn the water back to the tour line, road, away from her, fascinating. The surrounding natural landscape and advantaged natural adjustment, make ethnic village cuttlefish, profusion of the four seasons, every moment, every season, have their own beautiful scenery.

  Tourists in villages, in addition to understand the architecture of the yunnan nationalities, ethnic costumes, ethnic customs, also can watch the laser fountains, water curtain cinema, national song and dance, the elephants; Taste the ethnic flavor snack, buy national arts and crafts. Miss dressed in national costumes of the guide for visitors to provide tour guide service, explain the ethnic customs. Combined with ethnic festival, held in the village also bai's "march street", "water-splashing festival" of the dai, yi "torch festival", Su Su of jingpo people "tool rod festival", the "MuNao ZongGe" and the "three section" of the naxi nationality unique national characteristics of ethnic festivals, let people enjoy viewing, immersed in the sea of all ethnic groups, is an important tourist scenic spots in yunnan tourism.

  Yunnan ethnic village scenic spot has a variety of ethnic residential building, has a colorful dress clothes and have fun marriage customs and etiquette, colorful ethnic festivals, beautiful music and dance, both expo, recreation, vacation, catering services and other comprehensive supporting facilities.

  Yunnan ethnic village, auspicious dai village monastery, spectacular bai Dali three towers, the towering yi stockade, totem pole, has a long history of naxi dongba culture, wa the wooden drum, marriage customs of the blang nationality, the jino sun drum, lahu, lusheng dance, snow area plateau Tibetan buddhist temple, the dragon of hani door, deang place in Shanghai tower, jingbo wood brain ZongGe, zhuang bronze culture, peculiar mosuo matriarchal society legacy, and funny Asian group like performance, exquisite unique ethnic cuisine, diverse national culture and customs of the rich folk customs show, will make you intoxicated, linger.


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