
北京导游词 2022-08-17 网络整理 晴天




  Hello everyone, I am your tour guide, you can call me Chen. Today we are going to visit the place is famous as a "long" - the Great Wall in Beijing.

  The Great Wall is one of nine kinds of cultural heritage in our country, it has a long history.

  The Great Wall is built with persistence of millions of working people, how selfish when qin shihuang, unexpectedly with themselves, regardless of others. At that time no excavators, cranes and bulldozers, how much the sweat and wisdom of the working people to condense into the former does not see the end, after the head of the Great Wall.

  Overlooking the Great Wall, it looks like a dragon. It in 13000, built on the badaling, and tall, and strong. Starting from Beijing, 100 meters to came to the foot of the Great Wall. Every 300 meters there is a fortress, is concave and convex shape. The walls covered with rows of buttress, very fit.

  Under the Great Wall special capacious, can accommodate a car! The Great Wall of tourists crowd life every day.

  Another views is the Great Wall at the foot of the Great Wall and maturity of trees, standing on the Great Wall, can make a person enchanted in the view of the green?

  A visit to the end of today, please go home by bus.


  Distinguished visitors:

  How do you do! I'm very happy to do your guide, my name is Liu Hui, you have to do is call me lu. This time we will visit is the Great Wall is famous all over the world. During the visit, please don't litter, don't graffito of the scribble on the wall, thank you for your cooperation!

  Now we take the cable car to the foot of badaling, began to climb the Great Wall. With steep mountain, the Great Wall winding, it's like a living jinlong lie on it. From a distance, it is between the mountains winding, let me tell you, the Great Wall has more than thirteen thousand long, so they are known as the Great Wall. Look at far away from the beacon tower, white mist is like the beacon tower to put on a fine gauze, just like a picture full of poetry and song meaning, make we revel in it.

  Standing on the Great Wall, holding the stone on the wall, stepping foot square brick, we felt the working people of hard and tired to build Great Wall, look at these countless stone, a two or three one thousand jins weight, then without any tools, rely on countless hands and countless up the shoulder, it is conceivable that how hard they are! You will find that, in a square hole in the wall, is actually used to shot the enemy. Rows of buttress, every three hundred meters, there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops and war can mutual echo. Do you think we walk in the road is very wide, WuLiuPi horse can also parallel!

  We climb ah climb, finally climbed up the highest peak bawcock slope. We all are stretched his arms and breathe the fresh air, tourists often can not help but praise: "how beautiful motherland pieces!"

  The Great Wall is China the crystallization of the wisdom of working people, or the soul of Chinese sons and daughters. Let's go to protect it, enjoy it. I wish you all have a good time!


  Distinguished visitors, guys! My name is hu, you can call me xiao hu. We the tour destination is called buildings in architectural history a wonders of the world -- the Great Wall.

  The Great Wall, the mountains, the cliffs, wear a prairie, across the desert, ups and downs in the top of the mountains, across the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea. There are words you must know that "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall!" Today, let's also do one hero.

  Into the door before, I want to ask a question: "how long is the Great Wall?" Tell you, the Great Wall has more than thirteen thousand in the whole! From here, the Great Wall is more like a huge dragon, winding on the badaling! Now, we have stood in the doorway, the south east of here is a big battery? The artillery diameter is 105 mm long, 2.85 meters long, is called, "the general." Then why is called "the general"? Tourists friends, you guess! Yes, it is because the gun body casting have a named "troublesome compared to general".

  Dear visitors, we go forward, you should see the beacon tower! Yantai beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf, once the enemy pounce, kindle wars on the situation of the enemy: hundreds a smoke a gun, more than five hundred people burning two smoke gun... And so on. The ancients will lit the fire call sunshine during the day and night called flint. The scenery on both sides of the Great Wall is very beautiful, dear visitors look, pine and cypress, hidden-away east, birds, gurgling streams, everywhere is full of poetic.

  Sun yat-sen once said the Great Wall, "the engineering of the most famous, the Great Wall also.... engineering, ancient without his horse, for only one of the wonders of the world." Visitors, I hope you will be touring, be careful not to litter debris-brick rubbish, such as the last wish you have a good trip, bye!


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