
毕业赠言 2021-07-12 网络整理 晴天


  1) someone says, "everyone can be his own lucky architect."." May you build your lucky house with your own hands on your way forward.

  2) ah, you may go in time on the waves, ride the wind and waves, towards the success of the other side!

  3) may you be like that little stream, the high mountain as the starting point of life, all the way to jump, all the way Pentium, bravely and courageously to the sea of life......

  4) my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey.

  5) may you drive the ship of faith to the sea of hope and plough the white spray.

  6) you would like to be a tree: spring, mountain spit out the faint smell; summer, sprinkle with such as spring cool shade; autumn, give a sweet fruit tree; in winter, a dream of her energies!

  7) would you like the seeds, the courage to break through the sand, verdant shoots out of the ground, pointing to the sky.

  8) child, may you soon take off the childish delicacy, lift up the sails of creation, sail to maturity and sail to the golden coast.

  9) my dear child, you have the most enviable age, your roads ahead are golden, hope you grow up more quickly to get you a bright future.

  10) may you be the wind and muster the white sails; may you be the ship and cut the blue waves. Life is just ahead of you

  11) wish you in this short learning time, obtain the skill tenacious largeness of mind; like horse racing, over one and a Gaolan; let life sail on, towards the sea waves surging......

  12) at dawn, always good." May you love the spring of life, treasure the early morning of time, learn the plum blossom, contend for "the first branch of Dongfeng"".

  13) the beach of the sea of life in front of you is a golden manuscript. I wish you in this boundless Sujian, write poems with the ideal light of life!

  14) do not say that the time of day is insignificant. The long days of life are connected by the day. May you treasure every day of your life, and let every day move forward with vigor and vitality.

  15) at the bottom of the ocean of knowledge, like the bottom of the living sea, is a world of wonders. May you bravely go there and search for the mystery of this mysterious world!

  16) allow time to leave its diligent mark on the branches of knowledge, the leaves of wisdom, and the fruits of ripening!

  17) seize today! Firmly grasp it! Today every minute, have to make a difference, to make progress, something to climb!

  18) yesterday is history; tomorrow is still unknown; it is today that connects yesterday and tomorrow. May you hold this day tight in your hand!

  19) the most precious thing in the world is today. The easiest thing to lose is today, and may you treasure each of these days for the rest of your life.

  20) if tomorrow were a skyscraper, today would be the cornerstone of the building's longevity. Students, let us cherish this minute today, the cornerstone of the building played very solid.

  21) if you have ever wasted your time, please do not use sigh as compensation; tomorrow's journey is better than the passing years. The front is a fast move, the dawn of happiness!

  22) if you want to achieve excellent results, please carefully cherish and control your own time. You love your life, and you never waste time, for you know that time is the stuff that shapes life.

  23) the colorful nature is full of beauty, and there is beauty in the varied and polymorphic things, jumping in the beauty of time and space, waiting for the beautiful eyes to catch and seek!

  24) "the burning of oil by following the sundial Wu to poor, constant." All geniuses are the strongest cows. They work eighteen hours a day and work tirelessly.

  25) as the dusk dawn, time will follow; take success for starting performance will continue to emerge.

  26) this is the final sprint. Go ahead, victory will be won by the most endurance!

  27) a person's life is like four seasons: spring sowing, summer long, autumn harvest and winter experience. Friends, take your youth spirit, to sow the seeds of happiness!

  28) accumulate money, never read". The accumulation, accumulation, accumulation, snow will be pregnant a vast river.

  29) because of the numerous hills and streams converge, sea can set off Hong Bo Julan; because of accumulation of every little bit, the water of the sea is inexhaustible. Go and gather, boy, and be willing to possess the sea of knowledge.

  30) love books! Please believe: it is the cornerstone of all buildings and monuments, it is the root of all dongliangzhicai.

  31) knowledge is a selfless horse, who can control it, who it belongs to.

  32) knowledge is the wings of the rising sun, the antidote to fear, and the right of man to hide in knowledge. Let us never tired of studying, race against time, and strive to be a profound vision of people.

  33) knowledge is the root of long suffering sweet fruit.

  34) if life is a river, you are ready to move persistent leaf boat; if life is a leaf boat, you would like to be a seaman regardless of the weather.

  35) hope is a tough crutch, patience is a travel bag, take them with you, you can go on a journey of eternity, travel all over the world.

  36) do not learn the flowers, just wait for the spring, learn the swallow, and take the spring.

  37) scrap iron can become useful steel, because it can withstand painful discipline.

  38) I wish you are always running horse.

  39) you are smart, you are kind, and you are active. Sometimes you dream, sometimes you have silence, in silence and in meditation, looking at the illusion. Little you will grow up, small you will mature, wish you more strong, and wish you more confident!

  40) you gain today with wisdom and knowledge, and you will accept tomorrow's challenge with wisdom and determination. May you keep the indomitable spirit.

  41) your genius is like a spark, and if you use diligence and hard work to support it, it will turn into a raging fire, emitting its incomparable light and heat.

  42) you have wisdom as well as a pair of hard hands. No matter where you are, happiness and happiness are always with you!

  43) with your self-confidence, with your cheerful, with your perseverance, as well as my blessing, you will be able to sail to the other side of the ideal.

  44) you are the bud of the season, you are the eagle of the wings, tomorrow is your world, and everything is shining because of you.

  45) noble ideals are the guiding light of life. With it, life will have a direction; with it, the heart will feel full. Take a firm step and set your goals!

  46) self love makes you dignified; self-esteem makes you elegant; self support makes you free; self strengthening makes you work; confidence makes you firm...... All this will lead you on the road to success.

  47) I deeply understand how much time has been spent and overcome so many difficulties that you have achieved your immediate achievements. Please believe that in your pursuit of hard work and hard work, I will always stand beside you with a smile on my face.

  48) when you are alone, the wind is my song, may it bring you a moment of comfort; when you are proud, the rain is my alarm, I hope it can bring you eternal humility.

  49) beauty is wisdom, quietness. I wish you clever, I wish you progress!

  50) a wise man does what is for today; a lazy man who does what is yesterday; a fool who pushes what happened yesterday to tomorrow. May you be a wise child! May you be the master of time!

  51) tomorrow, this is a beautiful and brilliant, reflects the colorful and charming words. May your tomorrow be infinitely beautiful, unlimited, brilliant and charming!

  52) God helps those who help themselves. No man is born a genius without diligence. May you work hard day and night as soon as possible!

  53) spring is a green world, and autumn is a golden world. May you use the youth of green to brew the future rich autumn!

  54) my sincere congratulations, with wisdom and talent courage and perseverance, opens one to belong to your land,.

  55) you have a pair of wings. Fly hard, be not for wind and rain; fly in earnest, and be not drunk with sweet honey. Towards a clear goal, fly to a better life.

  56) life is a profound book. Others' notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you discover and create something new.

  57) you are a rowboat in the harbor of youth. May you sail with the sails of faith and sail with the dream of hope to the vast ocean.

  58) better as an ideal, in the call to you. You are a drop of water, all will be active in the motherland of the sea!

  59) let the clouds the sun always accompany you to go to far-off regions; flowers and grass out your lofty quest of the future.

  60) the sea of life has spread its golden path, and the waves are lined with waving bouquets of welcome. The courage to go, friends! Forward, has sounded the war conch; rosy clouds are flying the banner of flowers......


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