
山东导游词 2023-05-08 网络整理 晴天




  First of all, we came to the "human penglai", it is located in penglai pavilion at the entrance of scenic spot, middle frontal subject "human penglai" four glittering gold characters, this is the song dynasty scholar su shi hand stitch. After "world penglai" lane, straight forward, got to "danya wonderland", it is a glorious, towering spectacular, listen to the tour guide said, "danya wonderland", is the door of the "wonderland", if visitors step across the past, immediately became a fairy, if two step across the go a fortuneteller. Step after the immortal, we visited the grandeur of the dragon palace, of primitive simplicity and elegant, temple, finally came to the "". The eight immortals is said to have drunk here after the situation across the sea roam, peng lai pavilion that is the reason.

  "Penglai pavilion" is a layer of wall engraved with the "hula" sunrise, "night tide crescent", "thousand welcome broken jade", "Wan Licheng wave", "mountain city" now, "leakage day run 10" scenery friezes, second is built according to the pattern of "the eight immortals drunk" statue. The cabinet top, let a person have a state of mind, happy to exceed the open and free from vulgarity. On the cabinet body, staring at the blue sky, white clouds, white looked down at the surface of the ocean waves, the seagulls fly at sea, in the distance, and sometimes a few fishing boats, fishing sailed on the sea. Came to the city of appreciation "penglai pavilion" is a beautiful scenery, the first danya mountain, clear water with HaoMang set each other off, attic at the top, as if inlaid in the trees even ladies' eye, in the next to a beacon of commanding, spectacular, just as soldiers guarding penglai pavilion, is standing majestically on the cliffs. Surrounded by a wall of lists of the majestic mountains, majestic, good a "XianGe big empty" figure! Have to go, my heart can not help but sigh, "the world penglai" is really better than wonderland!


  Penglai pavilion has many moving legends. Shanhaijing and I book, all the penglai, the abbot, yingzhou three mountain alive, so he drew the king, the king YanZhao sent out explorers to seek god mountain in the sea, medicine, emperor qin shihuang east tour o USES fangxian. According to history record, penglai to often appear a north sea, the scattered gas, get together and forming, elusive and unpredictable. Later people and spread the story of the eight immortals, in penglai sea, make the person feels penglai pavilion fantasy and mystery.

  An enter a door, he saw a door, the above questions with four Chinese characters "world penglai", is the calligraphy and painting works of liu haisu problem on both sides of the "magic spectacular penglai pavilion, momentum XiongJun danya mountain" and feixinwo inscribed "danya Joan pavilion is at large, blue fairy if mind leap" couplets. Heard people say, just enter the gate, is a fairy. Whose tree-lined trail, paved with stones is individual flourishing of ancient buildings on both sides, give a person a kind of of primitive simplicity.

  MiTuo, I first entered the MiTuo temple, is one of the three holy in so-called western amitabha's referred to as "(the west three holy refers to amitabha, the goddess of mercy, trend to). MiTuo temple, temple worship amitabha. MiTuo visited the temple, and the correlation, the dragon king main hall, a king John lone as it landed in the hall, very dignified. The dragon king of tripterygium wilfordii dianmu, patrol sea hag, clairvoyant clairaudient, catch fish lang and wind the rain god Siva, they is to protect the security of the dragon king, the second is to help the dragon king Ms. Shi.

  Penglai pavilion pavilion stand on danya mountain side of red ochre, Lord, by the sea, blue sky foil, is barrier with field horizontal majestic mountains, north long mountain island, saury water village in the south, having a unique style, vivid. On the shelf, there is the feeling of free from vulgarity. Pavilion on a picture of a couplet: "nine thousand day, towering the ladder way; thirty thousand the Caspian sea, the waves wind", express the imposing manner of shelf. Pavilion ring around to Ming gallery, it is a view the best place to admire the view, overlooking the city. Lifted up his eyes, here is a sports a diffused. People often say that jianghai broad, can polyester vulgar and wash lung bowel, you would believe in here. The penglai pavilion on the second floor length of 13.75 meters, 8.55 meters deep, all around the corridors, wooden grid helps column, east, west, north three sides of the wooden screen, the north window, for visitors to watch the sea. South door book "the big spring melting", in the forehead book "shenzhou scenic spot". Pavilion in the north hung in the middle of the qing dynasty famous TieBao calligraphy calligraphy "penglai pavilion" plaques, font of powerful vigorous. Indoor wooden beams painted "penglai ten scene", "bamboo wind figure", etc. Display the eight immortals of square table, chair, rendering the immortal culture atmosphere, make the visitors feel the fairy culture of brush. Wen-huan huang in 1984, Vietnam friends visit penglai pavilion, TiLian on the court, "ensemble, rumors so many odd; everything by the people, you've got a great view."


  Fairyland penglai pavilion is located in the city of the northern littoral danya mountain, with the yueyang tower, yellow crane tower, tengwang pavilion, and known as "China's four famous towers", we already put it as a trip to yantai to must-see, when we boarded the one thousand pavilion, at the same time of enjoying fairy wind chaton, also deeply felt its magical and mysterious and great courage.

  When it comes to its magic, always let a person full of praise. At the foot of the mountain to appreciate penglai pavilion, danya mountain first, with clear water HaoMang set each other off, attic at the top, as if inlaid in the trees even ladies' eye, in the commanding position next to the lighthouse, majestic, like soldiers to protect penglai pavilion, is standing majestically on the cliffs. Surrounded by a wall of lists of the majestic mountains, spectacular, is really a beautiful picture of XianGe dives. Looking down from the penglai pavilion, the ever changing under the cliff, great tide, atop the, wide, not only can let a person feel the sea vast, good luck can also see a mirage of the world wonders.

  Tour guide told us that most of penglai mirage in June each year, sometimes appear in the summer and fall, for a long time, a few hours, short a few minutes, is not seeking to be, it is a pity that we failed to see the spectacle. Impressive and shelter pavilion, it is in the west side of penglai pavilion, windowless, linhai side doors open. Tour guide told us that the outside the wind again big, the interior is also stagnated but because of the high north of the wall to the halfway up the pavilion, the wall of the outer wall with arc, when the north wind blow to the curved walls will rise sharply, flying over the roof to the south. Unfortunately we have no same prepared a box of matches to try.


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