
上海导游词 2022-12-21 网络整理 晴天




  Shanghai, a very modern city and do not break the traditional Chinese characteristics on the bund, old-fashioned western building hand in photograph reflect with the skyscrapers of pudong modern; Xujiahui cathedral SAN poem sound, the jade Buddha temple cigarette curled up...

  Mixed with the change and status quo has been the rise of international metropolis. The old shikumen construction today is already popular elements and the brand; Once across the river in the passage of today has been replaced by magnetic suspension and the most international airport; Past happy valley has become the park today, who would have thought that arc Wu Shenglu is hundreds of years ago. A corner. Constant is more than hundred years Shanghai has been China business center, meeting places of wealth, is the root and the world the most cohesive ties.

  Shanghai is second only to China famous Hong Kong "shopping paradise" : "the Chinese business first street" nanjing road, the prosperous elegant huaihai road commercial street is a national; Zhengda plaza, Hong Kong exchange square size; Hang lung plaza, department store with top brand, fashion goods, public goods, etc.

  Began in the early yuan dynasty, the founding of Shanghai to the 16th century, Shanghai has become the national cotton textile manufacturing center, the middle of the 19th century, Shanghai has become a bustling port gates. After the opium war, Shanghai was colonialists bi "treaty ports". After the liberation of Shanghai, and gradually walked out of a very large city development new road, to become one of the biggest economic center in our country. Shanghai has two airports, pudong airport and hongqiao airport. Pudong airport on a day of more than 560 flights, routes covering more than 70 international (regional) city, more than 60 domestic cities. Hongqiao airport, average daily on more than 540 sorties.

  Main attractions: Shanghai maglev train, the Oriental pearl tower, the international conference centre, 88 - storied jinmao building, Shanghai museum, the nations building expo, yuyuan garden, the bund "a big" site of the communist party of China, the grand view garden, etc.

  Shanghai is also an emerging tourist destination, due to its profound cultural background and numerous historical sites, such as Shanghai puxi landmark, the bund and xintiandi. But in had in the pudong new area, presents another prosperous scene: the Oriental pearl radio and television tower and jinmao tower, Shanghai world financial center building constitute one of the world's most magnificent skyline, the center will be built in Shanghai in 20xx, are more likely to put on the "Oriental Paris" brilliant.


  Shanghai, is China's largest economic center and trade port, is the nation's largest comprehensive industrial city, also is the national important science and technology center, trade center, finance and information center, is located in 31 degrees north latitude 14 points, east longitude 121 degrees 29 points. Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta front, the east faces the east China sea, south is near hangzhou bay, west of jiangsu and zhejiang provinces, north of the Yangtze river estuary, is located in central China's north-south coastline, convenient transportation, vast hinterland, the geographical position is superior, is a good jianghai port. Comprises in chongming island, covers an area of 1041 square kilometers, is the third largest island in China.

  Shanghai 100 km wide from east to west, north and south long 120 km, the city's land area of 6340.5 square kilometers, including outer ring within the city covers an area of 610 square kilometers. Existing 18 districts (huangpu district, xuhui district, luwan district, jing 'an district, changning district, zhabei district, putuo district, yangpu district, hongkou district, baoshan district, qingpu, minhang district, the pudong new area, jiading, jinshan and songjiang districts, nanhui, fengxian) (for) and 1 county. Shanghai north subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, full of sunshine, abundant rainfall. Short, moderate and moist climate of Shanghai in the spring and autumn, winter and summer is longer than the other. A year 60% of rainfall concentrated in flood season from may to September, flood season have a spring rain, rainy, autumn rain three phases of the rain. Change and clear all the year round: long winter and summer, short spring, autumn, winter, about 126 days, and around 110 days in summer, spring and autumn season two together about 130 days. Annual average temperature was around 16 ℃, July and August is the highest temperature, monthly average of about 28 ℃; Lowest in January, the monthly average of about 4 ℃. Winter without cold, summer without heat, can travel throughout the year, and the two season, spring, summer is the best tourist season.

  Shanghai's history is not long, but opened since 1843, formed the five party clans, a blend of Chinese and western cultural characteristics. Shanghai's new financial securities, futures, foreign exchange and technology such as the establishment of the national market, established the position of Shanghai as a national resource allocation center, but also accelerated the pace of Shanghai's economy and international standards. In October 20xx, the APEC conference was held in Shanghai, Shanghai as one of the new century international economic, financial and trade center status has been preliminary established. Entering the 21st century Shanghai, prosperity and open here sow, Oriental pearl TV tower, jinmao tower, Shanghai international conference center, pudong international airport, all depict the international metropolis the open prospects, of the 21st century Shanghai, glory and dream here convergence, Shanghai museum, Shanghai grand theatre, the urban planning museum, all make a broad feelings of international metropolis. In the new century of Shanghai has become a modern and fashionable international, specimen!


  Article 1: introduced general situation of Shanghai's commentaries

  Hereinafter referred to as Shanghai. The Yangtze river estuary is located in China. Shanghai municipal area of 5800 square kilometers and a population of 13.49 million, the urban population of about 8.7 million, is China's largest city, is also one of the metropolis in the world. Shanghai a humid subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons. One, in the coldest, lowest temperature is 5 ℃ to - 8 ℃, usually the hottest July, the highest temperature 35 ℃ - 38 ℃. In mid-june to early July is plum rains season every year.

  Shanghai ancient fishing village by the sea. In the spring and autumn for wu, when the warring states period for ChuGuoChun shen jun principality. The song dynasty town, said the Shanghai. A city in 1927. Now the capital of China's three big one of the municipalities directly under the central government.

  Shanghai city history began in the yuan dynasty to yuan July 28 years, from 1291 on August 19, build county court approval of Shanghai. This day as the anniversary of the founding of Shanghai, more than 700 years ago.

  Because Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta, and the conjugate of the Yangtze river exports, so Shanghai is China's important gateway. In the 17th century it has become a flourishing port. High on the huangpu river boat, Chinese and foreign vessels, and with flies. But in old China, especially after the opium war in 1840, more than 100 years, the Shanghai become imperialism for political, economic and cultural aggression against China's stronghold. In 1842, the British imperialism forced the qing government to sign the treaty of nanjing which will be Shanghai listed as one of the five trading ports. Later, the United States and France imperialism and forced the qing government to unequal treaties, strong monarch concession in Shanghai, take the customs, stationed troops, to set up the room, to obtain the consular jurisdiction. In under the protection of the privilege, they are a large number of dumping goods, opening bank, company, factory, operating a variety of public utilities, drug trafficking. At that time in Shanghai is called "the paradise of adventurers". Since then, Shanghai gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of the deformity development of industry and commerce city.

  Today's Shanghai is China's largest industrial city. Shanghai since the founding of further development of the textile industry, at the same time, the rapid development of heavy industry, metallurgy, petrochemical, machinery, electronics and other industries. In recent years, Shanghai's aviation, aerospace, automotive industry also is on the rise, has become a comprehensive industrial base can produce high-tech products. Shanghai gross industrial output value accounts for the one over ten, taxes andprofits accounts for about one 5 of the country. Shanghai is China's largest commercial and financial center, both internal and external trade in the country's first major trade center, social total retail sales of goods are among the top of the three municipalities directly under the central cities in China. Clothing, children's toys, cloth, leather, cosmetics, gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of traditional crafts, foods, breed of design and color is complete, is a famous shopping center at home and abroad.

  Shanghai is in the western Pacific region important international port city. Shanghai is known as the economic artery of Shanghai, has more than 50 each berth, port throughput which accounts for a third.

  Shanghai is China's largest industrial technology base, has more than 800 scientific research institutions, 550000 technical personnel, more than 50 full-time colleges and universities.

  Shanghai tourism industry has developed rapidly, the main attractions are yu garden, the jade Buddha temple, the longhua temple, the zoo, a big site of the communist party of China, sun yat-sen and lu xun's former residence, Confucius temple, jiading guyi garden, songjiang simulating, drunken Bai Chi, drawing from fort, etc.


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