
四川导游词 2023-09-03 网络整理 晴天




  Hi, I'm a tour guide will take you to jiuzhaigou valley. My name is lee, you can call me lee.

  Do you know where the jiuzhaigou? Let me tell you! Jiuzhaigou in sichuan province in the north of nanping, pingwu, songpan three border line of hills, there are a few of magic valley. Because the scattered around nine Tibetan villages, so people call it the jiuzhaigou.

  Now let's from 40 km west to the nanping, just arrived in jiuzhaigou. Enter the scenic area, you will feel like came to a fairy tale world.

  You see, what beautiful jiuzhaigou! Li xuefeng inserted into the sky, the summit of silver. Large and small lakes, like a diamond in the ribbon burging valleys. Here the lake bottom, the lake stones glow. From the valley to the slopes, covered with virgin forest. Whenever the weather is sunny, blue sky, white clouds, xuefeng, forest, was reflected in the lake, a joyful colourful pictures. No wonder there are a lot of tourists to call it a "five flowers", "multicolored pond"! How do you know the tall majestic waterfall formed? Rugged, is due to the valley between the lake and lake like themselves the steps of the natural. The resulting series of strewn at random discretion waterfall, like white practice, suspension yinhua scattered, very spectacular.

  Let's continue to move down inside, Lin deep and leafy around, visitors will become scarce. Do you know where we? Ha ha! Let's now come to cherish animals often infested areas. Luck, maybe, you will see a posture stout golden monkey, are hanging in a tree climbing, beaming with a pair of clever little eyes peep to you. Perhaps, there will be a group of good at running antelope suddenly jumped out, haven't you see them, and disappear in front of the bushes. May, in the thick bamboo forest in the distance, found a likeable panda, was sitting in it as if nothing has occurredly chewing the fresh bamboo leaves. Maybe, you will see a quick baby pandas, running under the bottom slope on the lake with alacrity to look in the mirror.

  Jiuzhaigou snowy peaks piercing the clouds, rare and ancient towering, pinghu feibao, animals... You see, what beautiful jiuzhaigou! The following time, please visit freely.

  This trip to jiuzhaigou to this end, and thank you for your cooperation, I also hope you to our company put forward valuable Suggestions, I finally loyal wish you a pleasant journey!


  Hello, your visitors today by let me to introduce you to the jiuzhaigou valley. My name is Xu Chuchu, you can call me xiao xu, also can call me hui guide.

  Jiuzhaigou in sichuan province, northern qinghai-tibet plateau and the loess plateau junction. Is located in the mountains, the pictureque bank of the Yangtze river tributaries, about 720 square kilometers, the top 1000 meters. Dear visitors, we first appreciation on the top of the mountain. We should pay attention to safety, we take a tour cart.

  Now we came to the top of the hill. Here at the age of snow, and at the foot of the mountain valley in green basket of flowers and plants, CengLinJinRan, bubbling streams. Do you want to know why so pure and fresh the air here? Because of the no exhaust soot pollution, so the sky more blue, the clouds whiter. This unique landform has produced there different styles of beautiful lake and mountain towering stands. Well, you a breath of fresh air here first!

  Come down from the top of the hill is a clear waters. Jiuzhaigou lake is the show, was known for. Many lakes, big and small. What is a turquoise lake elsewhere, and there are blue, just like in the shallow sea of color. Lake is near the castle peak, and the lush green mountains and blue sky white clouds reflected on the calm water of the lake together, difficult points and the actual situation, if you took pictures here, so must turn it over to pour the past do not know how to take the photos is positive. Mostly lighter, small lake bottom, the bottom color, many orange red fish swimming freely. Most notably, the local water containing a certain minerals, elder JinMan, formed many sizes, shapes and colors of gorgeous color pool, and under different illumination time changing colors, dazzling, really like to enter the world jade pool. You can taste the spring water here!

  Visitors, now you can take ten minutes here, free for a walk, enjoy the beautiful scenery here, but remember not to go too far, it's easy to find, also, to wear the hat on tourism SheFa, it makes it easier for us to find. After ten minutes, we are to meet in this place, go to the next destination.


  Everybody is good! I am the jiuzhaigou tour guide Li Zhuoheng, everybody call me lee.

  I'll introduce you to the source of the location and name of jiuzhaigou!!!! In northern sichuan, nanping, pingwu, between the three songpan county of hills, there are a few of magic valley. Because the scattered around nine Tibetan villages, so people call it the jiuzhaigou.

  Let's now from 40 km west to the nanping, can come to jiuzhaigou valley. Enter the scenic area, everybody is like in a fairy tale world.

  You can see past xuefeng inserted into the sky, the summit of silver. Large and small lakes, like a diamond in the ribbon burging valleys. The lake bottom, the lake stones glow. From the valley to the slopes, covered with virgin forest. The weather is sunny today, you can see the blue sky, white clouds, xuefeng, forest, was reflected in the lake, constitutes the narrating colourful pictures, no wonder people call these lakes "five flowers", and "multicolored pond"? Due to the valleys rugged, like themselves between lake and lake natural level. The resulting series of strewn at random discretion waterfall, like white practice, suspension yinhua scattered, spectacular. You for a moment must have a good watch!

  Continue to deep, deep Lin and leafy everywhere, everyone can find visitors are increasingly scarce. Note that at this moment we have walked to the rare animals often infested areas. Perhaps, is not far away, there was a posture stout golden monkey, are hanging in a tree climbing, beaming with a pair of clever little eyes peep to you. Perhaps, there will be a group of good at running antelope snot out, haven't you see them, and disappear in front of the jungle. Maybe, good luck, will be thick bamboo stands in the distance, found a panda panda, is sitting casually and chewed fresh bamboo leaves. Maybe, we will see a quick baby pandas, running under the bottom slope on the lake with alacrity to look in the mirror.

  Snowy peaks piercing the clouds, rare and ancient towering, pinghu feibao, animals... Jiuzhaigou is a fairyland filled with poetic! You for a moment must be a good play!

  My introduction finished, thank you! Hope you can give the company put forward valuable Suggestions. Finally, I sincerely wish you have a good trip!


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