实 习 证 明 书
签名盖章(实习单位):______________________ 日期: 年 月 日
签名盖章(校方代表):______________________ 日期: 年 月 日
签名盖章(学 生):______________________ 日期: 年 月 日
企业管理学系 办公室
1、certificate and appraisal of internship
(china fortune securities co. ltd, was established in august , filiales of which are distributed in beijing, guangdong province and so forth in china. up to the end of , the company had already possessed equity 3.1 billion, net equity appropriately 2.4billion. china euro securities limited which china fortune securities co., ltd holds 66.7% shares is the first sino-foreign equity joint securities company, ltd after china entering wto. the business it runs includes stockbroking, asset management, securities investment and so forth.)
address: road, , province, china
is the student who majors in of school from promotion in university. she has been recruited as apprenticeship in china fortune securities firm at , from august 11th, to august 22nd, .
under our guidance, this student has practiced in both sales department and consultation department. she has studied a number of operations associated with consultation and counter works, such as opening accounts, cancelling accounts, transferring accounts, the escrow system of client transactional capital and so forth. and this student has already got a well understanding of and grasped the process of securities exchanging and internet operation. during the internship, this student had been working diligently, quick to learn and passionate to learn more.
hereby used as an evidence.
signature of director and company seal
2、certificate and appraisal of internship
, the student who majors in of school from promotion in university, has had internship in , from august 1st, to august 9th, .
the student has practiced in , learning how to make annual budget for governments,how to allocate transfer payment ,the major policies associated with budgeting and so forth. she always learned from the experienced elder colleagues actively ,taking advantage of the knowledge learned at school vividly and concretely to the work. in addition, she was conscientious as well as eager to learn , asking a great many of questions and presenting some of her own opinions, a number of which are profound and meaningful.
hereby used as an evidence.
signature of director and bureau seal:
写读后感在褒贬人物、剖析事理、针砭时弊等方面都要有独到的见解。笔者就近几年来参加市中考、市、区、校、报刊作文竞赛,指导文学社团写作训练等实践活动,谈谈自己肤浅的感受和体会,就教于大方之家。 读后感从文体上看,属于议论文的范畴。它的着重点在于“感”,它是抒发和阐述自己对原文所记叙的事件、描写的人...
要明确记叙文的六要素: 人物、时间、地点、开端、发展、高潮 这几个要素必须要在文章中有充分的体现,不论写人的记叙文,还是记事的记叙文,都要求写作时要注意利用好六个要素表达自己想要表达的思想情感。 1、人物是记叙文中表达作者情感的重要部分,即使是写事的记叙文也要依靠人物来完成主题的表达,因而...
怎样写好工作总结 什么是工作总结 工作总结是对前段社会实践活动进行全面回顾、检查、分析、评判,从理论认识的高度概括经验教训,以明确努力方向,指导今后工作的一种机关事务文体。它是党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体都广泛使用的一种常用文体。 总结的写作过程,既是对自身社会实践活动的回顾过程,又是人...
预备党员预备期满时,应主动向所在党组织提出转为正式党员的书面申请。 一、转正申请书的主要内容 1、自己是什么时候被接收为预备党员的,什么时候预备期满,并正式向党组织提出转为正式党员的申请。 2、自己成为预备党员以来,在思想、工作、学习等方面有哪些成绩和进步(包括在入党时党组织和同志们所指出...
商业计划书是为了展望商业前景,整和资源,集中精力,修补问题,寻找机会而对企业未来的展望。可惜,现在人们只认为商业计划书是用来申请风险基金。其实商业计划是为了预测企业的成长率并做好未来的行动规划。 商业计划书主要包括: 1. 执行摘要:它出现在商业计划书的最前面不过应我建议这部分应在最后完成。...
本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写规范 为规范本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写格式,进一步保证本科生毕业论文(设计)质量,特制定本规范。 一、毕业论文(设计)撰写结构要求 1、题目:应简洁、明确、有概括性,字数不宜超过20个字。 2、文献综述:一般不少于1000字。 3、摘要:要有高度的概括力,语言...
一、如何选择问题 我一直萦绕于怀的,是在写博士论文开题报告的一年多时间里,导师薛澜教授反复追问的一个问题:“你的 puzzle 是什么?”多少次我不假思索地回答“我的问题就是,中国的半导体产业为什么发展不起来。”薛老师问题以其特有的储蓄,笑而不答...
1 写----重写----再修改: 写作没有特别的捷径,只有一写再写,才能写出精炼的文章 2 从别人批评中得到建议: 别人比你客观,他们的批评很有帮助,透过质疑可以逼我们想得更清楚,最好有不赞同的意见,可以逼我们凸显论点 3 要有推论重点及观点: 没有重点,文章词组再美,文法再无懈...
1 转正申请书的基本写法. 转正申请,是预备党员在预备期满时向党组织提出转为正式党员的书面材料。 转正申请书的基本书写格式及内容通常如下: (1)标题。一般为“转正申请书”,居中书写。 (2)称谓。即申请人对党组织或党支部的称呼,一般写“敬爱的党组织&r...
“人在职场走,哪有不辞职”,改革开放带来一大变化就是:多数人不会一辈子只从事一份工作了,那么辞职就是成为多数职场人士都要面对的问题。辞职其实也是一门学问,如果辞职者不了解辞职的程序,不能握好一些辞职的技巧,很有可能给自己造成一些不必要的麻烦或损失。 俗话说,&ldquo...